Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Fan Wai 02: Take Yi to go! Endless devouring! 1 more

Because of the good eyesight, the front of Rong Lin said that he is still far away from the Rong family, but Rong Huang can naturally see that the beauty son is referring to a misty starry fog area.

Compared with what he had seen when he had foreseen it before, the star fog area had expanded nearly a hundred times, and there was still a purple thunder and lightning flashing through it, which was beautiful and magnificent.


"Master!" Xiao Rongyi was a little excited! He grabbed his Grandpa Huang's hand, and excitedly pointed at this light zone, "Take Yi away!"

"I want to be beautiful." Rong Huang refused mercilessly, because this area is a recovery area for his son and daughter-in-law. If I really want to let this little one go, how can the young couple recover?

Besides, if the little bad guy should digest and digest first, it is not suitable for "eating and drinking", otherwise he will not be able to suppress it, but -

Xiao Rongyi, who really wanted to go, looked at his grandma Xi eagerly, and wanted him to speak, but this time Yun Zhixi did not live up to the little guy's wish.

But she didn't directly refuse. She put her little grandson in her arms and said, "Yi'er, be good. This is where your father and your mother are going to practice. Yi'er can't grab it."

"Follow! Don't grab it! Just take a look!" Xiao Rongyi said.

Rong Huang sneered at hearing, and said, "I believe in your evil."

Xiao Rongyi retorted unhappily, "Yi is serious! Keep your promise!"

"Puff." Now Yun Zhixi also smiled, kissed the little face of his grandson, and asked amusedly, "Do you still know what promises are?"

"Of course! Yi is not a lie!" Xiao Rongyi said, and looked at his dad pointedly, as if his dad was leaning against him.

In fact, he was still thinking that his father had robbed him of his meal more than once! But he won't grab his dad this time, huh!

And with his arrogant little appearance, Rong Ze couldn't help it. He leaned forward and said, "Hey," he said, "Yi'er is awesome!"

"That is!" Xiao Rongyi agreed with proudly, and wiped his face again, "but you can't kiss Yi, my second uncle."

"Why?" Rong Ze said with a sad face, "Second Uncle loves you so much, likes you so much, so rare you are, why can't you kiss you?"

"You are a man!" Xiao Rongyi retorted vigorously, "Look at Grandpa Huang, did you kiss my father?"

Rong Mo:...

Rong Huang:...

What kind of metaphor is this?

"That's not true." Rong Ze said dumbly, but he felt that something was wrong, and then he really thought of something wrong and said, "But they are big! We are small, we can kiss!"

"I won't!" Xiao Rongyi protested to the end.

"I'll kiss!" Rong Ze actually wanted to continue kissing.


Xiao Rongyi hide! Rong Ze did not slow down to catch up. The two young men quickly became annoyed and made Rong Huang free. They recruited the eldest son and daughter-in-law to come.

"What's Daddy's instructions?" Rong Mo asked like a son.

Rong Huang glanced at him before saying, "When you get close to the star fog, Dad will send you two in. What happens after that depends on your own understanding."

Although he could predict one or two things, he couldn't see the whole thing clearly, and with Rong Mo and Ye Qianli's current attainments, he didn't need to give too much guidance.


"No! Wait." Yun Zhixi only understood something and asked, "Aren't we going together?" She only discovered now that the area belongs to Mo Mo and Qianli alone, and they seem to be unable to follow?

So, what is the point of "fighting" so much before? In the end, she, Huang Huang, and how many children had to return to Xuan Tianyu first?

Yun Zhixi suddenly felt! She was scolded.

But Rong Huang had already explained solemnly, "I didn't know that this would be the case beforehand. This star fog has now expanded more than a hundred times. If I had observed the scale before, I would be able to see this scene in Xuan Tianyu. ."

"The eldest brother and sister-in-law will go there, will there be any problems?" Rong Lin was a little worried. It didn't take long for them to get out of Mount Xumi, and it was quite far from reaching the Xuantian Domain! Did you see the result in advance?

This is really...

Just expanded more than a hundred times?

Rong Lin asked with some suspicion, "Could it not only expand so much, what is there? In fact, I feel that it seems quite dangerous."

"Same." Yun Zhixi agreed with the little beauty's son, "but Huanghuang, didn't you say it's not dangerous?"

"For the two of them, no." Rong Huang agreed, but then he turned and said, "As for whether there will be small twists and turns, this is beyond my foresight."

"Then what do you mean?" Yun Zhixi suddenly felt that this matter seemed so unreliable, and she subconsciously wanted to say something, but -

She hasn't made a constructive proposal yet! He Anxing's plan, the star mist, which was originally far away from them, was silently but rapidly expanding towards them?


"Oh!" Fat Jinlong was stunned! Stopped immediately.

But even though it stopped, the star mist quickly gathered, which made Xiao Rongyi excited! It's about to jump in first.

But no matter how fast he is! Not as fast as his grandfather Huang, the latter had already grabbed his short legs and withdrew him unceremoniously.

Rong Yi was so angry that he was about to yell, but Xing Wu seemed to be conscious, sending out two wisps of purple thunder and lightning, taking Rong Mo and Ye Qianli directly.


"Huh!" Yun Zhixi almost instinctively wanted to protect the two children, because she felt the extreme danger! But she was pulled away by Rong Huang.

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