However, as soon as she was lying in bed, she received a call from President yuan again.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Luo. Could you come over this afternoon?" Yuan asked earnestly.

Luo Feiqi opened his mouth and yawned, and asked lazily, "isn't it that the contract is signed on a day? Why is it so urgent... "

At present, avid video company and its competitors are in the white hot, both sides are in pursuit of competition in all aspects, including endorsement advertising is no exception.

Just at noon, the rival company released the latest advertisement. Yuan was not willing to be outdone and decided to advance the shooting time.

"Well, the arrangement here has been temporarily transferred, so I would like to ask Miss Luo to understand." Mr. Yuan had a good talk.

In fact, Luo Feiqi was a little reluctant, but thought that since he had promised Mr. Yuan before, he still had to start and finish.

"Well, I'll contact the agent first." Luo Feiqi's voice began to be a little impatient.

After hanging up the phone, she decided to let Wang Zhizhi accompany her, considering what tricks yuan Zong Wanyi was up to.

Instead, she dialed Wang Zhizhi's number. After she explained the whole story, they agreed on the meeting place.

Fortunately, Wang Zhizhi happened to have free time on that day. She was also worried about Luo Feiqi, so she left the agency immediately.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied by Wang Zhizhi, Luo Feiqi enters the office building which loves video.

As soon as they saw Mr. Yuan, they immediately signed the contract and were taken to the studio where they shot the endorsement advertisements.

"Mr. Yuan, I don't know why he is so anxious?" Wang Zhizhi, on behalf of her own artists, made a frank inquiry.

"I'm also forced to have no choice but to let the two suffer."

Yuan sighed and apologized to the two people, and then explained the reasons for it vaguely.

After all, Luo Feiqi is only the spokesperson of the company, and she can understand Mr. Yuan to a certain extent.

So even though the job was a bit hasty, she didn't care much.

President yuan was also very grateful for Luo Feiqi's tolerance and peace. From entering the studio, he never stopped talking about his praise.

Staff are ready, make-up of Luo Feiqi also entered the state, began to shoot endorsement.

"Miss Luo, just look at the notice board in front of you." The staff pointed to the words on the whiteboard.

"I see. It's time to start." Luo Feiqi nodded slightly, and his solemn and serious attitude was very professional.

Entering the official shooting stage, Wang Zhizhi and Yuan Zong stood watching while Luo Feiqi devoted himself to shooting the advertisement.

"It's rare for an artist like Miss Luo!" Yuan Zong's face was smiling and staring at Luo Feiqi's every move.

Wang Zhizhi looked at him, "what did you say just now?"

Mr. Yuan held his cheek with one hand, and his words were full of praise. "I said just now that Miss Luo is not only talented and beautiful, but also has a good moral and artistic character."

Wang Zhizhi's ears were almost cocooned, so she had to go along with Luo Feiqi to shoot the advertisement.

Two hours later, the shooting was officially over.

Wang Zhizhi saw Luo Feiqi coming towards him, and immediately took out the kerchief and the mineral water and handed it to her.

"Feifei, are you tired after taking so long?" Wang Zhizhi saw a thin layer of sweat floating on her forehead, so she couldn't help asking.

Luo Feiqi smiles, "it's nothing. It's just advertising. It's much easier than filming."

However, with her baby in her stomach, her energy and physical strength are far less than before.

In fact, Luo Feiqi herself also felt a bit unbearable, but as an artist, she had to consider the issue of exposure.

If the pregnancy in October and lactation period disappear in the audience's view for a long time, it will be very difficult for them to come back again.

This is the deep-seated reason why Luo Feiqi takes over the endorsement. If she doesn't care about her future career development, she also wants to take care of her fetus like an ordinary mother to be.

"Look at your face, you're not brilliant Wang Zhizhi frowned at her and helped her to a chair.

At this time, Yuan Zong came up to praise Luo Feiqi again. She was embarrassed by the exaggerated words.

Sitting in a chair to rest, Luo Feiqi took out her mobile phone to brush her microblog. She didn't want to see a strong news.

She opened her eyes in surprise, confirmed that what she had seen was correct, and hastily packed up her things and said goodbye to Mr. Yuan.

"Feifei, what's the matter with you leaving in such a hurry?" Wang Zhizhi followed behind and asked inexplicably.

"Well, I'm going home first. I'll call you in the evening if I can help you." Luo Feiqi's tone is urgent, finish to go to the roadside to take a taxi to go home first.

After a while, she pushed the door of the villa in a hurry, and even did not respond to the greetings of the servants.

Walking up the second floor in one breath, Luo Feiqi pushes open the bedroom door and sees Yun Qianmo still working at his desk.

"Are you tired of going out all afternoon?"See Luo Feiqi come in, cloud Qian Mo immediately stop the work in hand, gentle face is full of consideration.

However, the girl standing in front of him was different, with a heavy heart on her face and a trace of anger in her eyes.

"There's something I want to make clear to you." Luo Feiqi's tone is serious.

Find Luo Feiqi a little abnormal, cloud Qian Mo's face is also serious, tone serious response, "OK, what's the matter, you can say it directly."

Seeing Yun Qianmo's leisurely attitude, Luo Feiqi's heart is more irritated.

"Please answer me truthfully, who were you with last night and where did you go together?" Luo Feiqi asked coldly.

Although no name has been given, such a problem is already clear.

Smell speech, cloud Qian Mo Mou color is swaying, silent contemplation a few seconds, did not make an immediate response.

But at the moment of Luo Feiqi obviously did not wait for patience, cloud Qian Mo's reaction in her view is more like avoiding and not answering.

"Well, since you can't answer, let's watch a piece of gossip news together."

Luo Feiqi's face seemed to smile, so he took out his mobile phone from his bag and put the content just seen on microblog in front of Yunqian's ink face.

These are two photos that are not very clear. Because of the strong wind and rain that night, we can only see the figure of one tall and one short in the Imperial Hotel.

"Now you can tell the truth. Which woman did you have a room with in the imperial hotel last night?" Luo Feiqi's eyes are gloomy, and his voice is full of frustration and indignation.

Hearing this, Yun Qian Mo's eyebrows were light, as if he had seen a ghost. His eyes stayed on Luo Feiqi's face for a long time.

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?" Yun Qian Mo laughs with disbelief.

Luo Feiqi held his head high, listening to the casual tone of Yun Qianmo, feeling unprecedented disappointment.

He had affairs with other women behind his back, but he acted so indifferent in front of himself.

"I'm not kidding." Luo Feiqi affirmed word by word.

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