Hearing Wei Wen's praise, Luo Feiqi pursed her lips with a smile and said modestly, "thank you, Director Wei. However, I still can't grasp some inner drama. Please give me more advice at that time."

Liang Chen saw that the director had decided that the number one female was Luo Feiqi. He congratulated her with a smile, "Congratulations, Feifei. I like this script very much. Let's discuss the opposite drama more when we have time."

Luo Feiqi nodded and agreed, but suddenly caught sight of other people's eyes, which seemed to be wrong.

Before he had time to think about it, Wei Wen, who had always acted like a wind, began to arrange an audition for female No. 2.

Although Yu Qingshang congratulated Luo Feiqi carelessly, she was immediately turned to herself, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart, and her mood was still not completely free from the influence of he Xinyu.

When female No.2 audition, because Yu Qingchang is absent-minded from time to time, Wei Wen stops twice in a row.

However, under the comfort of Luo Feiqi, her last selfless performance has finally won the affirmation of the director.

The two heroines have been finalized. Luo Feiqi sees that Yu Qingshang still can't be fully involved, and is ready to leave the studio with her for relaxation.

However, as they walked out of the set, they unexpectedly saw two familiar figures enter the door.

Looking at Lu Lu and Han Zhong coming face to face, Luo Feiqi said to them in surprise, "what a coincidence, you also came to audition!"

"Yes, I was recommended by director Yang, but the schedule has been full recently. I intend to play male No.3. You two look so happy that you must have succeeded in the audition!" Han Chong picked the tip of his eyebrows and clasped his hands to make the gesture of Daoxi.

However, Lu Lu didn't speak much today, but his voice was mild and echoed, "Congratulations!"

Looking at their friendly faces, Luo Feiqi and Yu Qingshang look at each other and smile.

However, Luo Feiqi noticed that Lu Lu seemed to have something in mind. He did not have a deep glance at her and asked, "what about you? I heard the other day that you were going to shoot an ancient costume drama? "

Asked about his head, Lu Lu Lu, who was a little distracted, looked at Luo Feiqi's gaze.

"Yes Yes, but I haven't decided whether to pick it up or not, so I'm just here to have a try Lu Lu's soft tone of response, the smile on the corner of his lips is also quite unnatural.

Luo Feiqi blinks her eyes in doubt. Because Han Zhong is also present, she doesn't ask more questions. She just encourages them to succeed in the audition with Yu Qingshang.

Out of curiosity, she took Yu Qingchang back to the set, intending to watch on the side, and perhaps find something from it.

Two people wait for a few minutes, Luo Feiqi sees Wei WenIn and Han Zhong talking about drama, so take advantage of this interval to go to the bathroom.

Along the way, she was thinking whether Lu Lu had met with something, and always felt that she must have concealed something about her troubled appearance.

Standing in front of the pool, Luo Feiqi takes out her mobile phone while looking in the mirror, and sees Yun Qianmo sending a text message to remind her to remember to eat on time at noon.

Think of two people not long ago because this play is a quarrel and a cold war, but in the end, he did not take the initiative to care about himself?

"Little sample, this is called the arm can not twist the thigh!"

Luo Feiqi complacent to himself, just ready to walk out of the bathroom with her handbag, she collides with the figure who rushes in.

"I'm sorry, um..."

Hearing the sound of this huff and puff, Luo Feiqi looked up and found it was Lu Lu.

"Are you ok What's the matter with you? "

She was surprised to open her eyes, looking at Lu Lu in front of her eyes, covering her mouth, a very uncomfortable look.

Obviously, the pale Lu Lu wanted to vomit, so she rushed in.

However, the next second, Luo Feiqi was just about to ask her if she was eating something bad. Suddenly she saw Lu Lu upright and calm.

"I'm fine!" She squeezed out a stiff and embarrassed smile and turned back.

She's okay?

Seeing this scene, Luo Feiqi felt more inexplicable, and more and more felt that Lu Lu's movements were very strange.

Watching the two auditions, she noticed that Yu Qingshang, who was beside her, looked bored, and seemed to be a little depressed, so she left with her.

No matter how curious she may be, she is more concerned about her best friend's mood.

Out of the studio, she suggested to Yu Qingshang to go to the suburbs to get some air and relax. The two people happily hit it off.

On the way, Luo Feiqi is still thinking about the scene of bumping into Lu Lu in the bathroom just now. She can't help but mention it to Yu Qingshang.

"By the way, have you noticed that Lu Lu is not the same today as usual?" Luo Feiqi asked thoughtfully.

At the moment, Yu Qingchang is staring at the window, hear her voice turn around, just gently shake his head.

Seeing her listless, Luo Feiqi didn't continue this topic any more, picked up the mobile phone to look for the food shop in the suburbs.

When people are in a low mood, is there anything more healing than delicious food?

The answer from rofeich is No.

She was looking at it when a cell phone ring rang in her ear.Luo Feiqi poked Yu Qingshang in a daze with her elbow and gently reminded her, "Qingchang, someone will call you."

He Yu didn't know why he called the new guy for a few days, but he didn't know why he called.

However, unexpectedly, Yu Qingshang took out her mobile phone, looked at the screen, frowned and said, "I don't want to answer his call!"

"Whose call is it?" Luo Feiqi looks at the past in surprise and sees the name of he Xinyu flashing on the screen.

I didn't expect it was him

Luo Feiqi white a look at her mobile phone in the hand, said, "nothing, you don't want to pick me up, just I want to teach this guy a lesson!"

Said, she saw Yu Qingshang has not responded, directly ready to grab the mobile phone.

However, Yu Qingchang suddenly retracted her hand. There was a trace of embarrassment on her face. She said with a smile, "Feifei, don't pay attention to him. We'll treat it as if we didn't hear it..."

Then she put her mobile phone on the dashboard and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

But a call ended, and he Xinyu called again in two minutes.

At this time, Yu Qingshang was obviously a little depressed. Looking at Luo Feiqi who was sitting beside her, she said with some embarrassment, "I'd better answer it, or he may have been calling all the time."

Luo Feiqi just shrugs her shoulders. Of course, she can see that Yu Qingchang also wants to talk to him on the phone.

Press to answer. Two seconds later, he Xinyu's face is shown on the screen. He seems to be sitting in a coffee shop, looking tired.

"Qingchang, how are you these days? I've only found time today to tell you that you're safe. "

In the video phone, he Xinyu's face is floating with a shallow smile, and his tone is calm as water.

However, Yu Qingchang's mood immediately changed, and at the same time tried to suppress the excitement in her heart.

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