"Let's go! Let's go Seeing that the atmosphere between them was a little strange, York took the initiative to open his mouth and broke the embarrassment.

"Good." Cloud Qian Mo should a, but his eyes have been tightly stuck to Luo Feiqi's body. Seeing that she is still there, she doesn't seem to be unable to respond, so he calls out with a soft tone.

"Feifei, let's go."

Luo Feiqi suddenly turned around and realized that he had just been fascinated by Yun Qianmo's "beauty". He immediately turned red and had no time to worry about why he would appear here.

She bowed her head and said, "well, OK."

After that, Luo Feiqi quickly walked to the side of the car without waiting for Yun Qianmo's reaction. Director York had already taken the initiative to sit in the front passenger's seat. He was secretly thinking of leaving space for the two young people who were in trouble.

the scenery outside the window flashed by. Dark gray buildings, green trees and shrubs all became a flash of virtual shadows. Luo Feiqi turned his head to fix himself Looking out of the window, there is a straight back sitting upright cloud Qian mo.

Director York looks at the silent couple in the rearview mirror, and is worried.

When he was in country y, director York could see that their feelings were different from those of ordinary people. When he came to China this time, he found that there was a conflict between the two people, so he wanted to make a Cupid to help them bridge.

"Mo, have you ever been to that mountain? What is the view like

Director York took the lead in opening the conversation box. If he really waited for them to speak, he would suffocate himself.

I'm sorry I didn't

"Isn't that a very famous scenic spot here?" Director York is very surprised by Yun Qianmo's answer.

"Yes, but I'm too busy to have time." Yun Qian Mo shrugged his shoulders and scratched across Luo Feiqi's face.

"Oh! That's really a pity. " Director York shook his head and sighed. Suddenly, he said, "Mo, where do you and Feifei usually go on a date?"

Luo Feiqi was taken off guard by the roll call, but it was still such a problem. His face was suddenly embarrassed. He took a look at Yun Qianmo and quickly moved away his eyes.

"We don't date on weekdays!"

Hearing Luo Feiqi's answer, Yun Qianmo's face turned black, but then returned to normal. "We usually go around the city and have dinner."

"Mo, you really have no sentiment." "If I were Fifi, I would refuse to go out with you," joked York director

Yun Qian Mo's eyes turned to Luo Feiqi, with a look and seriousness that can't be ignored, "right? Then I'll learn a lesson and find a more romantic dating place

Luo Feiqi strayed her eyes, but she did not deny Yun Qianmo's words. Today, director York will take Yun Qianmo with her, which is really beyond her expectation.

The tangle in the heart has not been a fall, and today's ambiguous attitude of Yun Qianmo also let Luo Feiqi's psychological defense line rout step by step.

Director York laughed heartily, turned and stretched his arm. It seemed that he wanted to pat Yun Qianmo on the shoulder, but he soon found that the difficulty of this action was a little high, and he withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

"Small lovers quarrel, very often, do not have such a big temper, Mo, you are a boy, should let the girl."

Yun Qianmo nodded, his eyes still on Luo Feiqi's body.

"Mo, maybe you can go to Africa with me and Feifei. It will be a wonderful experience to date there." York's eyes lit up and suddenly said.

Cloud Qian Mo's face changed, "Africa?"

"Yeah, Feifei and I will go to the desert to shoot a documentary soon."

With the word "desert", Yun Qian Mo's face became more and more gloomy. His anger in his eyes seemed to condense into substance, freezing the air in the car.

"Did you agree?" Yun Qianmo stares at Luo Feiqi, not letting go of any subtle expression on her face.

Luo Feiqi pursed her lips. Her eyes were separated from Yun Qianmo's, and her face was very indifferent. It seemed that the topic they were talking about was just a simple question about what to eat for lunch today.


Yun Qianmo was about to say something, but York director suddenly interrupted, "Mo, don't you want Feifei to go?"

"Yes, it's too dangerous on the African side." Yunqian MoSi does not hide his true ideas, even if he is in front of the world's top directors.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll protect Feifei. She's my goddess. I won't allow anything to hurt her at all."

Yun Qianmo still wants to go on, but the scene is not suitable for them to talk about this problem, so they have to suppress their emotions temporarily.

All day long, Yun Qianmo was angry at the thought that Luo Feiqi was going to a dangerous place in Africa's desert. He was angry that he didn't know the news earlier, and that Luo Feiqi took over without consulting himself.Director York was very surprised at the unique village in Mountain China. He was full of enthusiasm all day. On the contrary, both Luo Feiqi and Yun Qianmo were depressed and managed to keep their smiles on their faces.

Two people are very tacit understanding, first will York director back to the hotel, watching his fat figure disappear at the entrance of the hotel, cloud Qian Mo endure a day of mood finally burst out.

"Why do you want to go to Africa?" he said Cloud Qian Mo's face is gloomy looking at Luo Feiqi, in the eye takes the anger which the mountain rain is about to come.

"Because it's my own business, I don't have to report it to others." What Luo Feiqi dislikes most is Yun Qianmo's attitude. He is nameless and angry in his heart, and his words are hard.

"Feifei, am I someone else?" By Luo Feiqi's alienation stinging, cloud Qian Mo's face flashed a trace of hurt color.

Luo Feiqi is silent, did not speak, cloud Qian Mo also refuses to bow his head, two people indescribable stalemate.

A few minutes later, Yun Qianmo's attitude softened down. Compared with being angry here, he is more worried about the safety of Luo Feiqi.

Africa is already barren, and the place they go to is desert, which means that the danger level is multiplied.

"Feifei, you can't go! It's too dangerous there. I'm worried! "

Luo Feiqi takes a complex look at Yun Qianmo. His attitude makes Luo Feiqi feel uncomfortable. His mood turns several times. Luo Feiqi also softens her tone.

"It's more than a job for me, it's meaningful, it's a very important opportunity, I can't help but go."

Luo Feiqi did not know that this time's shooting is not only hard, but also dangerous.

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