See Wu Yufei want to rush up, Luo Feiqi nimble Dodge, eyebrow a frown.

She is not a cruel person, but Wu Yufei can't forgive her for setting up Zixi when she kidnapped her.

"You don't have to ask me. Everything is your own fault. If you have a lesson, you won't do these extraordinary things again." Luo Feiqi turned her head without expression, leaving Wu Yufei with a back figure.

Wu Yufei's eyes looked at two people begging for mercy fruitless, eyes also become dull, sit on the ground, lifeless appearance.

Just when Luo Feiqi and Yun Qianmo turn to leave, suddenly, a dark figure comes in.

After standing still, Luo Feiqi saw his face clearly. It turned out to be Luo Shaodong.

"Where's Wu Yufei?" Luo Shaodong cried out, striding across the threshold, also saw Yun Qianmo and Luo Feiqi.

"Rodeo, why are you here?" Luo Feiqi comes forward to meet him and asks suspiciously.

"About Zixi's kidnapping by Wu Yufei has been on the air. Seeing that" the moment I met you "is on the air, how can I sit back and watch such a thing happen at this juncture Luo Shaodong is so angry that his chest is up and down. He has directed many films in recent years, but he has never met such a situation.

What's more, "the moment I met you" is also his painstaking work. How can we tolerate Wu Yufei's being stirred yellow? That's what he came to do.

“……” Luo Feiqi is dumb, she can understand Luo director's mood, but at present still can't find who the informant is.

The cloud beside me is quiet.

"Director Luo, we have already asked, the informant is not her, there is someone else." Rofeich came forward to explain.

Luo Shaodong locked his eyebrows and saw Wu Yufei in the corner, striding forward.

"Wu Yufei! Did you do it? " Luo Shaodong looks like a wild horse out of control with sharp eyes.

"It's really not me. I'm locked up here. How can I disclose it?" Wu Yufei frowned and explained again and again. Despair was revealed in her eyes.

Luo Shaodong stares at him, he has been staring at Wu Yufei, but Wu Yufei still looks the same. Luo Shaodong believes her words.

"But who is behind this? You are the first one. You must come forward to solve this matter!" Luo Shaodong's voice is sharp and his mood is also a little excited.

Cloud Qian Mo Mou color is deep, at present, only Wu Yufei can calm down this wave.

"Director Luo, it doesn't make any sense to say more now. If you want to find out who is behind the scenes, you have to take a long-term view." Yun Qianmo takes a long leg and looks at Luo Shaodong, who is excited.

As soon as Yun Qianmo reminds him, Luo Shaodong suddenly opens his mouth. Only then does he realize that he is too impulsive and that he is just wasting his breath with Wu Yufei.

"General manager Yun, what should I do next?" Luo Shaodong frowns tightly and releases Wu Yufei's hand. His eyes turn to Yun Qianmo.

"The enemy is in the dark, we are in the light, and we are at a disadvantage. I think the person behind us can surely guess that we will blame Wu Yufei for all the blame and take the opportunity to get rid of the suspicion. We just need to wait and catch turtles in a jar." Yun Qianmo reached out and touched the bridge of his nose. His eyes were full of cold.

"Mr. Yun is right. Let's do it like this. I want to see who's behind the scenes!" Luo Shaodong holds the fist shape in his hand and says with gnashing teeth.

Luo Feiqi turned around and frowned slightly. She didn't know why. There was always a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

After that, the three left together.

"Guide Luo, you don't have to worry too much. I'll think of a way to slow down the heat for the time being." Luo Feiqi looks up and comforts Luo Shaodong.

"That's the only way." Then he turned and left.

On the way back, Luo Feiqi leaned against the window with his arm and closed his eyes wearily. The incident was exploded, which affected not only the ratings of the moment I met you, but also the marriage between shizixi and Liangchen.

I don't know what's going on with Zixi now? Think of a way to deal with it.

She closed her eyes and pondered. Suddenly, she thought of a way to clarify the matter through microblogging. Although she didn't know whether it worked or not, she could give it a try.

As soon as she got home, Luo Feiqi quickly opened her laptop, logged into her microblog account she hadn't registered for a long time, and opened the editing options.

"Don't be deceived by appearances. Everything is a misunderstanding." After editing the text, she thought it over and sent it out.

Cloud Qian Mo also came to the living room, see Luo Feiqi cross legged holding the computer, heart born doubt, slowly close to her.

"Feifei, what are you doing?" Yun Qian Mo sat down beside her, put his arms around her waist and asked softly.

Turning to the computer screen, Luo Feiqi looked at the screen nervously.

"I'd like to send a micro blog to clarify. I don't know if it works..." Luo Feiqi's expression is serious, and her fingers are also unnatural.

In less than two minutes, the microblog she sent instantly got a hot search. Luo Feiqi looked sideways with a smile and thought it was really effective. But who ever thought that it was all to blame Luo Feiqi's comments."A white lotus flower!"

"I've come to rub the heat again. Do you really have an affair with Liang Chen?"

The comment area blamed her for almost one-sided remarks. What's more, she even picked out the reports about Liang Chen and her affair before, saying that she was the informant in order to break up Liang Chen and shizixi.

No brain comments stimulate Luo Feiqi's eyes, looking at the comments that do not conform to the facts, she is angry.

"It's just gossip!" Luo Feiqi said in his mouth, and his eyes became sharp. He put his finger on the keyboard to fight with the keyboard man for 300 rounds.

At this time, yunqianmo beside him resolutely pulled out the power supply, turned off the computer, and frowned slightly.

"Feifei, don't worry about these comments on the Internet. If I'm here, don't worry about it. I'll be heartbroken." Yun Qianmo hugged her shoulder and comforted her.

"It's too irritating. How can you confuse black and white?" connivance knew that she shouldn't care about the black powder's words on the Internet. But when she thought about it, she felt upset. She wanted to help shizixi solve this problem.

"Care is chaos, don't care too much, everything has me." Yun Qianmo held her in his arms, and his eyes were full of tenderness. He would never allow anyone to bully Feifei.

Luo Feiqi hears speech, lean in his bosom, in the heart's irritability this just pressed down.

I don't know how shizixi is now. Just like this, her mobile phone rings. It's shizixi.

Luo Feiqi answers the phone quickly.

"Fei..." The voice of the weak river.

"Zixi, how are you? Don't pay attention to those reports on the Internet. You just have to be happy with brother Liang. " Luo Feiqi asked kindly.

"I'm fine. Brother Liang is with me. Don't worry. I'd like to ask you out for a chat tomorrow." When Zixi sent out an invitation, these days was almost breathless by the pressure of the outside public opinion, fortunately, Liang Chen has been accompanied by her side.

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