Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1910: Nuwa reborn in Wanyu! 4 more

A powerful and clear shout has been visibly brightened with a circle, dozens of hundreds of times the colorful divine light, blanket-like pressed against the surrounding sand tide pads.

This wave of light is not particularly strong, but it has the flexibility of water, and it can trap layers of sand tide, like an adhesive! The surging tide of sand was sticky and slowly waved down.


Ji Pengcheng's and Ji Pengfei's long phoenix eyes faded away and brightened at this moment! Just as they had witnessed Ji Wushuang creating miracles countless times, bringing subversive shocks to the Ji family, full of hope.

Even such a subversive feeling, since Ji Wushuang was stepped on by Ye Qianli in the Tiandao hunting ground, it has slowly faded from Ji's upper and lower senses.

Because compared to Ye Qianli, Ji Wushuang's progress is far inferior, even Ji Wushuang is very extraordinary, but because there is Ye Qianli before, she has been unable to set a new peak record.

Ye Qianli, she is an insurmountable mountain, firmly pressed in front of Ji Wushuang, and also suppressed the Ji family, so that when the people of Ji family mentioned their Wushuang Miss, it has gradually faded away. Hot worship.


this moment!

At the moment of Ji's survival.

The person who stood up for them was after all their Ji's eldest lady.

And Ji Wushuang, she is indeed Ji's well-deserved number one arrogant!

At this moment, she seemed to be like a goddess Nuwa rising from the sky.

She stood up from the center of Ji's oldest altar! She stepped on Ji's purest colorful divine light and stood up infinitely huge.

And her stop! What stood here was not only her own unique personality, but also the last hope of the entire Ji family, and even the hope of Wanyu.

It's just that everyone at the moment, including Ji Wushuang, doesn't even know the position where she stood up, this position in Colorful City! It was the main formation eye set by Yao Ming, he wanted to induce the destructive power of the Heavenly Demon Territory to radiate from the Colorful City to the entire Ten Thousand Territory.

Ji Wushuang doesn't know this, she only knows that she is the descendant of Nuwa, the strongest Protoss, she can't! They will never let their clan go extinct.

This is Ji Wushuang's pride! It is also her belief and persistence.

It was also at this moment that she suddenly understood thoroughly why Ye Qianli was able to defeat her when she was clearly weaker than her!

Because she understood, the so-called faith.

It is the most indelible persistence and conviction!

Even if it is a mangoing arm as a car, it must be the strongest mangoing arm.

and so……


When the infinite colorful divine light continuously poured into Ji Wushuang's body from the space of the colorful city, the dazzling light radiated from her body became brighter and brighter.

Her divine body is the divine source deity of self-dispelling vast divine glory! The endless creative power, the endless female snail Shenhui, is also at this moment!

Continually from the Seven Colors City, the Ji’s altar, and the Ji’s legendary land, the mighty influx into the Ji Wushuang divine body, so that her cultivation and strength have soared to the peak of the domain king in a short time, even half a step. God's realm.

But this is not enough...

Can clearly feel that the sand burst under her feet has absolute destructive power for Ji Wushuang. She constantly absorbs the last divine brilliance left by the ancestors of the sky-filling stone, and also constantly absorbs it. Ji's tens of thousands. Since generations, the accumulated Nuwa supernatural power.

This is not...


Ji Wushuang, who cut her chest and sacrificed her heart, was still in a flash, just awakening! The purest Nuwa **** blood, sacrificed and summoned——

"Ji Wushuang, the younger generation, please ancestor **** Nuwa, help Wushuang Zhen Yaoni, and stabilize my Ji family's divine vein! Set the city of Wu Ji family, descendants of Anwu Ji family, Yanwu Ji family forever!

The Ji family of my clan will live forever to prove the immortality of the ten thousand domains and keep the ten thousand domains immortal. "One word at a time! Like Xu Shisu, please give me a sacrifice, like a steel ball smashing down a jade plate, shaking with a loud and crisp sound, shaking the Ji family who is still alive, and the blood is boiling.

My clan Ji family! When the ages live forever, witness the immortality of the domains.

My clan Ji family! As the line of Nuwa who created the creatures of the Ten Thousand Realms, it is necessary to keep the original aspiration and watch the living beings of the Ten Thousand Realms continue forever.

This is Ji's pride! It is also Ji's responsibility.

Over the years, perhaps the Ji family has gradually forgotten that the original intention of the Ji family is not only to create, but also to protect! But in the Ten Thousand Realm Guarding War, the Ji family did not humiliate this pride after all.


"My clan Ji! Forever." I don't know who roared out the voice first, and the Ji clan roared up and down one after another! Washed away from despair, reinvigorated with tenacity and pride.

Yes, they are the Ji clan! They shouldn't die before the ten thousand domains, they want to live forever like ten thousand domains, immortal and immortal.

Yes, they are the proudest Protoss! How can they fall easily? They want to tear through all obstacles and guard the ancestral land! Survived.

this moment--

"Please **** Nuwa, help me wait for the demon,..."

Numerous Ji clan descendants have landed on the only remaining piece of Ji clan's land. They have sacrificed their own divine power and their own bloodline power, just to hold on to the Ji clan's last survival space.

This is Ji's pride! It is Ji's persistence and unyielding.

this moment--

"My heart is very relieved."

A sigh that seemed to sound around the Ji family, and also seemed to come from ancient times, has arrived like a cloud, and landed in the legendary land of the Ji family, that is, the Ji family's altar.

this moment--

Between ten thousand domains!

Nuwa's divine power, which has already returned to the vast and vast realms, are also like soft auspicious clouds, like soft colorful silk and satin, falling down and heading towards the middle realm.

this moment--

Ye Qianli and Yun Zhixi, who were originally bewildered by the Pearl of the Sky Demon Territory, did not see the central area of ​​the Central Region where Colorful City is located. Ye Qianli and Yun Zhixi also turned their heads to focus on Colorful City instead of the demon in front of them. .

this moment--

He had successfully led Ye Qianli to Ten Thousand Regions City instead of Yao Ming in Colorful City, and his face changed slightly. He obviously did not expect that the Ji family, who was already in his control, would still have The power to turn over.

Although Yao Ming's face change was very slight, he could not hide it from Ye Qianli, who was observing Qihao, and Yun Zhixi, so the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not hesitate! Crossed towards the colorful city.



The monster with thirty-six wings and magic wings suddenly shook out! However, he was faster than their speed, not to mention blocking their way, the terrifying magic power shook out by him was still in an instant, blocking the Ten Thousand Regions City where they were located.

Wanyu City, this ancient city corresponding to the real Wanyu City on Mount Xume, was immediately transformed into a world of heavenly demons by the demon, with many shadows.

Thirty-six Wing Sky Demon!

------Off-topic ------

ps: more.

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