"Let's get started." After getting the result she wanted, Luo Feiqi breathed a sigh of relief and formally put herself into the play. Even if there was no camera, her attitude towards acting was as serious as ever.

Over and over again, Luo Feiqi breathed out a breath. This kind of reality is really beneficial to the play. She has found several places where she is emotionally weak. She will go back this evening and think about it. She believes that she will be able to hand over her "acting skills" with more levels tomorrow.

"Thank you, brother Ren. I don't mind accompanying me in the drama."

Ren Shichu smiles, stands up and raises his hand as if to pat Luo Feiqi on the shoulder.

Luo Feiqi is aware of his intention and frowns slightly. Just at this time, the mobile phone in the bag suddenly makes a noise. Luo Feiqi breathes a sigh of relief and walks quickly past.

"Brother Ren, I'm sorry. I'll take a call."

Ren Shichu reached half of his hand and hung awkwardly in the air. His smile on his face was also stiff, but after all, he was an exquisite person in the entertainment industry, and he took back his hand naturally. He nodded, but his steps did not move.

Luo Feiqi looked at him and took the initiative to walk away a few steps to one side, which connected the phone.

"Why did it take so long to answer the phone?" Cloud Qian Mo discontented voice from the phone, Luo Feiqi pursed lips and chuckled, just with a bit of alert look, at this time all soft down.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was just busy." Luo Feiqi said half of the words, but was suddenly interrupted by Ren Shichu.

"Feiqi, I'm going to film first. I'll accompany you to the play when I'm off." Ren Shichu has been paying close attention to Luo Feiqi. Seeing the sweet smile on her face when she answers the phone, he probably understands a little.

The caller is either a boyfriend or an ambiguous object.

However, Ren Shichu did not intend to give up. Luo Feiqi's outstanding appearance is also rare in the entertainment industry. How about having a boyfriend? He can compete openly.

Luo Feiqi was startled by him. He almost threw his mobile phone on the ground with a tremor in his hand. He forced to smile and nodded. "OK, brother Ren, please."

"It's OK. I'm happy to be with you." Ren Shichu's tone is gentle, a normal polite words are just said by him a bit ambiguous, the end of the phone cloud Qian Mo face suddenly black.

"Who are you talking to?" After Ren Shichu left, Yun Qian Mo asked coolly, with a sour tone in his voice.

"Ren..." Luo Feiqi blurted out to say that Ren Ge, but suddenly stopped, "Ren Shichu, is the hero of this play."

Hearing the speech, Yun Qianmo's face became darker. He remembered Ren Shichu. Last time, he and Luo Feiqi got hot search because of a still photo. What's more, Luo Feiqi also praised his handsome appearance.

"You are a female No.2, and the male host what play!" Yun Qian Mo's Vinegar complaint.

Luo Feiqi listens, in the heart is funny, intentionally teases him: "Ren elder brother person good, help me, otherwise I and the air to play!"

Yun Qianmo was angry for a moment, but Luo Feiqi pretended that he didn't notice the change of his mood at all, and continued to praise Ren Shichu.

"Let me tell you, brother Ren is more handsome than on TV in reality, and his acting skills are also good. I'm really lucky to be able to play with him this time." Luo Feiqi said as she couldn't help laughing.

"Don't play with him! I'll be with you next time Yunqian Murton, and then said, "anyway, two hours to the shooting base, if you want to play, I'll go to you now!"

Yun Qianmo has always been said to be able to do the temperament, Luo Feiqi is afraid that he really ran over now, quickly stop.

"No need not, I tease you. If you want to play, I can find yingzi. You'd better take care of the company's affairs."

Luo Feiqi knows that Yun Qianmo supports the company alone, and he is very busy. In addition to the recent preparation of new technology CG film shooting, busy feet, I can not give him any more trouble at this time.

"My wife is going to be robbed. I'm still busy with the company." A modest voice.

Luo Feiqi didn't hear clearly, some doubt asked: "what do you say? I didn't hear you clearly. "

"I said yes! I see! " Yun Qian Mo quickly pulled open the topic, "then you should also make a good film, do not get involved in affairs!"

Luo Feiqi had no choice but to turn his eyes. His heart was funny, but the sweetness at the bottom of his heart was really lingering in any case.

Hang up the phone, Luo Feiqi takes into account what Yun Qianmo said. In order to keep a distance from Ren Shichu, Luo Feiqi said to the director and then ran away.

After comparing the drama to yingzi that will be shot tomorrow twice, Luo Feiqi simply has dinner and brushes her microblog in bed.

It has been several days since Shen Menglei was exposed to the scandal, and the hot search on microblog has also dropped. Although it seems that this matter has been suppressed by the new star scandal, the impact on Shen Menglei is far from over.

For the sake of the company's image, di Chao entertainment has temporarily hidden Shen Menglei. Many magazine advertisements previously co filmed with her have also terminated the contract with her. It's really a good play that people push against the wall.But Luo Feiqi knows, with Shen Menglei's means, she will certainly climb up again.

At the same time, Wang Peixin is also paying close attention to Shen Menglei. When she hears the reports from her subordinates, Wang Peixin's mouth is filled with a sneering smile.

I thought that I really underestimated Luo Feiqi. The means of revenge was more powerful than myself. Fortunately, I got out of my body in time and gave things to Shen Menglei, that stupid woman. Otherwise, the unfortunate person would become himself!

Luo Feiqi's first scene is a confrontation with Wang Peixin. After the two people straighten up, Luo Feiqi is pushed down the fountain by Wang Peixin.

"Sister Feifei, do you think Wang Peixin will use the play to harm you?" Luo Feiqi is in make-up, the heroic posture squats on one side, frowns bitterly.

"Ann, it's OK. With so many people watching, Wang Peixin won't be any better." Luo Feiqi really wanted to open. Although she embarrassed Wang Peixin yesterday, she was always human when shooting. With Wang Peixin's pretentious personality, she would not be willing to destroy her goddess image.

"Well, but sister Feifei, you'd better be careful."

Luo Feiqi smiles and pats yingzi on the shoulder, quickly changes the clothes to be used for shooting, and walks towards the shooting scene.

"Scene 10, three mirrors, action!"

As the assistant presses the recording board, the camera moves forward quickly. By the fountain, Wang Peixin and Luo Feiqi stand opposite each other, and their facial expressions are extremely cold.

"I advise you to stay away from him. You and he are not on the same path. It is impossible to be happy if you do not belong to the same family." Luo Feiqi holds the goblet elegantly, and the green green jade finger looks like transparent against the bright red wine.

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