Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1928: Mo Li lives together! Reincarnation? 【Prize

He is 90% sure that it is not.

if not,……

Rong Huang put away his slender fingers, and subconsciously touched Yi Xiao's bald head on the side.

As for Xiao Yi'er who was touched, he slapped his grandfather's hand with a slap, and said irritably, "Don't answer Yi! What's wrong with my mother?" So anxious!

"Why are you so anxious?" Rong Huang gave the little guy's head a little speechlessly, and then was opened in protest by a certain fierce boy, "I'm bald! I have to pay for it!"

"Sneer." Rong Huang sneered and squeezed the little guy's tender face, but before the little one was about to get angry, he said, "Sit down, grandpa tells you, what's wrong with your mother."

"Oh." Xiao Yi'er sat down obediently.

Rong Huang stretched out his hand again and squeezed the front of him before saying: "Mostly not because you are pregnant with your little sister, but because of your father."

"What do you mean?" Yun Zhixi, who had just ordered people to pick up Ye Wuji, immediately asked Xiao Yi'er in unison, and both looked at Rong Huang eagerly.

"When the child's grandfather comes, let's talk together." Rong Huang replied.

Yun Zhixi:...

"No! Say it now! Yi wants to listen now!" Xiao Yi'er couldn't wait for a moment.

"No." Rong Huang was not accustomed to this little one. "You are so irritable, you should wait, just sit and wait like this, otherwise you don't want to know."

Xiao Yi'er stared in anger, and Rong Huang opened his eyes and stared at him. He didn't have any signs of being used to him, but he was very serious! Obviously serious.

However, it was hard to see Yun Zhixi, who also wanted to urge Rong Huang to talk about it first. She actually wanted to listen now. She could see that Huang Huang was trying to temper Yi'er's temperament.

Although this young man is sensible, cute, and caring, his personality is really too explosive, and it is easy to cause harm to himself. If he doesn't cultivate his temperament, it is always a hidden danger.

"You're bad!" Xiao Yi'er accuses his grandfather unconvinced.

Rong Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What can you do with me?"

Yun Zhixi:...

Such Huanghuang, she also wanted to get a punch, what should I do?

Not to mention a certain Xiao Yi who has a violent temper. He is about to stand up, but Rong Huang reminds him, "If you stand up, I won't tell you."

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er was so angry that he was about to smoke, this grandpa is too bad! He still likes little grandpa, don't let this fake grandpa go!

Rong Huang still had to touch his cuff, of course he was opened with a stronger "pop", "Don't touch it!"

But Rong Huang's hand speed when he got serious was much faster than Xiao Yi'er was him, but for a moment, he made Xiao Yi'er amused, as if he was about to explode.

Fortunately, Ye Wuji was borrowed soon, otherwise Yun Zhixi would have doubts that her little dear grandson would explode on the spot. She deeply doubted that Mou Huang might be amused and had already deviated from the original intention.

"Grandma too! Hug~" The wronged Xiao Yi'er immediately plunged into the arms of Ye Wuji who had come to the palace in a daze, but Ye Wuji was quite flattered.

However, Rong Huang did the talking. After letting Ye Wuji sit down, he went straight to the subject and asked about Ye Qianli's childhood situation with Xiao Yi.

But Ye Wuji didn't say that he could not come up. After all, when he was reunited with his granddaughter, the granddaughter was pregnant with a child! So he can only say, "I'm afraid I have to ask Li'er herself for the details."

However, when it got out of the magic box, it interrupted anxiously, "This magic box is in the body of the second fool, and nothing is abnormal in her, but to be honest, when she broke the little monster before, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her. Such inexplicable fainting.

But I originally thought that different little monsters might have different pregnancies, so I didn't think much about it, so if it was because of Rong Mo, what was the situation? "

The magic box didn't want to get out, it wanted to be a quiet box, but it didn't hear anything! Don't say Xiao Yi'er is anxious, it's so anxious! So anxious.

As soon as it came out, Rong Huang's eyes darkened, and he could already say with certainty, "I guess that the fate of Qian Li and Mo Mo have merged."

"What do you mean?" Two large boxes, one small and one box, including a cat hiding in Yun Zhixi's arms, all ran out and asked, "Meow".

"Although I don't know why the fate of the young couple merged, Qian Li's four coma should be due to Momo's failure to return." Rong Huang stated.

"Can't come back?" Xiao Yier called out immediately, "Don't you come back in three days? You lied to me!"

Rong Huang pressed down the little one, no matter what he continued, "Although the ten thousand domains have been repaired, the broken rules and order, and the cycle of reincarnation, have not yet been restored.

What Mo Mo arrived in the world is what I have experienced before, that is, the real existence and occurrence of the world and events in the past, so the previous collapse and collapse of the Ten Thousand Territories will affect his return. "

Rong Huang, who had said a lot in one breath, paused, then looked at his daughter-in-law without saying any more.

But Yun Zhixi, who was in thought, wanted to understand, "You mean, Mo Mo may be lost in the past, similar to when we dreamed back to the ancient times, wouldn't we come back?"

"Yeah." Rong Huang nodded, "The difference is that he could have returned along my memory, only because the reincarnation and order were disrupted, he would not be able to return."

"Then what should Mo Mo do to come back?" Yun Zhixi was anxious, she even looked towards Xiao Yi'er, who was also very anxious.

Thinking that she couldn't find her way home at the beginning, Huang Huang was almost lost in his past memory, it was Xiao Momo who awakened him! Let him take her back to Xuantianyu together.

Is this really reincarnation? Today's Mo Mo also needs Yi'er's traction to find a way back, and to return to her?

Do not.

no no!

Unbelieving Yun Zhixi couldn't restrain himself and shook his head, "Don't tell me, there is only one way to get Mo Mo back."

"What's the solution?" Xiao Yi'er asked anxiously, blinking her big eyes.

Yun Zhixi covered his eyes, his voice was muted, "Children don't care too much." In any case, she would not let Xiao Yi'er go his father's way.

"Yi grew up!" Xiao Yi'er was unconvinced, and even flexed his arms and legs. He had grown a lot, but was **** by Yun Zhixi and prevented him from moving.


"Don't talk! I mean, unless it's something else, don't talk." Yun Zhixi refused to hear bad news, she refused! Refuse.

Some emotionally out of control, she even couldn't help but blurt out, "You said it! You promised me, you said you would let Xiao Momo come back all the way back, you said you can do everything! You can't coax me ,I……"

Yun Zhixi, whose tears were about to fall again, knew that she shouldn't say that. Huang Huang was also worried about the child, but she didn't want to hear bad news again! What she wants is reunion.

------Off-topic ------

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☆、Notice of leave for funeral

He stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, trying to control Yun Zhixi who was out of control! She choked up and said, "No, I..." She wanted to say something or express something, but she didn't know what to say, so she was caught by Rong Huang.

With one arm in his arms, Rong Huang, who was holding a large and one small in his arms, he said word by word, "Listen to me, Mo Mo can come back, I promise not to coax you, he will definitely come back in three days! ."

Choking Yun Zhixi, she looked up at the man in front of her, and asked with tears, "Really?" She had been waiting for a long, long time.

"Yeah." Rong Huang stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on his beloved wife's face, and kissed her forehead again, and he certainly agreed.

"Then why do you say he can't come back again?" Yun Zhixi waited for fear.

"That's because I haven't taken any action yet." Rong Huang said helplessly, "Why are you just as impatient with Yi'er after only a few days?"

"It's you who didn't hurry up and finish!" Xiao Yi'er, who was named, was very unconvinced. "You made Grandma Xi cry anxiously, and you blame Yi! Yi doesn't take the blame."

Rong Huang:...

He couldn't refute this.

Still Yun Zhixi had calmed down and said, "Okay, let's talk about what to do first? Don't ask Qian Li to sacrifice anything, Qian Li can't do anything!"

"She won't have anything to do with it." Rong Huang looked at the unconscious daughter-in-law, and did not give another reason for her fainting.

"That's good." Yun Zhixi said without any doubt that there was him. "Then you can help Momo now, or you have to wait? What can I do for you?"

"Slowly, wait for the order of the Ten Thousand Domains to resume some more." Rong Huang responded with his eyes down, and then reached out his hand and touched the head of a certain little boy, but he was not mercilessly "snapped".

Knowing that his mother was fine and his father was about to return, Xiao Yi'er was in a good mood lying next to his mother and did not protest against being stabbed.

Such a cat-like grandson made Rong Huang raise his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help poking this little face, but it didn't arouse dissatisfaction.

He will poke again!

Xiao Yi'er grabbed his finger and said, "Naive!"

Rong Huang:...

"Puff!" Yun Zhixi felt that she was crying and laughing now, as if she was a lunatic out of control, and made her look at Ye Wuji with embarrassment, and apologized: "Uncle in-law, it's rude, sorry."

"Hey, don't be polite, my family-in-law, so when will Qian Li wake up, won't she faint again when boy Mo comes back?" Ye Wuji had time to talk, after all, the two kings of ten thousand domains. Speaking, he is an elder, and it is not easy to insert.

However, the King of Ten Thousand Domains had good feelings with two breaths. It can be seen that the family tradition has a great influence on the child. This King of Ten Thousand Domains is also a counselor in front of his wife.

It feels that Ye Wuji, who has discovered the truth, is not the King of Ten Thousand Territories. This is his "junior", just like the boy Tyrant.

But when he thinks of Ye Batian, Ye Wuji's mood can't be restrained. He sighed and said, "I hope that there will be nothing more to do when Mo kid comes back. I can't afford any trouble."

"It'll be okay." Yun Zhixi answered immediately, "Everything will be fine."

"It's a pity." Ye Wuji still thought of the creatures of the North Three Thousand Regions, and also of the powerful soldiers of various races who had fallen in the battle to defend the Ten Thousand Regions.

Looking at these two, Rong Huang finally didn't tell the story of his daughter-in-law. Anyway, there is still him, Wanyu can always recover, no matter how bad it is! It was nothing more than creating another ten thousand domain after destroying it.

For him, it is not difficult.

The most important thing at the moment is to take Momo back first to complete the reunion promised to his daughter-in-law, which is also the reunion he wants in his heart.

Thinking of this, Rong Huang patted a little boy gently, then looked at the little son who was lying next to him, and couldn't help sighing.

He found this lazy son now, a "righteous" reason to sleep for a long time.

As for the other two, fortunately, he had the foresight and sent them to the retreat room at the same time as he left the customs, otherwise he would have to face several small children now.

There are too many cubs, but also worry.

When Momo was picked up, he was asked to guard Mount Xumi with his three younger brothers, while he had to take his wife out for a walk, and he had to take a long vacation when he said anything.

Rong Huang, who was thinking this way, suddenly wanted to welcome his eldest son back!


When Rong Huang comforted his wife and grandson, Ye Qianli was still in a coma, but her coma this time was obviously different from before.

Once she was unconscious the previous few times, she seemed to have fallen into the darkness, without any sense, until she woke up, she regained sense.

But this time, she seemed to have "dreamed" something, but she didn't know what she was dreaming of. She only saw a lot of pictures that seemed vague but actually very clear, constantly flashing in front of her eyes, she tried to remember Live, but can't remember.

This state lasted for a long time, and Ye Qianli was quite irritable for a long time! No longer trying to remember anything, but wanting to get rid of these clearly visible feelings that made her feel very vague and unable to remember.

But what she didn't know was that in a coma, she was constantly shouting, "Your Highness! Your Highness,..."

Since she was in a coma for about a quarter of an hour, she has been yelling repeatedly! Sometimes slowly, sometimes anxious, let Yun Zhixi, who heard it, immediately hold her hand, "Qianli."

"Mother?" Xiao Yi'er also leaned close to his mother and looked at her with wide-eyed eyes, "Mother is not afraid, You Yi!" As if he could say so, his mother could hear her.

However, Ye Qianli, who is calling "His Royal Highness" more and more frequently! She screamed more and more anxiously, as if dreaming of something happened to Rong Mo.

"Your Highness!" Ye Qianli screamed suddenly, even louder! Almost running through the entire Mount Xumi, many of the priests who were healing were shocked and ran out, thinking that something was wrong.

Ye Qianli suddenly woke up with her eyes open when she shouted out.

"Mother is not afraid!" Xiao Yi'er hugged his mother. "Mother is not afraid, Yi is here!" As he said this, he was still very experienced and patted his mother on the back with his little hand. He kissed his mother's forehead with his soft lips.

Even Yun Zhixi and Ye Wuji couldn't get in their hands, they could only be squeezed once, to squeeze Ye Qianli's hand, and then stared at the little one with a blank expression.

So Ye Qianli, who was relieved, felt that she was being held in his little arms by her son, and the little one was still coaxing her, acting like his father.

"Mother, mother is not afraid! Yi grows up." Xiao Yi'er continued to coax, with a serious look! Seeing Ye Wuji and Yun Zhixi, who were originally a little confused, gradually became sad.

Xiao Yier...

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