Yu Qingchang immediately opened the door and drove straight in. Seeing Luo Feiqi lying on the ward, her eyes began to turn red.

"Fei..." Yu Qingchang came to her and held her hand tightly.

Yun Qianmo stood up in silence, leaving time for them.

Luo Feiqi opened his eyes, but did not look at Yu Qingshang, but looked straight at the ceiling in a daze.

"Qingshang, I It's OK. Don't worry about me. " Luo Feiqi, even though suffering in her heart, still can't bear to let Yu Qingchang worry about herself.

Yu Qingchang looked at her eyes, puzzled, deliberately shaking her hand in front of her, but Luo Feiqi did not respond at all, his eyes were dull.

"Feifei, what's wrong with your eyes?" Yu Qingchang's eyes widened and she was in a trance.

Luo Feiqi smell speech, cover quilt, lock brow, back to Yu Qingshang, she does not want to talk about this matter again.

Yunqianmo frowned slightly, turned to Yu Qingshang, shook her head at her, and indicated that she did not talk about this matter.

Yu Qingchang is uneasy and can't believe that Luo Feiqi has something wrong with her eyes.

"Mr. Yun, what is the cause of the accident? I'll check with you! " Yu Qingchang stood up and pressed her lips.

She must find out the truth for Luo Feiqi, can't let her suffer so unknowingly.

Can not wait for cloud Qian Mo to open mouth to say what, Luo Feiqi suddenly opened quilt.

"Qingchang, you go back, you don't want to mix this muddy water again, here is Qian Mo to accompany me." Luo Feiqi propped up with his hand, stretched out his hand and groped around.

Seeing this, Yun Qianmo hugged her.

"But..." Yu Qingshang frowned and wanted to say something, but saw cloud Qian Mo shaking her head at her.

She didn't want to stimulate Luo Feiqi any more, so she had to worry and leave the ward without disturbing her.

After Yu Qingchang leaves, Luo Feiqi is in a complicated mood. She doesn't want others to see her in such a mess, and she doesn't want to involve Yu Qingchang.

Yunqianmo knew what she was thinking in her heart, and did not say anything, but took good care of her.


Gu Siqi came back from Shengshi training and returned to her rental house, but before she entered the door, she found her adoptive parents standing at the door.

She stopped, her eyes twinkled slightly, and subconsciously turned away, but she was stopped by her adoptive parents.

"Now that you're at the door, why don't you come in It was her adoptive mother who was domineering and arrogant. Gu Siqi spent her childhood swearing.

Gu Siqi frowned, her body trembled slightly, so she had to go to them.

"Dad, mom, why don't you tell me in advance when you're here? I'm ready to prepare... " Gu Siqi pretended to be kind, and pulled out an unnatural smile.

As he spoke, he opened the door.

Gu Siqi is used to it. She seems to be able to guess what they want to do with her. Her eyes are dim.

Three people into the house, Gu Siqi poured them a glass of water.

The adoptive mother looked at the surrounding environment with a glance in her eyes and said, "it seems that your little life is quite moist. I won't go around with you. I'm a bit short of money these days. Give us some money."

Then he stabbed the adoptive father sitting next to him with his elbow, indicating that he went on.

"Yes, Siqi, your mother is not very well these days. She spent a lot of money in the hospital, and there was no savings at home." The adoptive father is kind-hearted, but his voice seems to be a little guilty.

Sure enough, Gu Siqi did not expect that they came to her for money, and locked their brows.

"Dad, mom, didn't I just give you living expenses last week? Why is there no money? " Gu Siqi's face changed. In order to collect living expenses for them, she stopped taking a taxi at work and had to go to the bus.

"Is your little money enough for us to eat? Didn't you go to film? There must be money in your pocket. Take it out, white eyed wolf As soon as the adoptive mother heard her impatient tone, she suddenly got angry and pointed to Gu Siqi and said.

"Mom I have no money. " Gu Siqi did not tell lies. She was only an intern in her heyday. She has not made a movie that can make a fire. Her salary is also very small. She can only support three people and have no extra money.

"I don't care. I'll call the money tomorrow. Otherwise, you won't see me again!" With that, the adoptive mother got up and slammed the door.

The adoptive father came up and patted her on the shoulder and left.

Gu Siqi's eyes are dim and dim. She covers her eyes powerlessly and collapses on the sofa.

Every time, the adoptive mother threatened her like this. After all, they were her adoptive parents. She had to compromise and meet their unreasonable demands.

Forced to helpless, Gu Siqi suddenly thought of Zhang Dao, now only to find him.

Soon, Gu Siqi and director Zhang made an appointment to meet in the coffee shop.

"Scarlett, you hurt me so much last time. What do you want this time?" Director Zhang pulled out a provocative smile. He was referring to Gu Siqi who framed him for sexual harassment last time.Gu Siqi looked embarrassed and crossed her hands. "Director Zhang, I'm really sorry about the last time, but I have to. Now I've figured it out. I need a lot of money. I'm willing to sign a contract with you."

She thought about it for a long time, but she was really desperate. She could only count on director Zhang.

Zhang Daowei raised his eyebrows, "do you really think about it? Don't you play me again

He asked vigilantly, with the lessons of the previous two times, he knew that Gu Siqi was not a good master to be provoked, and he must be on guard.

"Mr. Zhang, you can believe me this time. What I said is true. I sincerely want to cooperate with you." Gu Siqi has sincere eyes. She needs the money very much.

Zhang thought about it and decided to believe her again. This time, he took out a contract from his briefcase and handed it to Gu Siqi.

Gu Siqi looked at it, her face changed a lot. It was a contract to shoot a three-level film!

"Director Zhang, this is not the last one..." Gu Siqi frowned slightly and held the contract tightly.

Before Gu Siqi finished asking, director Zhang pulled out an unknown smile, waved his hand and interrupted her.

"Since you need money, it's the quickest way to get money from the contract. I'm also thinking about you and showing your sincerity of cooperation." Guide Zhang said lightly, took out the pen and put it in Gu Siqi's hand.

Gu Siqi picked up the pen, hesitated in her eyes, but she thought of her adoptive parents' faces and signed her name.


In order to treat Luo Feiqi's eye disease, Yun Qianmo has been contacting well-known ophthalmologists at home and abroad these days to find a foreign doctor who has academic research, Professor Xue.

Pick up people from the airport at will, all the way dusty, do not care to rest, straight to the hospital.

Yun Qian Mo met, after a brief introduction of the specific situation, Professor Xue began to check for Luo Feiqi.

During the inspection, there should be no non professionals around, and Yun Qianmo waited quietly at the door.

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