But half an hour later, Yun Qianmo arrived at the production team. After getting out of the car, he directly looked for Luo Feiqi's figure. His anger in his heart seemed to have subsided half when he saw her.

He was just about to go over and say hello to her when a man came to her. He looked up and knew that the man was Ren Shichu. His eyes were dark.

His pace is light and slow. He looks at Luo Feiqi and Ren Shichu. When he sees them talking and laughing, his anger in his heart is like a balloon, which grows bigger and bigger, and is on the edge of bursting at any time.

Ren Shichu's smile in his eyes is like a thorn, he would like to pull him out immediately!

Yun Qianmo walks to Luo Feiqi. Luo Feiqi sees him and shakes his eyes. He seems to have no idea that he will come to the crew to find himself. He seems to have a trace of joy in his heart.

But at the thought of the lunch takeout, her joy turned into depression, and she also had a melancholy smell on her body.

Ren Shi first saw cloud Qian Mo's anger and frowned.

"Why did you come?" Luo Feiqi suppressed the joy in her heart, but her face was calm.

"Follow me!" Yunqianmo couldn't recognize the surprise in her words, and became more agitated. He grabbed Luo Feiqi's hand directly, and without looking at Ren Shichu, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Luo Feiqi stood still, broke away from his hands, but could not get rid of it. He said in a cold voice, "let go!"

Cloud Qian Mo is cold and calm and does not let go.

Ren Shichu stood forward, reached out and grabbed Yun Qianmo's arm, and said, "what are you doing?"

"You don't go because of him?" Cloud Qian Mo cold face, did not look at Ren Shichu, deep voice way.

"Who am I? Why do you let me go Instead of answering, Luo Feiqi asked aloud.

What is it that he takes her away when he doesn't speak clearly? Do you want to make another scandal so that the ball can see it and come back to him?

"Who am I?" With a cold light in his eyes, Yun Qianmo repeated Luo Feiqi's words word by word.

Looking at his expression at this time, Luo Feiqi is a little timid, but his face is still calm and looks at Yun Qianmo.

Ren Shichu stood aside, feeling like a third party, completely unable to get into their conversation. More and more people gathered around him, looking curiously at Luo Feiqi and Yun Qianmo.

Some people have never seen Yun Qianmo, but just sigh for his unique beauty.

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a minute. Yun Qianmo's eyes were introverted and deep, and his voice was low, "so you won't go with me?"

"Yes Luo Feiqi answered without hesitation.

But there was a trace of regret in her heart. She always felt that this time she seemed to say "goodbye" to Yun Qianmo forever. She was reluctant to give up.

They said they wanted to be good friends all the time. Did he want to leave her first?

"Good." Cloud Qian Mo finish saying, loosen his palm, turn to leave.

Luo Feiqi rubbed his red wrist and looked at the figure of Yun Qianmo leaving. He felt a little aggrieved and wanted to cry. He wanted to run up and hold him and let him stay.

But in the end, she just looked at the direction he left, her eyes were dull.

"Feiqi, are you ok?" Ren Shichu cared.

"It's ok..." Rofeich shook his head with difficulty.

Ren Shichu also wanted to say what he wanted to say, he was called to act by the director. He had no choice but to leave. When he left, he always told Luo Feiqi to tell him if there was anything.

No one around her, she squatted down directly, holding her knees, staring at a place in a daze.

Fortunately, she had finished filming today, and the director didn't come to urge her to do anything. She didn't get up again until her legs were numb and others had finished filming.

Just stood up, because foot numbness almost fell to the ground, or Ren Shichu hugged her.

Luo Feiqi's face appeared a trace of embarrassment, said thanks: "thank you."

After that, she steadied her body and ignored what Ren Shichu wanted to say. She walked slowly towards her bag.

When she got out of the cast, she stood by the side of the road, but didn't know where she should go. She walked aimlessly. Some pictures flashed in front of her, all of which were pictures of her and Yun Qianmo.

The pain in my heart seemed deeper.

She just can't bear Yun Qianmo as a friend. She has other friends.

She comforted herself in her heart, looking at the green light, she walked so dangerously to the zebra crossing. When she came to her senses, a car honked its horn all the time.

Her pupils dilated in an instant, trying to avoid the speeding car, but found her legs as if stuck with the earth, unable to walk.

"Feifei!" There was a call in the distance.

Luo Feiqi stares at the car which is getting closer and closer in front of her. She panics, but she can only stay where she is.

However, for a while, there was a strong pull on her, and then she heard a "bang" in her ear!

She turned her head and calmed herself. She saw a man lying weak on the ground with a shallow smile around her mouth, and soon passed out.Luo Feiqi threw down the bag in his hand and ran to hold him tightly. Tears fell like broken beads.

More and more people were watching. Luo Feiqi watched the blood flow from Yun Qianmo. She was terrified and her hands trembled.

She cried out to the crowd, "please, call an ambulance for me."

Any see this scene, scared, quickly dial 120!

Soon, the ambulance came, and the ambulance staff quickly lifted Yun Qianmo onto the stretcher and sent him to the ambulance. In a flash, Yun Qianmo and Luo Feiqi arrived at the hospital.

Luo Feiqi looks at being taken to the emergency room by Yun Qianmo, standing in the emergency room at a loss. She is so worried that she can't do anything but wait.

"All blame me. If it wasn't for saving me, Qian Mo would not lie here." Luo Feiqi scolded herself thousands of times in her heart, she would rather lie here is her.

Waiting for a long time did not see cloud Qian Mo come out, she sat on the ground, tears can not stop flowing down.

Random eyes have been staring at the emergency room. In a twinkling of an eye, Luo Feiqi is sitting in the corner, hands clasping his knees, frowning tightly, and thinking that Yun Qianmo is still in the emergency room, his face is full of worry.

He sighed in his heart, and all the discerning people could see that these two people cared about each other so much that they didn't know why they hurt each other like children.

After staying in place for a few minutes, I turned around and went to the hall on the first floor to pay for it.

When he came back, he saw Luo Feiqi, who was stunned like a doll at the door of the emergency room, walked forward and said, "hasn't cloud come out yet?"

Luo Feiqi raised his head when he heard the voice. His eyes seemed to lose focus. He was stunned for a long time before he put his eyes on any face: "yes, he hasn't come out. How can he not come out? Is it very serious? How to do? I've killed him."

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