When Luo Feiqi appears in the public's sight, the lens is aimed at her graceful and graceful posture.

"Miss Luo is so beautiful today!" The reporters in the front couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, the chief editor will definitely use this picture as the front page of tomorrow!" Reporters from another magazine were also full of praise.

Under the gaze of all eyes, Luo Feiqi's elegant gait makes him the most attractive figure on the red carpet.

"It looks like I'm doing well."

Hearing praise from both sides from time to time, Luo Feiqi's lips fluttered and quietly showed off to Wang Zhizhi.

Wang Zhizhi laughs leisurely. Seeing her happy face, she finds that Luo Feiqi always shows a girl's lovely side.

The two people's beautiful image stays in the camera, just as Luo Feiqi walks through half of the red carpet, and suddenly hisses from behind.

Hearing the sound, her feet stopped, and then continued to move forward in a dignified manner.

However, it is obvious that someone is also following her, I do not know whether it is to suppress her attention or to simply follow the heat.

"Zhizhi, help me see who's behind me." Luo Feiqi lowered her voice and asked for help from her agent.

But before Wang Zhizhi could turn back, he felt that Luo Feiqi, who was holding her arm, was leaning.

"Feifei, be careful!"

The people who followed her suddenly stepped on the corner of her skirt.

Facing the unexpected situation, although Wang Zhizhi is unprepared, because of the particularity of her profession, her sensitivity is always higher than that of ordinary people.

Catch Luo Feiqi, who nearly fell down. She covers the reporters' guns and cannons with her body in order to avoid them photographing the artists' frightened side.

"It's OK. It's OK. Let's move on."

Wang Zhizhi constantly soothes her voice and tries to calm down Luo Feiqi, whose face changes color.

At the same time, she saw that the person behind her turned out to be an actress in the circle who wanted to be popular. She had had a conflict with Luo Feiqi before.

Coincidence is often a small probability event, so the accident just now is obviously intentional by the actress.

However, in this situation, Wang Zhizhi can't argue with the other party. In order to maintain the image of the artist, he can only swallow this tone temporarily.

However, Luo Feiqi, with a black face after the shock, followed Wang Zhizhi to the end of the red carpet.

Just a breathtaking scene, she was afraid that she would fall on the ground and hurt the baby in her stomach.

"Don't be angry, Feifei. We don't have to meet people like this!"

Considering the overall situation, Wang Zhizhi continued to comfort Luo Feiqi patiently.

But Luo Feiqi droops the head, if ponders, the hand caresses the abdomen, does not utter a word.

"Well, just leave it to me. I'll go with you to eat first." Wang Zhizhi pulls her to leave.

Luo Feiqi, whose spirit was suddenly stimulated, is a little wrong, but the good actress is just running to find trouble.

"You are not careful. Don't wear such high shoes when you have bad legs!"

After walking the red carpet, the actresses came over and ran into rofeich with her shoulder.

For each other's provocation many times, Luo Feiqi's eyes darkened instantly.

The next second, she suddenly raised her head, clear eyes were filled with sullen.

"Despicable villain, don't think I didn't know you were on purpose

Luo Feiqi gritted her teeth fiercely, and her shadowy face almost engulfed the actress.

The other party was surprised, did not expect that Luo Feiqi, who had always been mild tempered, would be angry in full view of the public.

Seizing the opportunity, she spared no effort to infuriate Luo Feiqi.

"Open your mouth and scold. Do you have any quality? I just accidentally tripped you up. How can you be so narrow-minded..." The actress pouted back and pretended to be aggrieved.

On hearing this, Luo Feiqi is more angry and grabs the actress's collar to issue a warning.

"I remind you, you'd better stay away from me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

She snapped and caressed her stomach anxiously, as if to tell the baby not to be afraid.

At the moment, the whole person beside Wang Zhizhi is silly, she is the first time to see Luo Feiqi so impolite.

"Mu Yao, what have you done? You know it in your heart. Let's call it a day. I hope you can do it yourself!"

Wang Zhizhi also pulled down his face and scolded Luo Feiqi, who was out of control.

That night, under her careful guidance, luofeiqi ate something, but her mood never returned to the normal track.

It wasn't until on the way back, she had a sleep against the back of her chair, and when she woke up, she came out of the cloud.

The next morning.

Luo Feiqi gets up very early as usual. Because of Yun Qianmo, the TV interview is scheduled to be recorded today.

However, when she came out of Yu Qingshang's home, she accidentally saw Yun Qianmo's car stop at the door.

"It's you again. What do you want?" Asked Luo Feiqi angrily.Yun Qianmo pokes his head out of the window, his voice is light and the wind is clear, "Feifei, you get on the bus first, I'll show you a news."

Out of curiosity, she gets on the bus with vigilance. Yun Qianmo immediately opens the news on her mobile phone and shows it to her.

"You can't believe me, but not everyone is lying."

Hearing Yun Qianmo's confession, Luo Feiqi focused on the news and was surprised to see that the media revealed that she played a big role in the charity party, and her once gentle and dignified image collapsed.

"How could I was yesterday... " Luo Feiqi's words were blocked for a moment, and he was puzzled by what was written in the news.

In order to make her believe that she really has a second personality, Yun Qianmo quietly took out the video of walking on the red carpet at that time.

"Seeing is believing. This is the video I took last night." Yun Qian Mo spoke calmly.

Out of consideration of getting evidence, Yun Qianmo did not show up at the dinner party last night, and has been protecting Luo Feiqi in a low-key way.

Now Luo Feiqi sees this video, she also begins to believe what Yun Qianmo said before.

But she still can't understand why the memory of that time was completely lost after the incident.

"Feifei, it seems that the second personality usually appears when you are bullied by others. That's how you activate your self-defense mechanism." Yun Qian Mo has a reasonable and well founded analysis.

Luo Feiqi bit lip silence, at the moment her brain is in a mess.

Looking at her bewildered look, Yun Qianmo was deeply distressed, so he had to comfort her constantly, and would hire the best psychiatrist for adjuvant treatment.

Seeing the video of the charity dinner, although Luo Feiqi still refuses to admit it in her heart, she knows that she can't deceive herself in the face of the evidence in front of her.

At the moment, her wandering eyes are full of uneasiness, and it is difficult for her to accept her dual personality for a time.

Yun Qianmo sees Luo Feiqi's helplessness, and after soothing her gently, he persuades her to agree to see a psychologist.

"Feifei, don't put pressure on yourself. Why don't you accompany me to see a psychologist?" Yun Qianmo patiently discussed with her.

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