Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1974: Postscript four [2 more]

She didn't know how long she had slept for Ye Qianli, but she looked at her with some doubts. Her family seemed to be a slumped beautiful prince, and she had never seen him so silly.

A pair of silver pupils were scattered, without focus, and all their movements stopped, as if they were playing a zombie man, motionless, even if she reached out and touched him, he didn't see him responding? !


"Your Royal Highness?" Ye Qianli was immediately worried, touching the veins of her Royal Highness, fearing that he would become again, the diseased body when he first saw it, and his life would be in danger.

But when Ye Qianli instinctively wanted to call Xiaohuahua, she found that the "other party" hadn't responded, and she knew that she had lost all of her strength.

Fortunately, she can still check the pulse, so she won’t be clueless because of this. And after the close examination, she found that although her Royal Highness was not very good, but the whole thing was okay, just like her, the strength was lost, and she was still Did not recover.


Before Ye Qianli had a closer examination, she was still a zombie in the last second, and Rong Mo with great strength in the next second! I hugged tightly, but this kind of tightness is very restrained.

In fact, Rong Mo has obviously exhausted his best! He held the person in his arms, his little leopard, but he did not dare to use all his power on the soft leopard.

Because he was afraid that even the simple arm strength would hurt her, even if he knew in advance that her body was not that fragile, just like him.


He waited for seven months.

He has called her for seven months.

He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would crush the waking person, like a dream, breaking with force.

Do not……

This might not be a dream, but Rong Mo didn't want to prove it. Instead, he hugged people more cautiously, because in the past seven months, he had "hugged" too hard in his dreams and let the dream dissipate.

Opened his eyes.

Everything is a flashy dream, not real at all.

His little leopard is still asleep, and his little leopard is still asleep.

But even so, he still feels very complete, because he can see his wife when he wakes up.

It's just such a dream, he still wants to keep it, and keep it for a long time. Hear her "His Royal Highness" and watch her worry about his body, and then be held in his arms.

I used to be the person in my dream, but I will never wake up from my long dream...

This is the state of Rong Mo's eyes.

But what was wrong with him was naturally quickly noticed by Ye Qianli. She had earned it subconsciously, so she had to take a good look at her Royal Highness.

But Rong Mo sighed lightly and said, "Hush, passive, little leopard don't move." Let him hug her again, just like this "truly" hug her "woke up".

"His Royal Highness?" Ye Qianli raised her eyes and looked up, but she could only see the perfectly contoured jaw of a certain beautiful prince, and she couldn't see anything else, such as the expression in her eyes or the expression on her face.

"Yeah." But Rong Mo responded, "Hey, call again."

"His Royal Highness." Ye Qianli also yelled, still thinking that her Royal Highness was weird, and a little worried whether he had mental problems?

"Yeah." Rong Mo still responded, and still asked, "Call again." If he can, he would like to keep listening like this, hearing her call "His Royal Highness" forever.

"His Royal Highness, do you remember our first meeting?" Ye Qianli couldn't help but ask.

Rong Mo paused slightly, touched the little leopard, who was not honest in his thoughts even in his dream, and said softly, "Remember." Although he didn't feel anything at all, he didn't even have a memory, but Can still imagine.


"You are behaved, when you wake up, I will take you back to see for your husband." Rong Mo said, also wanting her to help her revisit the "memories" of her old place.

"No! I'm awake!" Ye Qianli made a hard effort!

After all, Rong Mo didn't dare to hold her too tightly, so he was naturally torn away, but this strength was enough to make him startled, and it made him calm, looking at the big-eyed little leopard in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, you look at me, what is this?" Ye Qianli seriously compared three fingers at this meeting, and swayed in front of Rong Mo.

Rong Mo:...

"His Royal Highness?" Ye Qianli, who couldn't get his answer, was even more worried. "Don't you recognize it?" Is her beautiful prince really stupid?

Thinking about it this way, Ye Qianli felt a little wilted, but she thought about it again, even if she was stupid, she was there! She took a sigh of relief and took the initiative to hug her Royal Highness, "It doesn't matter if your Highness doesn't recognize it, it's okay if I am not stupid."

Rong Mo:...

What's this all about?

"..." And Ye Qianli, who rested on her Highness, really slowly calmed down the unexpected, unacceptable heart, and also held the person a little tighter.

Compared with the eternal separation between heaven and man, and compared with never holding him, only leaving him, this is already very good! At least they are still together, and...

Father-in-law is King Sumi! The mother-in-law is also very good, and they will surely be able to restore His Royal Highness! Thinking this way, Ye Qianli was even more relaxed.

But she just relaxed, her face was pinched by the slender fingers of her Royal Highness! It hurts so much that she subconsciously said, "What are you doing?"

"Does it hurt?" Rong Mo asked.

"Of course!" Ye Qianli shook his Royal Highness's hand and was about to bite it back!

Rong Mo will take this vivid little leopard again! Hugging tightly in her arms, she is really sure, she woke up, she woke up...

"Hmm." Ye Qianli felt that she was afraid that she was going to be stuck in the arms of her Royal Highness this time, and the body that hadn't completely recovered, it really hurts!

"Little Leopard." Rong Mo couldn't help it. He kissed the head of the person in his arms and held him tighter, but he was still restrained.

I'm so restrained...

But even if he restrains it! He couldn't help it, his guilty conscience was agitated, his arms trembled and his eyes were red, "Little Leopard." So much so that his voice was a little choked.

Little Leopard...

Woke up.

Really confirmed! This incident was real-time, Rong Mo couldn't keep the coldness, calmness and calmness he had always known. He couldn't help it!

"Little Leopard." Rong Mo felt full of vividness and was at a loss. He could only hold her, just want to hold her, and hold her all the time, without letting go.

If not--

"Sister-in-law is awake?"




Ye Qianli felt that the person who heard the movement quickly came forward! She may die of hypoxia, after all, she is still empty, still empty!

"Qianli! Let me take a look." Yun Zhixi didn't have any scruples, and took her daughter-in-law from his son's arms in a hand, and took her pulse carefully.

Of course Rong Mo wouldn't have any opinions. He also tried to restrain his emotions. He fixedly looked at his mother and his little leopard.

Others are also excited and nervous! Looking at the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in front of me, even Rong Huang was watching intently. Fortunately...

"It's all good, it's all good." When Yun Zhixi closed her hand, she said a lot of relief, "It's the same as before, it's all good, and it will definitely be better in the future."

"Great!" Rong Lin looked at his sister-in-law approvingly, a pair of beautiful apricot eyes were full of colorful water, obviously too excited!

Rong Ze nodded and said, "Big Brother finally doesn't need to talk about God, I always feel panicked when I look at it." This is his true feeling.

"On the two hundred and forty-nine, Li'er, you finally woke up." Ye Wuji was also red-eyed and couldn't help dropping a few golden beans. He couldn't help it! I'm so happy, I can't help being excited!

Finally woke up...

Xiao Lier! His little granddaughter finally woke up.

"I, I slept for so long?" Ye Qianli only knew that she was not in a lethargic sleep for ten days and eight days, but she slept for more than two hundred days? This……

"No! Big brother is worried to death, and so are we." Rong Ze touched his chest and said, "Now this heart has finally fallen by 30%, it's just a miss."

"Yi'er?" Ye Qianli turned her eyes to look at the little guy on the side. She thought that the little guy was just sleeping with her, but she didn't expect it! He has slept for so long, and there is no trace of waking up yet?

and so……

"His Royal Highness, you just said that if you want to eat Yi'er's scrofulous meat, is it stimulating him to wake up?" Ye Qianli only then vaguely understood what.

But Rong Mo denied, "Not at all, if he doesn't wake up, I really want to help him eat. I am also recovering my body and need energy."

In this case, Rong Huang raised his eyebrows, but he immediately noticed it! Looking at a certain little boy on the bed, he could perceive that the little boy really seemed to be moving?

Just for a piece of meat?


Rong Huang was a little unbelievable and tentatively said, "Fortunately, Wanyu has been completely stabilized. It is not good for me to always go hunting. After this meal, I won't stop. Yier wakes up and eats grass.

This makes sense, Yun Zhixi is about to protest for his little grandson...

"Do not!"

------Off-topic ------

ps: There should be there at night, you can vote for me if you love me! If you love me, clear the ticket to me quickly! ! !

Strive for more in these two days, and write all the follow-ups

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