Luo Feiqi suddenly realized that the letters engraved on the necklace were actually the abbreviations of Yun Qianmo's name.

So the other necklace must be her initials

Luo Feiqi finally understood the intention of Yun Qianmo and the meaning of the sound of the sea.

She was gentle and smiling, and her tone was a little more apologetic: "I'm sorry, Qian Mo, you see, sometimes I'm behind, then I still don't give the sound of the ocean to Qingchang."

In fact, Yun Qianmo doesn't blame her, but the sound of the sea is unique, and there will be no second pair of copies in the world.

Given up this idea, Luo Feiqi is still at home in confinement, so she can only rely on reading magazines to find the inspiration of choosing gifts.

Coincidentally, she soon saw a new product announcement about top jewelry in a high-end magazine.

Originally, there was a jewelry brand specializing in luxury goods to create a global limited edition of colorful necklaces, the same as the voice of the sea, the only pair in the world.

In order to give Yu Qingshang the most sincere blessing, Luo Feiqi secretly decided to take down this pair of unique necklaces at the first time.

The next day, she called Wang Zhizhi and photographed the pictures in the magazine and asked her to help with the purchase.

It is said that Yu Qingshang and he Xinyu will soon enter the marriage hall. Wang Zhizhi is very happy for this and agrees to find a way to buy colorful necklaces.

Wang Zhizhi flew to state j to meet with Mr. Li. He learned that President Jia, President of colorful necklaces, would go to China to explore new markets in a few days.

After several twists and turns, Wang Zhizhi hurried back to China and finally made an appointment with Mr. Jia to meet and discuss.

However, Mr. Jia was more difficult to deal with than he had imagined. He said bluntly: "Miss Wang, to be honest, there are a lot of celebrities and rich businessmen interested in colorful necklaces. My assistant receives numerous phone calls every day. I don't think you have the strength to take them down."

The rarity is the most important thing. The colorful necklace can be regarded as authentic in terms of design, significance and collection value, but Wang Zhizhi can't accept his arrogant tone.

However, in order to achieve Luo Feiqi's wish, the gold medal agent can only put down his airs.

"I understand the value of this necklace, and I have the sincerity to conclude a deal with you. First of all, its price is not a problem, but I want to know what additional requirements Mr. Jia has?"

General manager Jia just heard that a movie star in Huashi wanted to buy it, but he didn't know the identity behind the buyer.

He sneered, and his voice was arrogant and slow: "Miss Wang, you'd better leave in the face of difficulties. Frankly speaking, you don't have enough competitiveness. I have to leave first."

Looking at Jia Zongyang's departure, Wang Zhizhi was annoyed and at the same time had nothing to do with him.

After all, the buyer and the seller were willing by both parties, but she was rejected by general manager Jia. She didn't want to let Luo Feiqi know the bad news, so she had to call Yun Qianmo for help.

Knowing the situation, Yun Qianmo took over the matter without saying a word. He ordered his assistant to make an appointment with Mr. Jia. He was ready to pay for the appointment.

The next afternoon, a corner of the cafe.

Yun Qianmo sits in a chair, sipping coffee gracefully and talking slowly.

"My wife's agent called on you yesterday."

Listening to his calm and calm voice, President Jia looked at him for a moment and realized that he had underestimated Wang Zhizhi's power yesterday.

Shengshi group is well-known all over the world, and President Jia has been in business for many years.

"It turns out that Miss Wang belongs to Mr. Yun..." Mr. Jia dragged his voice for a long time, and suddenly there was a hint of flattery in his tone.

Yun Qian Mo sneers coldly and takes out the check directly from the case bag.

"Don't say the extra words. Since you know my intention, you can fill in the price yourself."

After that, he pushed the check to Mr. Jia.

The reason why this colorful necklace has attracted the attention of celebrities all over the world is that its pendant is wrapped with an alien rock brought back by astronauts many years ago.

The surface of the pendant is wrapped by artificial colorful gems, but the rocks inside are real materials.

Due to the restriction of the law, it is forbidden to circulate and trade, so its value is rising.

At that time, Luo Feiqi only felt novel when she saw it. However, compared with the voice of the sea, it was the latter that had more profound significance for her.

At present, general manager Jia saw that Yun Qianmo was ready to give up, knowing that he was determined to win today, so he offered a high price to let him give up.

Fill in a long string of numbers, he held it in front of Yunqian's ink face triumphantly: "general manager Yun, can you accept the price?"

Yun Qian Mo just glanced at it. He didn't want to look at it carefully. He said, "the deal will be delivered to my office before noon tomorrow."

This time, it was Jia's turn to hang out in the coffee shop. Yun Qian's ink brush was strong and steady. In a flash, he drove away.

The check has been taken, and Mr. Jia has no time to regret it. Moreover, the sky high price of this random issue has already exceeded his psychological expectation.The next night, Luo Feiqi coax the baby to take a bath and go to bed. She opens the quilt and accidentally sees a long jewelry box.

The extremely luxurious package looked familiar, and she suddenly remembered the new product notice she saw in the magazine.

At the moment cloud Qian Mo carrying hot milk into the room, just want to send to Luo Feiqi in front of, see her look excited to rush up.

"Qian Mo, I love you to death!" Luo Feiqi is so excited that she hugs him tightly and kisses him on her toes.

Yun Qianmo kept her arm balanced to avoid knocking over the milk. She soothed her mood with a warm voice: "wake up Murphy carefully. If you like this pair of colorful necklaces, we can collect them. Anyway, we can choose wedding gifts again."

Luo Feiqi calmed his excitement and took the glass and drank the milk happily.

Back to the bed, she gently put the jewelry box on the bedside table, for fear that the milk in her hand would dirty the box.

"Forget it. Contented people are always happy. Besides, I only like the sound of the ocean you gave me. This pair of necklaces should be given to Qingshang and Xinyu." Luo Feiqi's clear eyes twinkled with satisfaction.

Yun Qian Mo nods, see Luo Feiqi already had own plan, did not continue to persuade.

In fact, their views are similar. Not long ago, when he was choosing gifts, he also paid attention to colorful necklaces.

However, for the sake of connotation, Yun Qianmo decided to buy the voice of the ocean.

Although in terms of rarity, it is slightly inferior to the colorful necklace, but it gives the meaning of love pledge between two people.

A few days later, with the end of luofeiqi's confinement, it's time for Murphy's full moon feast to be held.

For several days in a row, friends in the circle called Luo Feiqi for an invitation.

Yu Qingchang is more because she has not received Luo Feiqi's reply for a long time, so she simply goes to the door to help her set up a full moon banquet.

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