Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 9: See you father and mother again in Fanwai 09! And West Demon [End] 2 more

Rong Mo looked at it naturally. A certain little leopard next to him thought clearly, it was indeed a family heir, and he deserved to be a mother and daughter.

Such a sturdy family biography, eh.

he likes……

And Rong Mo's meaningful eyes naturally attracted Ye Qianli's attention, and she asked inexplicably, "Your Highness, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Mother-in-law's personality is very good, decisive and straightforward." Rong Mo said.

"Of course! Still very domineering." After Ye Qianli answered this, she understood a little aftertaste! The meaning in the eyes of her Royal Highness is profound, what does it mean?

This made her subconsciously startled, "Don't think about it! My empress mother is your mother-in-law, how can you...and! Isn't it the same, I was..."

"Be good, no need to explain." Rong Mo touched the head of a certain little female leopard and said with a look of "I understand", "I understand everything for my husband, and I definitely don't mean to disrespect my mother."

"I..." Ye Qianli always felt something was wrong!

But the empress on the other end has urged Ye Batian to say, "Can't you go?"

"Go! Of course." Suddenly regained consciousness! Ye Batian, who has a pink face, he thinks, he might be lucky! It's still a super big one.

Ai! Ai……

He is not ready yet, Mei Ren'er is going to have a baby with him? This, this is not very good, although he looks beautiful, but so direct, he is also a bit shy.

The West Demon continued to be messy in the wind, looking at a man and a woman in front of him, and rode away...

That picture is also a bit sad.

But Xi Mo is also worthy of being Xi Mo, so he quickly yelled and said, "Girl! Then if you think he is not good, remember to come to me! I live in the west of the city and my name is Moxi! Don't forget."

"You..." Ye Batian wanted to curse at this kind of openly prying corners, but he thought about it and felt wrong, so he closed his mouth and continued to spur the horse.

Anyway, waiting for the little beauty to marry him, what else is there? He couldn't be prying the corner! If you have this time to quarrel with that stuff, it's better to go back and have a daughter first.


"Girl, what, what is your name?" Ye Batian felt that he had to know him first.

"It's not important." The empress didn't mean it.

Ye Batian: "..."

"The road is wrong." The empress pointed out the road in front of her, seemingly familiar, "It's not going to go here, it's right to go there."

Obviously, she had also forgotten Ye Batian, the Western Demon, and the empress of many, many things, but she seemed to remember certain things particularly profoundly.

For example, when she saw this young man riding a horse from Beiliang City, she instinctively felt that she had to have a daughter with this man; for another example, she felt that the road right now was wrong.

But Ye Batian said, "What's wrong? Going home is the way! Are you..." Are you going to have a baby? "Then naturally you have to go home and let my dad Zhang Luohao go to the house, and when I marry you in, let's Can..." Start.

"Trouble." The Empress said frowning, "It's not like that."

"Why not? That's it!" Ye Batian said categorically, "How can you have a daughter without getting married? Don't you want to have a daughter with me?"

"No need to get married." The empress stubbornly felt that there was no need to be so troublesome.

"You can't live without achievement." Ye Batian seemed to be stubborn too.

For the two of them...

The empress obviously didn't want to get back together until she died, but she loved her Xiao Qianli, so the first thing she did when she came back from rebirth! Just by instinct, came to Beiliang City to find Ye Batian.

She never regretted meeting Ye Batian, not only because Ye Batian gave her an unforgettable love, but also because Ye Batian gave her a daughter.

So the first thing she came back, she wanted to give birth to a daughter, and then always accompany her daughter, accompany and spoil her since childhood, and never let her daughter suffer any wrongdoing.


Ye Batian wanted to reconcile until he died, so the first thing he did when he came back was to leave the city instinctively. He loved Xiao Qianli and the Empress, but he obviously subconsciously felt that he had to get married first.

Because in Ye Batian's heart, he knew exactly where he went wrong, and he also understood very well what character shortcomings he had when he was young, so he wanted to let the only Ye Wuji who could control him, take care of him!

Therefore, Ye Batian wants to bring the empress home and ask his father to give them Zhang Luo to marry him. In the future, he will not be able to do anything assholes, and he will be able to accompany his daughters and daughter-in-laws without letting them experience Pain and deceit without husband and child.


Regardless of what the two people think.

What I want to go to is to have a daughter.

So when the stalemate was still at a stalemate, Ye Batian stepped back and said, "Well, if we get married and give birth to a daughter, you are not satisfied with the day after we get married, can you dump me again?"

The empress thought for a while, obviously she didn't want to agree.

But Ye Batian had already expressed his determination and said, "Otherwise, it won't give birth."

The female emperor glanced at him, just about to say something, but her body was really unable to support it, making her feel dizzy and fall down.

"Eh!" Ye Batian was a little panicked! Speed ​​up the horse riding speed, but what can be seen is that he protects the female emperor very well, not to the female emperor.

When he rushed to the palace, he had already made arrangements and was going to find his Ye Feng and Ye Rui personally, and they were dumbfounded.

"Second, second young master?" Both commanders were a little bit stunned, because Ye Batian is too young right now! It seemed that he was just as dumb as he was before the accident.

"It's me! Quick! Send the military doctor to come--" Ye Batian obviously pretended to be instructed by Ye Feng and Ye Rui, but the man jumped down from the horse holding the female emperor and rushed straight into the mansion. "Father! Daddy—"

And such a dad!

Naturally, Ye Wuji, who was drinking tea with a tea bowl, was shocked to directly restore the previous Ye Fengtian. He almost dropped the tea bowl like Ye Fengtian, and was scalded by boiling water, and ran out crazy.

"Ah!" Ye Fengtian stayed for a while, and then smiled subconsciously. He was sure with tears in his smile. He was indeed his father's own, and the reaction was exactly the same...

"Second brother is back." Ye Fengtian, who had been super excited once, would obviously calm down a lot, but he couldn't help chasing after him.

Second brother!

Second brother!

Lier is missing.

Their family is finally about to be reunited, in Beiliang, in the palace.


"Father!" He rushed in and almost ran into Ye Wuji's Ye Batian. He said in the first sentence, "Father, you can tell me quickly. I'm going to marry a daughter-in-law."

"I'll kill you!" Ye Wuji instinctively scolded. "Your daughter-in-law..." Isn't she Lierniang?

But Ye Wuji was only half cursing, and he choked to find that the girl in his younger son's arms seemed to be! That is, the younger Lierniang?


"What's wrong with your wife?" Ye Wuji asked quickly.

Ye Batian liked this very much and said, "My wife fainted from exhaustion. I asked Ye Feng and Ye Rui to pass on the military doctor. Don't worry about this. You can tell me quickly. I am going to marry a daughter-in-law today. ."

"You bastard! Are you in such a hurry? Also, did your wife agree to marry you?" Ye Wuji felt that although others are a bit older, they are not easy to fool!

"Of course! You said it's my daughter-in-law, don't you have to hurry up?" Ye Batian kept urging, "Hurry up, our husband and wife will turn around to give you a granddaughter."

"You bastard!" Ye Wuji couldn't help it. "You didn't make up for Xiao Li'er well, so you want to have a daughter again?"

"Huh?" Ye Batian was a little confused.

Ye Wuji glanced at him, then looked at the female emperor who was not in good condition, and then at these two "weak chickens", he had a wise insight into everything, "Huh! Now I know that I've come to find Daddy to wipe the fart-shares? Early? Why did you go!

If you knew in your previous life to find your father first, you could get your daughter-in-law to fly, why can't you come back? Now that I was wrong, I knew I came to see Daddy? "

"No..." Ye Batian was really dumbfounded, "Father, what are you talking about?" Why don't you understand?

"You!" Ye Wuji poked his son's forehead, "I've been a **** since I was a child! I've been like a devil, but I don't know that some mistakes can't be made up for a lifetime."

"Father?" Ye Batian was confused.

"But! You have a chance to change this time. Wait, Dad will go and marry you Zhang Luo, but let's say it. If my daughter-in-law wakes up and says he doesn't want to marry you, don't try to force her. "Ye Wuji warned.


"It's useless to call Dad! Also, don't bully others first." After Ye Wuji said this, he invited the old lady in the mansion and forced the empress away from Ye Batian's arms. Up.

Ye Batian:...

This is probably not his father, but the father of the daughter-in-law he picked up.

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