Soon it was time for dinner. Xiao Sang's mother cooked a big dinner.

Sitting around the table, Luo Feiqi looked at the food on the table. Although she had an appetite, she always felt a little sour in her heart.

The dinner was specially made for them by the herdsmen with hospitality. She felt embarrassed and deeply worried about the living conditions of the local herdsmen at the same time.

Although the sand storm has just arrived, it has not been said that the dust storm has just arrived.

After dinner, the two chatted with Xiao Sang's parents. Luo Feiqi could not help feeling afraid when listening to the wind outside the tent.

She couldn't help but feel Suo Yun Qian Mo's hand until she touched his warm fingers.

Because of the fact that the local herdsmen can not sleep in the tents all the time, they can hardly rest in the tents all the time.

Luo Feiqi got into the bed and leaned his head against the chest of Yun Qianmo. He lowered his voice and asked quietly, "Qian Mo, are you asleep?"

"Not yet." Cloud Qian Mo light response, heard not far away from a family of three sleeping snores, quietly asked: "baby live here is not used to it?"

Luo Feiqi did not respond, just rubbed his head against Yun Qianmo's body, hiding in his arms like a kitten.

Yun Qianmo was very distressed, but he had to live in the herdsman's house for one night.

Silence for a moment, luofeiqi out of the quilt, lips close to his ear: "the bed is too hard, I lie down for a while, I feel back pain."

Smell speech, cloud Qian Mo dry smile a, low return way: "because we sleep is not bed at all, baby hard night, tomorrow we can go back to live in town."

"Good." Luofeiqi quietly agreed, lying in his arms.

After a while, she listened to the increasing wind outside, almost blowing the whole tent, her body could not help shaking violently.

"Qian Mo, the sandstorm is so big. Will we sleep in the middle of the night and be blown away with the tent?" Luo Feiqi timidly asked.

"Don't worry. Herdsmen live here all year round. Their tents naturally have a special way to resist sandstorms. Just sleep in my arms." Yun Qianmo stroked her soft hair with gentle consolation.

Luo Feiqi nodded, feeling that his words were quite reasonable, but in his mind, he remembered what he saw when he first entered the tent.

She was very moved by the warm reception of herdsmen, but it was heartbreaking to live in such a bad way.

Think of here, Luo Feiqi anyway have no intention to sleep, simply pull cloud Qian Mo to talk about their own ideas.

"Qian Mo, do you think it's not easy for Xiao Sang's parents to live in this tent, and their life is very inconvenient. They have to go far away to fetch water."

"Well, of course I see it, but living on the edge of the desert is like that." Yun Qianmo sighs helplessly.

After a pause, rofeich thought of the delicious mutton in his hand for dinner and the cake made with honey specially for them.

Out of the bottom of my heart's gratitude, Luo Feiqi asked, "I have an idea. I don't know what you think?"

Cloud Qian Mo slowly opened his eyes, head turned to Luo Feiqi, and gently kisses her forehead: "you talk about it."

Luo Feiqi lowered his voice again and whispered: "the herdsmen here are living hard. I think there should be relevant charity projects. Let's go back and contact them, and then invest some money to help them, OK?"

Hearing her words, Yun Qianmo agreed without thinking: "no problem, since Feifei wants to do charity, I will certainly support you unconditionally."

Seeing Yun Qian Mo's response so straightforward, Luo Feiqi is also very happy, full of expectation to be able to do something practical for the herdsmen.

The next morning, by the time they drove back to town, the sandstorm had already passed.

Compared with the yellow sky before dark last night, the blue sky is dreamlike at the moment, and several floating clouds floating on it are more relaxing and pleasant.

Thanks to Xiao Sang's parents, Yun Qianmo takes Luo Feiqi to the car and leaves. He plans to take her back to the town for a day's rest before continuing to shoot promotional videos.

But this area is a gathering place for local herdsmen. The car is not far away. A few men with big waists come out of several tents and block the road ahead.

The arbitrary expression of driving is stunned, and I feel puzzled by the sudden situation.

"Mr. Yun, I don't know if the herdsmen in front of me are in any trouble. They have blocked the way."

Because Luo Feiqi didn't have a good rest last night, he was lying in the arms of Yun Qianmo for a rest. He was also closing his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes when he heard this.

Gazing for a few seconds, Yun Qian Mo saw that the car had stopped at will, so he had to give instructions: "open the window and ask about the situation."

At first, he didn't think much about it. He just thought that the traffic here was not convenient. Maybe the herdsmen were in urgent need of a ride to the town.

However, when the window was opened, I was surprised to see that in addition to a few strong men, there were also some women and children rushing in.In less than half a minute, the car was surrounded before and after, not to mention moving forward, even backward and turning.

"Mr. Yun, things are not right..." Arbitrarily frown and whisper to Yun Qianmo.

"Act according to circumstances." The tone of Yun Qian Mo was cold, and his peaceful face became cold and stern.

At this time, luofeiqi was also woken up by the noise outside, opened his eyes and looked out of the window.

"What happened?" She looked at Yun Qian Mo with an ignorant face.

However, Yun Qian Mo has not answered yet. He only listens to a man outside to show his intention in Mandarin with a strong accent.

Then they learned that the purpose of the herdsmen surrounding the car was to ask for money, while the children were asking for candy and snacks.

At first, they arbitrarily said that they didn't have so much cash. Moreover, it was the same with the fact that dozens of herdsmen couldn't get rid of it.

After a long negotiation, if you know that this is not the way to consume it, you have to take out all the cash on the three people and distribute them one by one with the permission of Yun Qianmo.

When they see the children in their wrists, they have no choice but to share the money in their wrists.

Facing the covetous eyes of people outside the car, Yun Qianmo said again: "don't argue with them more, try to get rid of them."

"Yes, Mr. Yun." Promise at will, think for a few seconds and take off the watch with heartache.

Seeing the bright eyes of the herdsmen, he directly waved and threw his watch to the sand in the distance.

In an instant, the people around the car are like birds flying along the water bank, all running towards the sand pile.

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