When Yun Qianmo went back to his study to deal with the company's affairs, Luo Feiqi sat on the sofa and kneaded his legs, and suddenly saw the news that Yu Qingchang was ill on Weibo.

She eyebrow heart a jump, immediately stopped kneading the leg movement, click open the screen to find Yu Qingshang's phone, dial in the past.

The phone was connected quickly. Yu Qingshang's voice was heavy. Luo Feiqi immediately frowned and said, "Qingchang, are you sick?"

Yu Qingshang laughed disapprovingly and said optimistically, "it's just a little cold. You can get well after sleeping."

"How about that! Now you can make a cup of ginger tea and then buy medicine. If you don't go, I'll buy it for you myself

Luo Feiqi frowns tightly together, because he is worried, he strongly disagrees with Yu Qingshang's practice. Even Yun Qian Mo doesn't notice when he is sitting beside him.

Yunqianmo saw that she was only paying attention to making a phone call, picked a long eyebrow, stretched out his hand and rubbed it on her calf, staring at Luo Feiqi's face.

For a long time, luofeiqi did not respond.

Jealousy suddenly grew from the heart, bit by bit spread to the four limbs, Yun Qian Mo's eyes gradually deepened.

"You remember, you must..."

The words have not finished, Luo Feiqi just feel a gust of wind blowing in his ear, and then react, the mobile phone has been held by Yun Qianmo, the screen shows that the call is interrupted.

"Feifei, didn't you notice that I was here?" On weekdays, the vigorous and vigorous people suddenly showed a trace of grievance.

If it is seen by others, I'm afraid you will be surprised.

Luo Feiqi heart a soft, just rise of the gas to eliminate some, way, "I and Qingchang in the phone, she is sick."

After listening to the whole process, Yun Qianmo said bitterly, "it's just a cold. It's not a big problem."

Although it is true, but Luo Feiqi's heart does not sound like a taste, frowning, "she is the best friend, shouldn't I care about her? Why did you cut off my phone? "

"You ignore me." Yun Qianmo put the mobile phone on the coffee table. When he was about to continue talking, Luo Feiqi bit his lip and turned away.


Regardless of the shouts of his descendants, Luo Feiqi went upstairs and went back to his room. He shut the door with a bang and stopped his voice outside.

Yun Qianmo stood at the door and knocked on the door. "Feifei, don't you think about it? I'm not angry and I don't blame you. "

He just felt like she wasn't paying attention to herself.

Remembering that he just hung up the phone without authorization, Luo Feiqi snorted, "are you free to hang up my phone?"

Aware of the excitement in her tone, Yun Qianmo knew that this time it was irritating her, shaking his head and saying, "no, Feifei, I don't mean that, I just care too much about you."

God knows why his usual calm self-control turns into nothingness when he meets that awkward little woman.

Luo Feiqi is angry, where to listen to his words? "Because you care, can't you ignore my feelings?"

Before he could answer, rofeich added, "I'm going to bed."

For fear of adding fuel to the fire, Yun Qian Mo was silent for a long time and did not speak again.

Standing by the door and waiting for a long time, she became more and more angry in her heart and went to the bedside and pulled the pillow angrily.

Another look at the door, she took out her mobile phone, turned off, and then fell asleep.

The next day.

Luo Feiqi wakes up early in the morning after washing gargle, take out the mobile phone to turn on a look, a cloud Qian Mo message is not, hand immediately tightened.

After a long time, she released her hands and went downstairs to prepare for breakfast.

Breakfast is ready on the dining table. Yun Qianmo sits on the sofa beside him. He glances at her without opening his mouth. He seems to be waiting for her to speak.

Luo Feiqi seems to have not seen him, calmly withdraw his sight. When he comes to the table, Yun Qianmo also stands up and sits down at the table and starts pouring milk slowly.

He poured milk on his hand, but his eyes were fixed on rofeich from time to time.

Rofeich watched him fill it up, then picked up a sandwich and milk, crossed the table and sat on the sofa on the other side, chewing and swallowing.

Yun Qian Mo frowned and immediately got up. He came to Luo Feiqi and said in a soft voice, "Feifei, don't just eat such a little breakfast."

Luo Feiqi suddenly got up after drinking a mouthful of milk and ordered himself to go to the cast today.

"Fei..." Yun Qianmo's long body and jade stand in front of Luo Feiqi, and her clothes are her favorite on weekdays.

Luo Feiqi glanced at his face lightly, without any fluctuation on his face. He lifted his foot to the side and left neatly.

Cloud Qian Mo stood in situ looking at her back, heart empty, as if there are tens of thousands of ants gnawing at their own heart.

When she came to the garage, she had just got on the back seat, and Yun Qianmo followed her, staring directly at her face.The car gradually drove out of the cloud house, and there was still silence in the car.

Until the villa area, cloud Qian Mo's magnetic voice slowly sounded, "Feifei, I'm sorry, you don't get angry, OK?"

Luo Feiqi side head looked at him, the meaning on the face is to let him say, in the end where is wrong.

Yun Qianmo took her hand, tightly held it in the palm, and said, "I shouldn't hang up your phone without authorization. It's my selfishness. I won't do this again. What I fear most is that you ignore me. Don't get angry, OK

Luo Feiqi is not a man of mischief. Seeing that he has given such a big step, he raised eyebrows and said, "kiss me, and I will forgive you."

The witty words eased all the embarrassment. Yun Qianmo gave a smile and dropped a kiss on her bright forehead.

"Thank you, Feifei." Said, he will hold the person tightly in the arm, the inner panic feeling this just gradually disappears.

Last night, he couldn't sleep alone at night. He regretted that he should not be angry with her. When he saw her indifferent eyes this morning, he was especially afraid that she would leave him.

I can't help feeling that there is only one person in the world who can let Yun Qianmo treat him like this!

Luo Feiqi didn't want to make the atmosphere heavy. He rubbed his shoulder affectionately. He put a smile on his face and said, "I'm so wayward. I should thank you. But it's not good for us to thank you so much. It's better not to mention it again. "


Yun Qianmo raised his hand and rubbed her hair. His action was very gentle, as if he was caring for a treasure in the world. The doting color in his eyes almost drowned people.

They were bored in the car for a while and drove to a back door of the crew at will.

Yun Qian Mo specially explained it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

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