Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1944: Really fragrant finale! 8 more

These words successfully allowed Rong Huang to pick up the little bastard, not let him continue to approach his wife, and threw him into the arms of his son.

"Father!" Xiao Yi'er happily threw herself into her father's arms, and was hugged by his father, and said, "Be good." His son is helping her find her place all the time, really. Not in vain.

This made him understand inexplicably, Rong Mo, the deep-minded Rong Huang, his eyes were slightly stiff, and his son's wings were stiff, and he had already joined forces with his grandson to provoke his sense of sight.

However, the confrontation between the two masters did not affect the exchanges between Yun Zhixi and Ye Qianli at all. Yun Zhixi at this meeting had already opened the gate and couldn't stop talking about Ye Qianli, when Rong Mo was a child.

"During the Hundred Days Banquet, he kept asking for small gifts with those who came to congratulate him. He didn't say anything. He just patted his hands and looked at others so cutely. Give it to him!" Yun Zhixi said.

Ye Qianli is a little unimaginable, the look of His Royal Highness Qing Leng selling cute and asking for treasure...

"At that time, he wore the red four elephant salute. It was very cute! He babbled and told people that he must give a gift by himself, and he cannot give a gift by himself." Yun Zhixi was like a few treasures.

Ye Qianli magnified his brain infinitely, and imagined Xiao Yi'er put on the same salute. She only felt that the picture was so beautiful, she wanted to see it!

"Also, there is..." Yun Zhixi still said.

Rong Mo immediately stopped his father’s "vindictive spirit", and asked decisively, "Mother, what about Xiaoxi and the others?"

"Sleep and practice, Qian Li, I will tell you, Mo Mo, he..." Yun Zhixi remained enthusiastic after dealing with Rong Mo! Tell Ye Qianli.

"Mother,..." Rong Mo wanted to say, please leave him a sense of mystery, but the little leopard beside him has already grabbed him and said, "You accompany dad to talk well, don't delay mother telling me something. ."

"That's right! You two go and just leave Xiao Yi'er." Yun Zhixi was interrupted impatiently and coaxed Rong Huang away.

Rong Huang who was affected:...

Sure enough, my son is here to collect debts.

"Yi'er follow us." Rong Mo was kind, and stood up holding his son. One he had something to tell his father, and the other he wanted to listen to the little leopard.

So Rong Huang, who wanted to protest, lost even his comrades-in-arms, so he could only stand up reluctantly, but he took a deep look at his interested wife.

It's a pity that Yun Zhixi didn't even give him a look. She couldn't wait to share with her daughter-in-law, everything about Mo Mo's childhood! so happy.

Let Rong Mo have a kind, maybe the little leopard is the mother's long-lost daughter, and his mood is a bit complicated.

And Rong Huang, who was also in a complicated mood, just after walking out of the palace, he said speciously, "Your mother likes your daughter-in-law."

"Li'er is loved by others, of course my mother likes it." Rong Mo said earnestly.

Rong Huang:...

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er immediately announced the same paragraph in support.

Rong Huang rubbed his eyebrows, changed the subject and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Does Dad know how to repair Wanyu?" Rong Mo asked directly.

Rong Huang knew that this was the problem and said, "It is not difficult to repair. The difficult thing is to copy as before. Once I start repairing, if there is a difference from the original order, there will be absolutely irreversible effects. Do you understand?"

Rong Mo is silent, of course he understands! This is also the point that when he sees this scene in the future, he will understand how difficult it is to reverse, but...

The result of not repairing Wanyu in time is! In just half a month, all the rules of Wanyu will collapse. It is still a sudden malignant change, and even Dad can't reverse it.

Therefore, Rong Mo still asked, "Can you be sure that you will never hurt the people related to Lier?" What about the rest of the people? Little Leopard would not force it when he wanted to come, and he would not care.

"80%." Rong Huang was somewhat confident.

"Then..." Rong Mo wanted to set it down! Because he already understood that his father's subtext was that his little leopards and little leopards would never be affected.

But he hadn't finished speaking. I don't know when Yun Zhixi's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had been with him. They all left, and Rong Huang walked away in isolation, and heard the conversation between the two of them.

It made Rong Mo turn his head and looked over, and he naturally met his wife's clear eyes, Zhan Zhan was like Lingbo, and his heart moved slightly.

"Let me try." Ye Qianli said expressly, "I asked my father, he said there is still half a month, I can think of other ways, if it's not working, how about it? "

Rong Mo pursed his lips slightly, obviously disagreeing, because he saw everything! He saw it all, he knew what the result was, he didn't want to risk it.

But before he could say it, Yun Zhixi said first, "Since I don't think there is a way to get the best of both worlds, it's better to let it go, let's gather for a family meal first, what do you think?"

"Good." Rong Huang supported unconditionally.

Ye Qianli also nodded, and Rong Mo responded, and Xiao Yi'er naturally had no opinion.

Yun Zhixi smiled and said, "Then I will call Pippi and Little Beauty first." After that, she couldn't wait to go to the retreat room to pick up people.

"Little Beauty?" Yi'er said more interested in "Little Beauty".

"Your third uncle." Rong Huang replied, and he asked his son to help him, and asked his daughter-in-law to carry Xiao Si over.

But Rong Mo refused to help, and said: "I'm going to hold Xiao Si, Li'er can't hold him."

Rong Huang didn't expect that his son would actually raise him, and of course he would not tolerate his ability to open his eyes and tell lies! He grabbed his son's collar and dragged him away.

joke! He can't be with his daughter-in-law, and my son can't even think about it.

Rong Mo wanted to resist, but his father said, "Yi'er, go and hug your little uncle. When you grow up, you can hug your little uncle."

"Yes! Yi will go right away." Xiao Yi'er disappeared.

Rong Huang said with satisfaction, "Qianli, go call your grandfather and your younger brother."

"I'm going now!" Ye Qianli naturally went happily.

Rong Mo:...

"Heh." Rong Huang was unpredictable and dragged his son to beat him.

So Rong Mo, who had just returned with stunning surprise, was soon discovered by Liao Zongming that he was washing vegetables! Liang also blinded him, making him quite worried that he might choke after eating.

The dishes washed by Young Master Wanyu! The meal made by the king of ten thousand domains, emm...

This is a bit high! Liao Zongming felt the air.

"Uncle go and help!" The returned Xiao Yi'er was good at finding talents, and pointed Liao Zongming to help, and he himself hurriedly went to watch.

Ye Wuji was thinking about whether he had to help, even though he hadn't had anything to do with food, kitchen or anything in his entire life.

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