Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1968: Really fragrant finale! 32 more

"His Royal Highness, you..." Ye Qianli knew that he didn't give her the possibility of choosing "no" at all, maybe because she was afraid that she would say no, he had covered it well before.

Now she agreed, and he didn't need to hide it, his breath was weakening rapidly, and his face was quickly pale.

But his eyes are as bright as the moon! Resplendent like a star, and from his body, constantly being stripped out by him, his greatest power-Dark Forbidden Origin, is entangled, the power that Ye Qianli has already sacrificed.

"Hurry up." Rong Huang also urged his daughter-in-law. After all, his current display has a certain impact on Wanyu, he doesn't want to see that all previous efforts have been abandoned.

Ye Qianli didn't say a word! I closed my eyes to promote this fusion, and if there is anything else, I will wait until everything is over.


When Ye Qianli melted into the original rules composed of her, she could perceive that the power that her Royal Highness gave in did not need her to do too much, he already knew what to do. , The power that surrounds her, completes her vacancy.

Just as Rong Huang said, the fate of Rong Mo and Ye Qianli are in harmony, and their powers are also communicable, so Rong Mo can indeed replace her and sacrifice part of her power!

She is a domain spirit.

He is her guardian.

He is all powerful! All power is to protect her, to achieve her wish.

Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, what is the point?

When he was sick, his little leopard had been guarding him, how many times has it been! How many times she stupidly guarded, how many times she moved him.

She guarded him so much, so the rest of her life, her wishes, and her yearnings should be entrusted to him to guard him, and he wants her to be safe and smooth, and everything goes well.

He was born for her when he broke the ice from the Four Elephants! His little leopard.

"Little Leopard..."

Rong Mo, who silently called his beloved wife, he only wanted to! His little leopard can survive and continue to accompany him, he can lose any strength for this.

He can have nothing but her, she is his heart, his life, everything and continuation of him, he can't lose her.


Such a fierce love! The dark forbidden power that was completely stripped by Rong Mo was integrated into Ye Qianli's power, and they were fused with each other, dense and indistinguishable.

"His Royal Highness."

"Little Leopard."

Having experienced life and death, and loving each other! Couples who have reached the fate of harmony, how can their strengths repel each other?

will not.

Rong Mo's power has been perfectly integrated, Ye Qianli's power, be with her! Complete the reorganization and rebirth of the original rules, regardless of you and me.

Such a deep love...

Even if they have never witnessed the people and gods they have experienced, all kinds of creatures are sensed in the dark, and they only feel warm, only comfort, and can't help crying.

What kind of affection can make a completely different! Two people without any blood connection, give birth to such intimacy, regardless of each other.

Yun Zhixi can imagine it, but he has never experienced it before! Such unforgettable, life-and-death entangled Mount Xumi, the powers of the ten thousand domains, they can't imagine.


Liao Zongming can understand.

He can also be regarded as a "live", a complete experience! Rong Mo died due to the robbery, Ye Qianli is now a "historic" figure who sacrificed.

He understands.

He understands too well.

and so……

He hopes! His cousin and cousin, don't have to suffer any more, they can all survive and stay together forever.

And this thought made him subconsciously look at Hua Qianfang and Gong Liuyun beside him, "Remember? My little sister can gather faith!"

Gong Liuyun was startled! Obviously did not understand.

But Hua Qianfang understands, he understands!

and so--

"Quick! Pray!" Hua Qianfang immediately yelled to Hongmeng Xiuchang, "Pray for the safety of Wanyu, pray for Wanyu to recover as usual, come on!"

"Yes!" Liao Zongming also yelled. He also yelled at Wanyu. After exhausting his life's strength, he yelled at Wanyu. He wanted to let everyone know!

Everyone! All Wanyu people are not useless people, not just people who can only watch, each of them can use their own strength to help his little sister.

Anyone can do it……

And this moment!

"Yes! Yes! The power of faith." Jinfeng also understood. She immediately appealed to the Feng clan. She also released her power to shelter the whole clan, so that the whole clan can use the most tranquil heart and the purest heart. Faith, pray for Ye Qianli, pray for Wei Rongmo.

Not only her!

Long Ying, Red Xiaodao, and Ming Yin, who have returned to their respective "domains", are doing this, even Leng Shisan! Standing on the empty North Three Thousand Territory, he sacrificed his blood and strength——

"Wuleng thirteen, please ancestors of the Leng clan, please all the people of the Leng clan, please wait! Honorable position, gather what you wish, gather what you pray, gather what you expect, wish the world safe, and wish the world reply As usual, may I be cold! Rejuvenation is hopeful."

Leng Shisan believes that this is what they are most looking forward to for the heroic spirits of the Leng clan, even if they may not have any heroic spirits left, even if there is only a trace! Or the traces of the sages from the past.

If it is really useful, he and the undead of the Leng family, wish! Wanyu is safe, Wanyu is restored as usual, and North Three Thousand Region is restored. Pray!

"My Ji's Fengtian..." At this moment, Ji Fengtian, he also started! He knew that his eldest sister's greatest wish was definitely the prosperity of Wanyu.

She uses herself to protect the prosperity of Wanyu! Because this is their Nuwa ancestor, the creatures created by the ten thousand realms, should not disappear, can not disappear, this is the guardian of their Ji family.

Not only Ji Fengtian, but even Long Hengxuan who returned to the East China Sea, he also led his people! As the young master of the Dragon Clan of the East Sea, lead his clansmen, pray!

He knows, it's useful!

Because Ye Qianli can always create miracles.


Up and down Mount Xumi, including Rong Huang, Yun Zhixi, and Dragon Emperor! They also began to pray, for the little couple who depended on each other, for the family, and for the innocent creatures of Wanyu.

Such prayers are indeed useful!


Flickering in every corner of the Ten Thousand Domain, the Taiyi God Flower, Taiyi God's breath that is about to disappear! All are absorbing, praying from all people, all living beings.


The high priest, the little old man, once again led the Taiyi people up and down, praying for their greatest goddess! Pray for the safety of Wanyu and pray for the restoration of Wanyu.

"May Wanyu be safe."

"May Wanyu..."

More and more creatures are being driven, from the domain king to the domain master to the saint Tianzun, to the gods, to the talented, to the cultivators, to the mortals.

Regardless of race, region, position, all creatures! There is only one common goal-May Wanyu be safe, even if it is Qitiandao and Zhao Qingqing, they also prayed.

This is not...

------Off-topic ------

ps: Also, in repair~

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