Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1914: Never lose a hole card! 1 more

The Yao Kui, who had once visited Ye Qianli, brought thousands of large demon puppets, bright like snowflakes, now behind Ye Qianli in the vast air.

This doesn't count--



The 600,000 pure-blood big demon puppets brought back by Ye Qianli from the Sky Demon Realm, at this moment, are also like a consistent star, drawn from all parts of the Ten Thousand Realm in the sky, and are called to appear under the magic rune.

But for a moment, Ye Qianli's back appeared! There are millions of demon puppets, and they have completely crushed Demon Ming's pure blood great demon army in number.

And such a battle! Enough to make the ministers of Mount Xumi sigh, that Cang Yufei was even more stunned, and shouted again, "God's rune call puppetry!? This..."

This is actually a rune call puppetry!

The legendary rune calls puppetry! ?

Cang Yufei didn't expect that the legendary magic arts that only existed in the records of the Cang King actually let him see. He really, really didn't know how to describe his inner excitement and surging.

Not only him...

Anyone who has heard of the magic rune call puppetry, they are all stunned, okay! Although they have all heard that Cangwang can control puppets with **** marks, they have also heard that Cangwang can call puppets with **** runes.


Those are all legends I've heard!

Today, Ye Qianli once again turned the legend into reality! The reality that all super powers can witness, and the excitement in their hearts cannot be described in words.


"I'm afraid I will still lose it." Yaoyuan frowned and watched the battle ahead, because he could clearly see that although the number of puppets transferred by their young wife was large, the puppets of the Beginning God-level combat power level, But far inferior to each other.

And Yaoyuan’s concern was also the fear of Di Sikou, so he had fallen to Ye Qianli's side, but the hundreds of Beginning God-level pure blood great monsters on Yao Ming’s side, all of them had the ministerial level of Mount Xume. The beginning **** of combat power.

In this way...

"You still can't stop me." Yao Ming shook his head with regret, "Xiao Qianli, as an elder who watched you grow up, your talent really amazes the deity, but your temperament is still bad after all. point."

In this case, Di Si Kou cannot refute, he can only continue to gain momentum! Fortunately, at the moment of the attack, the three pure-blooded old demon demon exploded. He could see that the three opponents had the highest combat effectiveness.

But Ye Qianli, who was looked at by Yaoming, smiled, but she couldn't reach the bottom of her eyes and asked, "Are you sure, you can really win?"

Hearing Yao Ming squinted a pair of blood-black pupils, there was also a cool smile on his face, like a tentative "Oh", and said: "Could it be that Xiao Qianli still has any trump cards?"

Yao Ming has always known that Ye Qianli seems to have endless hole cards, but he still doesn't believe that in front of his absolute power, what else can Ye Qianli rewrite.

However, when Ye Qianli was asked, she really said, "As you wish."

"!" Yao Ming's squinted eyes suddenly narrowed because of this answer.

Pianye Qianli really turned on her, another super hole card!

that moment--

Everyone saw Ye Qianli flipped up her slender hands again, and used her palms to face the huge rune that was still shining brightly on the sky, and said: "Take it! Solve it."

This sound comes out! Wanyu was able to see the strong man in this scene, and he was in an uproar, "What does Goddess Ye mean? Does she want to lift the control of those monsters?"

"How come?" As the rickety old man who was the gatekeeper of the Cangwang, he was obviously shocked by this scene, because he could see most clearly that Ye Qianli was indeed lifting the control of the demon puppets.

But isn't this a way of self-destructing the "Great Wall"? What kind of hole cards are this! ?

At this moment, not to mention that the gatekeeper of Cangwang couldn't understand it, it was Yun Zhixi! She also didn't understand, because she could also perceive that her daughter-in-law was indeed lifting the suppression of the **** patterns on the puppets! ?

This made Yao Ming, who also didn't understand, couldn't help but relax. He vaguely knew that Ye Qianli's doing this might be to liberate the combat power of the puppets?

But once the puppets lose control, how can Ye Qianli control them? Did she naively think that she could let these puppets listen to her orders by virtue of the great righteousness of Wanyu?

This is too naive! ?

Not to mention anything else, only the 600,000-plus pure-blood great demon, they will never be loyal to Ye Qianli without being controlled by the gods.

But thinking about Yao Ming so much, he quickly realized something wrong--


"Om! Om,..."

The big demon puppets whose gods were released by Ye Qianli had all their auras changed, especially the group of big demon puppets who stood closest to Ye Qianli. Their fighting aura was clearly rising sharply!


Not waiting for everyone to react.


"Bang! Boom!"

The ancient roars of beasts blasted out of the big demon puppets made by Yao Kui and other warehouse kings along with the surging breath of battle.

Only for a moment!


Yao Kui, the king of the big demon puppet, was in full view, from a domain king-level demon puppet to a primordial god-level demon puppet.

This is not...


He was constantly roaring, and at the moment when he quickly turned into a demonized kuiniu, the pure-blooded old demon whose combat power was close to the demon's side, shocked the audience's jaws.

"Fuck!" The magic box was stunned. "Second fool, your puppets are so fierce? You also liberated them. Are you not afraid of being backlashed?"

And the question of the magic box is obviously also the question of the audience! However, his combat power skyrocketed to a pure-blooded old demon king level Yao Kui, but he knelt down on one knee towards Ye Qianli in full view, "Thank you, Master, for your fulfillment."

"Thank you, Master!" After that, countless big monster puppets thanked each other, all pious! Without any disagreement, I watched the audience again.

There is no other reason, just because Cangwang set up suppression **** patterns on these demon puppets in order to protect the heirs who inherited his fascinating knowledge, so after so many years, super ancient monsters such as Yaokui are still the only domain kings. Level of combat power.

But in the endless years of the past, they have already advanced to the existence of the beginning **** level in a calm expression! It just can't be played out.

Now, Ye Qianli personally unlocked the Suppressing God Pattern! Of course, some of the great monsters with good bloodlines were completely liberated, so her first-god-level combat power immediately surpassed the demon-minded side.

In this way...

In terms of combat power! It was clear that there was also Ye Qianli, the super trump card of Di Si Kou. She stared at Yao Ming coldly, and retorted every word, "How?"

Such a go-ahead! This kind of strength makes all the strong people who have witnessed this scene cast the highest admiration and respect for Ye Qianli!


Cool, okay!

But this is not over yet!

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