Take up the dress out and put it by the bed, and sit down and pacify.

"Well, Fifi, the cloud is always coming to save us. What is the big deal with you to ask him to say a few words. If it is not for him to be so timely, we are still on the mountain now!"

Luofeiqi heard that Yu Qingshang didn't speak for himself. He was immediately angry and directly covered his head in the quilt and ignored people.

After washing, cloud modesty walked up and opened the quilt, and urged seriously, "lazy insects don't pretend to sleep, and then go to the theatre group."

"Yes, I got up at 6:30 in the morning. You should dress quickly. The cloud always helps you squeeze the toothpaste together." Yu Qingshang said, pulling up luofeiqi.

Rofice did not want to get up, and she blamed her at a glance. "Are you my best friend? Actually has helped modest ink talk, now you have a new feather so reckless? "

Hearing her protest, Yu Qingshang smiled and coaxed her with good words.

Waiting for luofeiqi to wash, Yu Qingshang looked at cloud Qian Mo to help her comb her hair, suddenly some envy in her heart.

She also hopes she can marry he Xinyu early, and look forward to their life after marriage.

Like rofieqi and yunqianmo, the two people live a sweet and quarrel day.

After breakfast that day, luofeiqi accompanied by cloud modesty to the drama group, but when he entered, he saw Wei's stable face was not very good-looking.

"Good morning for Wei guide." Rofitsch does not have the deep intention to go up and take the initiative to say hello.

But Wei still pulled his face, and saw Yu Qingshang also follow up from behind, and immediately called Liang Chen and zhongevening yuan.

"I know everything last night. It's a lot of fun of you to run up the mountain in this situation!" Wei steady tone with a little annoyance, face serious blame everyone.

Several people secretly glanced at each other, all closed their mouths without opening.

Seeing no one, Wei shook his head and sighed, and continued, "we are not here for tourism, and you are all public figures. Can we concentrate on the play and not so high-profile?"

Listening to the voice of Wei steady is getting higher and higher, rofieqi decided to take responsibility and let several others be free from criticism.

"Wei guide you not angry, yesterday was I proposed to climb the mountain, and I pulled them a few people, in fact, I am wrong." Luofeiqi sincerely apologized to Wei.

Actually Wei stable also did not really angry, just saw a few people almost lost their way in the mountain, so Yu Gong and private should say a few words.

But hearing luofeiqi admit mistakes, he carries the black pot down by himself, and he can't bear to say anything again.

But he had not time to open up, and Zhu biming, who was watching the good play, couldn't help but sneer at it.

"Oh, the first sister of the drama team is different. She dare to take responsibility and take on a burden by herself. It is no wonder that she can eat like this in the circle with your love power!"

Zhu biming is insidious and sarcastic, and he does not disguise his disdain for rofiqi.

Originally he had a little bit of good feelings for rofiche, after all, no other sex can be able to parry.

But since the two have been in a group recently, luofeiqi has been fighting with him several times in a row, and Zhu biming has become more and more disgusted with her.

Especially yesterday, luofeiqi let him down in front of the public, and Zhu biming was so hateful.

"What is your nonsense, sister of the drama group?" Rofieqi frowned and was puzzled by what Zhu biming said just now.

Wei steadily saw rofiqi face embarrassed, hurriedly open to play round the field, "don't joke about it, all the actors in our crew are equally treated, there is no such a sister and brother this statement."

Hearing the words, Zhu biming sneered and disdained to leave the corner of his mouth.

However, cloud modesty naturally will not tolerate someone and luofeiqi can not go, immediately black face and opposite lips.

"I don't want to hold you down in any capacity, but you know that morality is important in this circle, and I remind you that it's better not to talk about it if you want to mix up."

Cloud modestly gave a warning, although there was no threat from the beginning to the end, he opened up enough to bring strong deterrent.

Zhu biming naturally knew the power of cloud modesty and realized that he could not provoke luofeiqi too much and then stopped his flag.

He apologized to rofiqi in a low attitude, and then left awkwardly under the eyes of cloud's modesty and cleverness.

On that day, as the first play has not been officially started, luofeiqi stops in the drama group for a moment and leaves with cloud modesty.

Because the crew has already packed the hotel, and the night is full, cloud Qian Mo can only stay in a relatively close home, not sure luofeiqi went to the hotel quietly in the early morning.

Yunqianmo took her to the house, and as soon as he entered, he lay lazily on the bed.

Looking at rofitsch, looking curiously, he deliberately showed her, "nobody has come to clean this morning. Please sweep the ground, and wipe the dust on the table."

Luofeiqi, who listened to cloud's humble and arrogant call himself, frowned. "Good you bad, you brought me here, I am a clean aunt!"Yun Qianmo complacently raised his eyebrows, cocked his feet and said, "I asked you to clean it. I hope you will take this place as our temporary home. I stayed for one night and I think the environment is good."

Luo Feiqi does not understand its meaning to ask, "temporary home? I'm going to shoot tomorrow and I can't live here with you. "

However, Yun Qianmo still suggests that she move in and agrees to accompany her to the production team every day.

However, Luo Feiqi still refuses. In fact, she just doesn't want to be special in the crew, especially when there are people like Zhu biming.

Once she moves out to live with Yun Qianmo, I'm afraid that Zhu biming will take this opportunity to release his poems.

"I still don't want to. After all, it's far from the crew here. I'd better stay in a hotel." Luo Feiqi declined in a soft voice and hid her unhappiness.

Yun Qianmo looked thoughtfully at Luo Feiqi, whose expression was somewhat resistant. He had no choice but to smile. He had to compromise, "well, well, I'm not demanding any more. You must take good care of yourself in the hotel. If there is any accident, you must move out and live with me."

In the second half of the sentence, he said in a strong tone. If Luo Feiqi was injured, the meaning of his coming would be gone.

Said, the eyes slightly squint at Luo Feiqi, a hug her in the arms.

"Well, I promise you." Luo Feiqi shallow smile, she is very happy that Yun Qianmo can understand her difficulties.

He helped Yun Qianmo clean the place where he lived, and then went out to have dinner with him. It was already very late. Yun Qianmo sent her back to the hotel, and she would like to film tomorrow.

The next morning, Luo Feiqi got up early, cleaned up a little, and went to the crew with Yu Qingshang.

In order to prepare the script for the first time, she has to prepare the script for the first time.

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