Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 15: Fanwai 04: This wave of show operations is very 6! 2 more

Ye Batian stayed for a while, obviously not reacting, but he did not react, he had already broken through numerous obstacles, and the West Demon, who sneaked into the mansion, already yelled again, "The Empress! Take me into the harem!"

"You spoiled skin!" Ye Fengtian didn't expect that, he drove people far away, but he was going to arrange a dinner party, and this person came to sabotage again?

"This demon is pursuing true love. It's not trivial! Why do you play it?" Of course, Xi Mo was dissatisfied, he vaguely remembered that the beauty just now was the empress, the woman he had been waiting for when he came to Xiliang City.

Only when he was stopped by Ye Fengtian, Ye Batian already gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes! If you marry me, you will marry me, but you promised me that you can't take it to the harem!"

His mother, in order to prevent his wife from running away, he is also very hard, but a big man can bend and stretch, let alone succumb to his wife, it is nothing, man! Can't I let my daughter-in-law behave?

Thinking about this, Ye Batian said frankly, "Then you have to marry me today!"

Ye Wuji:...

Is this still Ye Wuji's son?

and also!

This **** enters his face in front of him, doesn't he think about his feelings?

Although, he is not an unenlightened old man, but! Can't you wait for him to say it when he is away? He also wants to carry the long shelf at one end.

But the female emperor still did not agree and said, "That won't work, since this emperor is a generation of female emperors, naturally you can't just marry it, unless you want to be a noble husband, and a concubine doesn't need rituals."

Ye Batian:...

Return your husband? !

What the **** is this? !

Corresponding concubine? !


Ye Batian was a little messy.

Ye Qianli understands what her empress mother meant. In the past, she, Yan Wang father, loved her empress mother and her in order to save face, but was unwilling to go to Kunlun Imperial Palace under the premise of being weaker than the empress mother.

Now she is born again, although the mother of the empress does not remember Qianchen, she is using her instinct to treat Father Yan, what about the latter? He was afraid that he knew it was wrong, and it was engraved into the bone marrow.

and so……

"Okay! Do whatever you want." Ye Batian had given up all the principles on the premise of ensuring that he was the only one. As long as the wife was his own, he could give in.

not to mention--

The empress has already asked readily, "Father-in-law, what do you think?"

Ye Wuji, who was overwhelmed by a sip of tea, immediately spit out a sip of tea to the door with a "poof", just spraying it onto Ye Fengtian's body.

"Father?" Ye Fengtian felt a bit bitter in his heart.

Ye Wuji wiped his mouth and said, "I have no objection, no objection, you young people are willing to do it yourself, my old bones are going to provide for the elderly anyway, right? My husband, King Sumi, you old people recruiting for the elderly in Sumi Mountain. ?"

"Trick." Rong Huang nodded.

"Hahahaha! Great..." Ye Wuji said happily immediately, "Okay, you can take care of Lier Niang, and I will give Ba Tianbei a dowry and marry him gracefully. You, you have to be kind to him, this child is not easy."

The first words, if they are considered jokes, then the latter words are actually Ye Wuji's heartfelt words. He knows that his son is wrong.

But, he also hopes that after experiencing so much pain, the empress can really give the child a chance to start again. Is there anything wrong with anyone?

"You will understand in the future that he has really changed." Ye Wuji said a little bit sorrowfully, his **** little son was so arrogant and domineering before.

Nowadays, in order to marry a daughter-in-law, all the morals have been lost, and they have also been changed. That stinks of face-saving and suffering.

They all say that their nature is hard to change, but for this daughter-in-law, his son, everything has really changed. As a father, I really hope that this child will get better.

And the empress who was slightly startled, she also nodded solemnly, "Okay." She was acting by instinct, but in her subconscious, she actually thought that this "daughter father" would not agree to her, but Today...

"Father-in-law, don't worry." The female emperor vaguely heard, the deep meaning in Ye Wuji's words made her feel that her decision seemed to be hasty.

But Ye Batian said with joy, "Then what, daughter-in-law, since father-in-law is called, then you have to marry me as soon as possible, or else, you should go back with you to prepare. Anyway, I am a big man. It’s okay not to be shy, to prepare you for your marriage."


Ye Wuji:...

People and beasts:...

Dare to ask! This Hades, can you be more shameless?

But if they ask this, Ye Batian will definitely say, "Face? What is that? Can you be a wife?"

The answer is naturally no, so although everyone is choking silently, they all understand that no matter what the circumstances are, the two are now considered complete.

As for the West Demon...

When Ye Qianli walked out of the yard, she asked Ye Fengtian and said, "Daddy, father, where is the noisy person just now?"

"Daddy? Uh, Li'er, you still call your uncle. Uncle and uncle are also father." Ye Fengtian said, he knew his niece wanted to fulfill what he had said before, but since the second brother is still there, he can't afford it. There was a cry.

Ye Qianli also felt that the name "Big Daddy" was weird, so she said kindly, "Alright, uncle put the people in place?"

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