Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Fanwai 06: Three-year-old father and son! The most adorable

Ye Qianli:...

Your Highness, is it really okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this?


Ye Qianli is real! Never expected that after her Highness was drunk, she would look like this! It's really-so cute!

Look at his serious lie, tusk...

honestly! If it weren't for the big difference between his actions and normal times, Ye Qianli said that she really couldn't see that he was completely drunk. After all, this person not only speaks clearly, has a serious expression, and walks very steadily and quickly.


Super childish!

So cute, Ye Qianli couldn't help but hug him and said, "Your Highness?"

"Shhh!" Rong Mo made a solemn silence immediately, and said in a voice that he thought to be very small, but in fact, there was no low voice at all, "My black-hearted father is here, don't be heard by him."


"I heard! It's here!" Rong Huang responded angrily, standing outside the door, "You come out! Let me beat you."

Hear this...

Rong Mo nervously grabbed Little Leopard's hand, "How did Dad hear?"

"His Royal Highness..." Ye Qianli wanted to say, you are so loud, and there is no barrier, the father-in-law is not deaf, inevitable! You can definitely hear it.

"Hush!" Rong Mo didn't let Ye Qianli say, and said loudly outside the door, "Father, I told you, I and Little Leopard are asleep."

"I..." Rong Huang was about to respond!

Finally caught Xiao Yi'er, and Yun Zhixi hurried over, she took the drunk maniac and said, "Huang Huang, Mo Mo and his wife are asleep, let's go back to sleep, okay?"

"Sleep?" In Rong Huang's deep black eyes, there is no faint meaning, and they are quite bright. They are less drunk than Rong Mo, but more like a beautiful young man in the world, or a hand. The kind without the power to bind chickens.

"Hiccup~" And Xiao Yi'er who had a burp of wine, he sweetly stretched out his hand to his Grandpa Huang and shouted, "Grandpa Huang Xiangxiang, hug Yi~"


"I don't!" Rong Huang categorically refused, "You bite me."

Yun Zhixi:...

This is no longer her Huanghuang, Huang is three years old, right?

"Want it~" Xiao Yi'er struggled, going to his grandfather's arms.

Only the little guy leaned out of his body and was taken abducted by his grandfather!

"Huh?" After Xiao Yi'er fell into the arms of the "smelly" wine, she looked at his grandpa with a dazed expression, but was "has a haw" by his grandpa!

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er screamed struggling to avoid, "No kiss! Don't kiss Yi."

"Hahaha..." Ye Wuji didn't let go of her hand at all, and rubbed the little guy's head with a laugh, "Grandpa is an elder! What's wrong with kissing you?"

"Ohhhhhhh!" Xiao Yier bit his grandfather's hand in one bite, and the latter let go of it subconsciously when he had a pain, and a certain little fish, like a little fish, turned into a little white cat's size with a "swish" ! He got into his grandfather Huang's arms.

"Yi'er?" Ye Wuji couldn't find the dumbfounded little great-grandson.

Yun Zhixi took a look at the chaotic scene, and decided to take Rong Huang back to the house first, let him lie down and talk about it. As for the grandpa in-law and the others, let them go crazy, she can't control it.

What matters is that the two most destructive powers must be taken care of first...

Fortunately, Rong Huang still listened to Yun Zhixi's words very much, and had been taken back, and even the little one in his arms was taken back to the house.

This made Rong Mo, who sensed his departure, subconsciously sighed, "My father is gone."

"Yes." Ye Qianli wanted to say. It seems that in addition to the young bald head of the Rong family, he still can't drink. These two are really not allowed!

And when Ye Qianli thought this way, Rong Mo had changed from listening carefully to the outside to seriously looking at his wife and shouting, "Little Leopard."

"Huh?" Ye Qianli replied.

Rong Mo took it seriously, holding up his little leopard's face, and said with bright eyes, "My heart is pleased with you, and I am very pleased and very pleased, that kind."

"I, I know." Ye Qianli had known for a long time that her beautiful prince also liked her very much and loved her.

However, when she raised her eyes to the pair of Jiaoruo Zhan Zhan Qinghe in front of her, she was still sluggish and beaten again, and her heartstrings were disturbed by the force, she... …

"No, you don't know." Rong Mo surely shook his head! Bringing the little leopard in front of him to the door, people approached more seriously, "You don't know, you have to leave me and my son."

"I..." Ye Qianli didn't expect that the drunk Highness was going to settle accounts after Autumn?

But at this moment, Rong Mo dropped a kiss on the forehead of the person in front of him and said, "Little leopard, I will listen to you from now on, okay if you don't leave me?"

"Okay! I won't leave." Ye Qianli wanted to say, she didn't want to leave, she just...

"Little Leopard, you will live forever in the future. Tell me your wishes and longings, let me do it for you, let me protect you safely and smoothly, everything goes well, okay?" Rong Mo said seriously again.

These were originally only hidden in his heart, and he will do it all his life! All the promises to be made were spoken word by word by him at this moment.

"I..." Ye Qianli's eyes were suddenly hot! Some choked up words came, even though he didn’t say it, she knew it, but—

"Okay?" Rong Mo, who couldn't get an answer, asked more seriously! As if afraid that his little leopard would not want to, he added, "Your beautiful prince can't live without you."

"Okay!" Ye Qianli nodded in tears, she had promised not to leave him, but he was obviously still worried, and what he said...

"Then, I'm going to bed." After Rong Mo finished speaking, he fell on his little leopard, leaning on the soft little leopard, who made him feel at ease, closed the pair of bright and beautiful ones, and took pictures of Ye Qian. Li soul and soul, and the eyes of the heart.

"His Royal Highness..." Ye Qianli held the slender beautiful prince who was docile and leaning on her, like a large dog, with a heart softened into a lush spring water, and kissed his eyebrows, his lips, "husband. "

In her life, the most fortunate thing is that she met him as soon as she came. The happiest thing is that she has walked side by side with him to this day and will continue to walk hand in hand. The most happy thing is that she has a small Yier with him.

Maybe in the beginning, it was a little rush; Yi'er came and caught them off guard, but--

Their love is not rushed, and the birth of their Yi'er is a kind of completeness. It is true between them! There is really a wonderful fate, otherwise, how could she meet him from a distant time and space?


The next day.

Up and down in the northern palace, there was an elegant Sanskrit voice! Woke up with a cold drink, "Little bastard!"

"Huh?" The one who ruined the world of the grandparents was very small! The very young Yi'er, he hadn't woken up yet, looked at his angry Grandpa Huang dumbfounded.

After forgetting that Rong Huang "hid" this little thing in his arms, he was almost mad! Really, he just picked up this little one, going to punch open the door of his scheming eldest son!


He soon discovered that his eldest son's room had already set up a shielding array, although it was not very clever, but! He is a father-in-law, of course he is embarrassed to break this barrier and break in.


Rong Huang, who got up in a frenzy, furiously pinched the little Rong Yi, and went out of the palace, leaving Xiao Yi'er with a very immature questioning voice, "Where will Grandpa Huang take Yi?"

"Beat you!" Rong Huang died of anger.

"Then you bully the young with the old!"

"Yes, your Grandpa Huang is such a person."

"Does my grandma Xi know?"

"none of your business!"

"Tell her to divorce you!"

"you dare!"

"I'll go! You let go."

"Think beautiful!"

"Ah! Grandpa Huang, Yi loves you the most."

"Little bullshit!"

"Grandpa Huang is the best! Yi cultivates with you."


"Grandpa Huang, look at Yi, do you look like you?"


Rong Huang felt that this fierce and bad grandson was really annoying! You say you are fierce in the end, what's the matter of being able to bend and stretch?

"Puff!" Yun Zhixi, who was originally worried, laughed when she heard this. Her little dear grandson really inherited the wisdom of everyone in the Rong family.

However, Rong Huang, who was very bored, still took a little boy out and wandered around for a while! Scattered! heart! It's a little bit of fun that makes him happy.

After all, Rong Huang took him to hunt and grabbed a lot of "meat". Rong Huang, who couldn't beat his grandson, obviously cast his anger on various beasts.


"Prince Taixu?" When she met the princess Qionghai of the two masters head-on, she looked at it with some certification, holding a child in front of her, and smashed it with one punch, an invincible white-clothed man with a giant Cancer.

The Qionghai princess who had obviously missed the "Prince Taixu", she was especially obsessed with it! Rong Huang's face is exactly the same as Rong Mo's.



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