But What Yun Qianmo clearly loves is the girl called the ball.

Luo Feiqi suddenly some dare not look directly at cloud Qian Mo's eyes, she nodded, got off the car, when turning back, whispered: "be careful on the way."

For two or three days, it was as plain as water. When Yu Qingshang was free, she came to luofeiqi and stayed at home like a corpse.

It's just that the company called and said that it was looking for an assistant for her. Just let her wait.

Luo Feiqi knew that he was too humble and had no right to choose, so he just agreed.

"Feifei, have you found that in the past two days on the Internet, your news has stopped a lot, almost no more."

Yu Qingshang chewed gum, with the remote control in hand, and casually changed the channel to her.

Luo Feiqi has been paying attention to it all the time in the past two days. It seems to be like this: "yes, but you know, my company doesn't pay attention to me at all. Where will it do public relations for me?"

Yu Qingshang suddenly remembered the cloud manager she saw that day and said, "ah, Feifei, do you think it's Yun Qianmo who did it for you?"

Luo Feiqi hears Yu Qingshang say so, move in the heart, is really cloud Qian Mo?

She unconsciously thought of that day, cloud Qian Mo's hand stroked his hair that temperature, so warm, let her some nostalgia.

Yun Qian mo.

"The way I look at you from Yun Qianmo has become more and more loving." Yu Qingshang suddenly sat up straight to Luo Feiqi, and the whole person was shining with a light of eight trigrams.

"Don't talk nonsense! He has people he likes. " Luo Feiqi said this sentence, he did not notice that his tone fell down unconsciously.

"What!" Yu Qingchang looked incredulous and said, "it's impossible. He clearly..."

Yu Qingchang looks real, Yun Qianmo looks at Luo Feiqi's eyes clearly with love. When he knows Luo Feiqi doesn't wake up, he is even more worried than himself. He doesn't like Luo Feiqi?

"Clearly what, clearly! He can't have liked me. " Luo Feiqi is a little lost.

Yu Qingshang could see the loss. She scratched her head awkwardly and changed the topic: "by the way, Feifei, Wang Peixin is your cousin. How could she treat you like this?"

Yu Qingchang knew that it was Wang Peixin's agent who locked Luo Feiqi in the toilet that day. If there was no instruction from Wang Peixin, how could her agent sit like this!

"Who knows, since I entered the performing arts circle, Wang Peixin has been targeting me like this." Luo Feiqi didn't expect Wang Peixin to face herself like this because she was afraid that she would block her way to be a star.

"If you want me to say, it must be psychopathic." The way Yu Qingshang chewed that gum was gnashing his teeth.

Luo Feiqi listened to Yu Qingshang's interesting remarks and chuckled.

"Ah Yu Qingshang called again.

Luo Feiqi turned to look at him: "what's the matter? It's such a surprise

Yu Qingshang pointed to the mobile phone in her hand, and her voice raised several degrees: "Feifei, look at it! Look at it! Bad luck for Shen Menglei! "

"What!" Luo Feiqi is also surprised.

She quickly pulled out her mobile phone, and the hot topic on Weibo was "Shen Menglei's hidden rules".

What's the situation?

"Look! All the videos on this microblog have exploded. It's a video of Shen Menglei and a rich businessman! " Yu Qingchang watched the video with great interest, commenting while watching it.

The video is just three minutes. It seems that it was shot secretly in the dark. The distance is not very close, but we can clearly see that the woman wearing the deep V-collar is now the red little flower Dan Shen Menglei.

Shen Tuo is famous for his smoke in his hand.

However, these are not the key points, but Shen Menglei is sitting on the leg of a man who is nearly half a hundred years old. The man's hands are swimming around Shen Menglei's waist and thighs, which is quite pornographic.

"This" Luo Feiqi some can't believe, how can suddenly burst out Shen Menglei such a video, you know, for the pure line of the actress, such a scandal can let her turn over.

Yu Qingshang followed Luo Feiqi's words: "this is called self sin, can't live! Evil will be recompensed with evil! You see, what she did to you the other day is her retribution. "

"But what a coincidence Luo Feiqi felt a little strange.

Yu Qingshang thought it was nothing, and she didn't care: "what's the coincidence? Such a person, such an arrogant temperament, how can you not offend several people? It must be that she has offended some people who can't be offended, and she has been revenged. But the news of her being fostered has been circulating in the circle for a long time. You know, there are a lot of scandals about her. "

Luo Feiqi felt that Yu Qingshang also had some truth. He nodded and opened the comment to continue to read.Shen Menglei, after all, is a legitimate red little Huadan. Such news naturally attracts more attention than Luo Feiqi's news a few days ago. In just one hour after the video was sent out, there were tens of thousands of comments, and all kinds of netizens had a heated discussion.

Eat and eat: I didn't expect that Shen Menglei usually takes the image of a pure jade girl. She is so promiscuous in private!

Nine life cat girl: sure enough, the entertainment industry is a dye vat. How pure Shen Menglei was when she first entered the circle. Now it turns out to be like this.

Break the whole into parts: ah, Shen Menglei's chaos is well-known. How she got into the entertainment industry is not based on the hidden rules! //@Nine life cat girl: sure enough, the entertainment industry is a dye vat. How pure Shen Menglei was when she first entered the circle. Now it turns out to be like this.


Netizen's discussion is more and more intense, those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to step on a foot also opened a trumpet to disclose. Shen Menglei's black material is being dug more and more, it can be said that the wall fell down and everyone pushed.

A few days ago, a clarification press conference was about to be held, but Luo Feiqi was not disturbed at all.

Although I really have a different idea about Yun Qianmo in my heart, the news about what about the gun and what kind of misconduct are all groundless.

This press conference was all planned by Yun Qianmo. He was half hearted and didn't let Luo Feiqi bear the burden.

When she came to pick her up on the day of the meeting, Luo Feiqi did not know where the meeting was held.

"Oh, whatever. How many people are there this time?" Luo Feiqi is a little curious.

Luo Feiqi thinks that there should not be many media who come to his press conference today. After all, Shen Menglei's scandal has been stirring up recently.

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