Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1924: Fierce Sun VS Mei Grandpa! 【Awarded】

This is a pair of big cute eyes that look exactly like Xiao Momo. The difference is that one is black and cute, the other is purple and cute, but they are all like watery grapes, with different colors of the same species.

Looking at Rong Huang's eyes, he was naturally a little in a daze, as if he had seen that the little **** who left "yesterday" is also the **** that makes him most missed.

But he quickly lost his mind, because a certain Xiao Yier, after he didn't get an answer, he had already found the answer by himself! He leaped on his Grandpa Huang's shoulder and didn't say anything, he grabbed Mou Huang's hair with a hand, and then pulled it down vigorously.

"Hiss!" Yun Zhixi suddenly felt a headache for a certain beautiful man, and took a breath. After all, she was so close, she could see that the little guy used a lot of force!

And Rong Huang, who was about to lose his hair, was also dumbfounded! Fortunately, he reacted faster than he thought, and picked up the little **** who climbed up, otherwise he would definitely be bald, not kidding.

"Ah!" The little leopard, who was lifted by his calf, kicked his legs unhappily! He was very vigorous, just like his father did when he was a child, he immediately turned over and lay on his father's arm, and stared at his father angrily.

Rong Huang:...

He can be sure now, this little bastard! It's not the same model as the previous one. This one has a much stronger temper, but it is very fierce.

This is not...

"You're bad!" Xiao Yi'er also complained.

Rong Huang twitched at the corner of his mouth, shocked at the shamelessness of the other party, "Did you grab my hair, or did I break it?" What kind of reasoning is this.

"It's me who asked you, but if you didn't answer, I'll grab you!" Xiao Yi'er was plausible.

Hearing Yun Zhixi explained from the side, "Yi'er thinks that his grandfather should be a bald man, so you didn't answer him. He will pull your hair to confirm if you are his grandfather."

"What do you mean?" Rong Huang didn't understand even more, why did he become bald?

"Ah." Yun Zhixi said vaguely, not too much, "That's what I meant anyway."

Rong Huang was a little minded and wanted to ask more, but before he could speak again, a certain Xiao Yi'er floated up by himself and stretched out his little arm and said, "Hug!"

This style of painting changed so quickly that Rong Huang, who was still immersed in the style of "Grandson is a little fierce baby", just didn't react.

But this did not prevent Xiao Yi'er from liking him, and took the initiative to rush into his arms, so he could only hold the little grandson's **** easily, feeling a ball of softness.

So Rong Huang, who was caught off guard, quickly felt that the little guy in his arms was very dependent on him and rubbed him, then got into the socket of his neck and rubbed him a bit.

This grandson...

It's pitiful.

Unbearable Rong Huang touched his grandson's soft back, and said, "behaved."

And this scene...

It also made Ye Qianli's mother look a little bit unrecognizable to her son. She almost thought that she blinked her eyes dazzlingly before she could be sure that the baby in front of her who was selling cute to his grandfather was her son.

Even Yun Zhixi was a little bit sour and said, "Yi'er is really close to you. When he saw me, he didn't come forward so affectionately."

"Oh?" Rong Huang was secretly satisfied, but he hugged the little guy in his arms tighter, obviously commending the latter for not rubbing his wife.

When Yi'er rubbed his eyes, he yawned and fell asleep on his grandfather's shoulder, because he felt very comfortable with his grandfather.

However, when he just closed his eyes, remembering something, he opened his eyes again and looked at the "abandoned" uncle. Seeing that his breath was good, his breathing was steady, and his complexion returned to ruddy, he was relieved. Tilted his head, seconds fell asleep.

"Quiet." Rong Huang touched the little guy's head with some amusement, and could vaguely guess how the child would pull his hair as soon as he came up. It turned out that he was a cub who had trouble growing hair.

"Let the father-in-law laugh." Ye Qianli bowed to the legendary father-in-law in front of him, and his heart was completely let go.

Xiaosi is fine, Wanyu hasn't completely collapsed, and the mother-in-law's confidence is confident, and the father-in-law came out! There's really nothing that can't be done.

"Mo Mo daughter-in-law?" Although it was a questioning, Rong Huang was sure in his heart that the talented little girl in front of him was the one married to his eldest son.

As for Yun Zhixi at this meeting, she also took Ye Qianli's hand, and the successor said step by step, "Ye Qianli is Mo Mo's little daughter-in-law, I like it very much!"

Rong Huang raised his eyebrows slightly. Before he could comment, he was cut off by his wife and said, "Qianli don't call her father-in-law so polite. You call me mother-in-law. Naturally, he will be called his father."

"Yes." Of course, Rong Huang would not refute his beloved wife, and he was not dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law, but Rong Huang who took a deep look at her daughter-in-law gave a sudden shock in his heart.

However, the Di Sikou and others at this meeting have also come forward to meet and say, "King, congratulations to the king on his successful exit."

"Congratulations to the king on his successful exit..." The gods of Mount Xume, who came across the sky from all sides, all congratulated them happily.

At the moment, the ten thousand domains have restored their calm, and they can get out of the ten thousand domains, so they can't wait to come to see their king!

Even the strengths of all parties in the Ten Thousand Territories have led their subjects in their respective regions, and bowed down in the direction of Mount Xumi, "Meet King Xumi."

"Meet King Xumi..." The sound of adoration continuously emanating from all regions has resounded one after another in the east, west, and south regions.

Ji Clan was also under the leadership of Ji Pengfei, Yu Yuankong, bowed down to Rong Huang piously! As a clan who witnessed King Sumi's salvation, the Ji family met King Sumi who turned the situation around as soon as he appeared, and only worshiped! Worship again.

Strong, as far as the Ji family is concerned, it is no longer enough to describe the King Sumi they saw. For them, King Sumi is the supreme rule maker, and cannot and cannot be described.

He is a legend!

Never thought...

They were fortunate enough to meet the legendary King Sumi.

At this moment, Ji, whose hair was trembling with excitement, even had difficulty breathing.

Fortunately, Yun Zhixi had sent them on a small meteorite nearby, so that they would not fall into the air in time and space.


And when Zhu Xumi's divine ministers had finished paying their respects to their king, Xuan Si Kou also woke up, and Ye Qianli, who had noticed her, immediately stepped forward to check.

However, Xuan Si Kou's mental state was not very good. She sat up with her eyes out of focus. After Ye Qianli asked several times, she looked back at Ye Qianli in a daze.

It's just that she looked at it with a blank look, but vaguely saw the "scene" that shocked her heart, and made her subconsciously say, "Madam, you..."

But before she finished speaking, she was stopped by Rong Huang's eyes! Immediately after--

------Off-topic ------

ps: The rewards for Brain Hole 4 and 5 have been issued, please check.

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