The staff cheered up. In the midst of the noise, the directors who were serious in the past also showed a little smile, "I'll invite you to dinner tonight! Make yourself at home

As soon as the director said this, everyone's call became more and more excited, and the tension and hard work in this moment also fell dust.

Luo Feiqi changed the crew's clothes, went back to the hotel for a short rest, and was going to attend the crew's dinner because it was finally killed. Luo Feiqi's haze mood has finally cleared up a lot.

The mobile phone on the table is buzzing, and the words "he Xinyu" are constantly jumping on the screen.

It's time for Roche to get through.

"Feifei, congratulations on your killing!" He Xinyu with a smile of gentle voice from the phone, as if a warm sunshine scattered in people's heart.

Luo Feiqi's eyes also overflow with a smile, "thank you. Seriously, the first time I stayed in the crew for such a long time, I'm still a little reluctant to part with the end."

"Love around the corner" can be said to be the best resource for Luo Feiqi at present. Although Wang Peixin's existence is not so perfect, it is also the first time for Luo Feiqi to take on such an important part and stay in the crew for such a long time.

"It doesn't matter. When the show is over, there will be better waiting for you. I'm sure you'll be the heroine in the future, so you'll stay longer in the crew in the future

He Xinyu's soft voice encouraged Luo Feiqi. Although he didn't say anything particularly exaggerated, Luo Feiqi felt confident because of his simple comfort.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid I'll leave the crew crying then."

He Xinyu chuckled and cooperated with Luo Feiqi's jokes, "I will help you wipe your tears."

"Well, I'd like to thank you in advance for your warm boy behavior." Before Luo Feiqi often called he Xinyu Xuechang, later changed his name.

Now the two people such a relaxed joke, let Luo Feiqi feel as if back in the school carefree time in general, this familiar title is easy to say.

"I haven't heard you call me that for a long time." He Xinyu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt some emotion. Although it was only a few years ago, in retrospect, the time in the school seemed like a long time ago.

"Yes, but now that the senior is so good, I should change my name to general manager he." Luo Feiqi said with a smile, in her heart, he Xinyu has always been a very powerful person, if you can, Luo Feiqi would like to be friends forever.

"Well, don't make fun of me. Are you doing anything tonight? I'll treat you to dinner and celebrate the killing. " He Xinyu indulged in the smile tone without any sense of blame, turning the topic back to his original intention.

"Tonight, no way. The crew are going to have dinner together." Luo Feiqi frowned in embarrassment.

"It's my negligence. It's OK. You'll have a good night and have a good rest when you come back." He Xinyu is very considerate to say, but today he is really too impatient, unexpectedly forgot the rules of the crew.

"Well, can we make an appointment tomorrow?"

"Of course. By the way, drink less at night."

Luo Feiqi nodded, a knock came from the door, and Yingfei called, "sister Feifei, are you ok? We're leaving! "

"No more. Yingzi urges me to go. Bye! See you tomorrow

"Good, see you tomorrow!" He Xinyu said with a smile, his voice was gentle as if to drip out the secret.

Luo Feiqi quickly changed into a daily dress. Anyway, it was a dinner party for the crew, and everyone was familiar with it. There was no need to dress up to attend.


As soon as Luo Feiqi got out of the elevator, he heard a call from the side hall of the hotel. Turning around, he saw Ren Shichu walking towards him with a surprise smile on his face.

"What a coincidence, you go to the hotel, let's go together."

What's the smile on Luo Qi's face? Ren Shichu stopped in the side hall of the hotel, didn't he really wait for himself?

This is not Luo Feiqi narcissism. During this period of time, Ren Shichu's attitude is ambiguous. However, Luo Feiqi feels that he doesn't really like himself. He just plays on the scene, or wants to play together. If he gets tired of it, he will shoot two pieces.

This is not unusual in the entertainment industry, many stars are like this, but this does not include Luo Feiqi.

Maybe it's because I don't have any chance after killing the green, so Ren Shichu has to wait here for the last time.

Luo Feiqi knows it well, but she still nods and agrees.

Fortunately, the restaurant is not far away from here, you can walk to yingzi. Yingzi is pulled by Ren Shichu's agent to speak. Her pace gradually slows down and falls behind them.

"Do you have any new plans for the end of the play?" Ren Shichu looks like an elder and looks at Luo Feiqi with a smile.

"Not yet. You can take a break and plan slowly." Luo Feiqi polite smile, tone with alienation, not easy to detect the distance between the two people."You have a big heart." Ren Shichu shook his head with a smile, "the entertainment industry is so fast that I dare not rest. I'm afraid that I will not have my own position when I come back."

Luo Feiqi smiles and doesn't answer. What she says is just polite words. After the play is over, the first thing she has to prepare is the advertising shoot of QW. If she guesses correctly, director York will contact her soon to confirm the shooting time and location.

Of course, when there are good scripts in the meantime, she will naturally respond to them.

Ren Shichu did not speak, so he looked at Luo Feiqi with a smile. It seemed that he was waiting for her response. The atmosphere was a little embarrassed for a moment, so Luo Feiqi had to speak.

"Ren Ge all arrived at present position, unexpectedly still can have such worry."

"Of course." Ren Qi, a lot of serious face, you know

Luo Feiqi looks at him suspiciously, don't know Ren Shichu this is to sell what pass again.

"You and the girls I saw in the entertainment industry are different. You are in this, but you have not been dyed by the entertainment industry. You are still so clean and simple."

Ren Shichu's eyes are full of love, Luo Feiqi almost didn't laugh. She silently turned her eyes in her heart. She was embarrassed by Ren Shichu's so conventional "teasing her sister".

However, Luo Feiqi's face did not reveal the slightest emotion, still faint smile, "Ren elder brother flatters me too, I and everybody have nothing different, in this entertainment circle, no one will be simple."

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