The farmer was frightened and rushed over to check, and then he found a lot of blood and pieces of corpses around the road.

The farmer was so frightened that he almost fainted and immediately called the police.

Police personnel and heroes from the Aichi Prefecture Hero Office arrived immediately.

Just by looking at it, they could tell it was a sexual crime!

Judging from the condition of the car and the victim's body, he had a blade-type personality.

However, soon, the police discovered that there were a lot of signs of fighting here.

The surrounding cement floors, farmland, and trees all showed signs of extensive fighting and damage.

In other words, this is most likely a battle between a hero and a criminal.

In other words, two criminals are fighting in a den.

According to the investigation of the heroes who arrived, it can cause this level of damage.

It should only be possible for a hero ranked No. 30 or below.

No, even within No. 20!

When the police heard this analysis, they were shocked and began to contact the heroes ranked within No. 30.

The result was a unanimous response - one by one

They didn't fight at all in Yuanzhi County last night.

Haven't even been there.

In other words, it's a fight between criminals?

Or maybe a powerful personality user without a hero license took action?

But who could it be?

With confused thoughts, the police and local heroes in Aichi Prefecture can only slowly start their own investigation

And the two protagonists of the incident.

A man was beaten half to death and was thrown into a deep mountain jungle about ten miles away from the incident.

The other one got on the train back to Shizuoka. Under his designer clothes, there were many scars hidden on his body.

In the original novel, the unqualified guy was instantly killed by Chang An with his violent personality.

[World]'s attack range, or destructive power, needs to be further improved.

The current comprehensive ability template of Wu An's [World], except for the ability to pause time that has not yet been awakened.

Others are almost the same as those of Dior himself.

But I need a higher breakthrough.

ONE.FOR.ALL is out of reach. Wu An now wants to use the combat system like Garp in "One Piece" as a template to refine his combat capabilities.

“But the most urgent task is to awaken my [The.World] ability.

Wu An clenched his fists, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

Pressure, I still need more fighting pressure.

Fight stronger and more dangerous enemies.

A few months later, Yuying High School.

"Lord of the Territory, what's the matter with suddenly coming to see me?"

Reception room.

The skeleton asked Naomasa Tsukauchi who came to him.

Naouchi was one of the few people who knew about All Might's physical condition, and also assisted him in investigating ALL.FOR.ONE.

In front of him, All Might didn't need to forcefully transform back into his muscle form.

Although he is already training Izuku Midoriya to become his successor.

But most of the time, All Might still acted as a hero.

I went to see him this morning and then returned to Xiongying.

But he didn't expect that Yu Naozheng would find him.

"All Might, do you know about the mysterious battles happening across the country right now?"

Naouchi asked, sitting opposite All Might.


All Might raised his eyebrows and nodded, "I heard a little bit. It seems that starting a few months ago, fierce battles broke out every once in a while. But when the police and heroes arrived, Both sides disappeared without a trace.”


Yuuchi Naomasa nodded solemnly, "It was very difficult for the police to investigate at the beginning. It can be seen that the other party is very familiar with the police's operation mode. It should be said that they have been doing this kind of thing for a long time."

"However, after several months of investigation, we have discovered many clues."

Haouchi Naozheng took out some photos of the scene.

The devastated woods and abandoned factories, the extent of the damage, reminded All Might of his youth, when he had just acquired ONE.FOR.ALL.

Naouchi pointed at one of the photos, which was a large abandoned factory.

The iron walls and steel pillars of the factory were beaten and twisted.

The iron wall, which was more than one meter thick, had several blast holes!

"Based on your experience, who among the current heroes can perform such an attack?"

After hearing this, All Might picked up the photo, looked at it carefully for a while, and said slowly, "A skilled hero like the ninja hero cannot perform such an attack."

After being silent for a while, All Might added: "Aside from me and Andeva... [Full Hero] Armored Warrior, [Ryuuzaki Hero] Long Jiu, and the Gangster Orca should be able to do it.

The new hero [Mountain Heroine] is probably still a little bit behind. "

"We have all asked these heroes, and they all said they had no knowledge."

Yuuchi Naomasa frowned, "Are there no others? Are there no criminals you met?"

All Might was stunned.

The criminal he met?

They were all sent to prison!

But when he thought about it, All Might suddenly remembered a figure, "Is it him?"

"No, no, no,"

All Might shook his head again and said to himself: "Although the Wu'an boy has great potential,

But in just a few months, his progress cannot be so exaggerated. .

25 Eight Million Hundred: I seem to have committed a crime

"All Might, I think it is necessary to confirm the person you are talking about."

Yu Zhizheng said solemnly.

All Might blinked and finally nodded, "That's... okay."

Two hours later, in the lobby of Eight Million Houses.

Eight million couples were sitting opposite Naomasa and All Might who had arrived in the domain.

"Mr. Eight Million, Mrs. Eight Million, hello. I've taken the liberty to come and disturb you today."

Yuuchi Naomasa shook hands with the eight million father, they had known each other before.

"Hello, Officer Takuuchi."

As he said that, Eight Million's father looked at All Might with some flatterment, "I didn't expect that All Might would actually visit in person."

At this time, All Might was naturally in muscle form.

Although the 8 Million Family is one of the top financial groups in the world, they don't dare to underestimate heroes like All Might.

After all, in this era where individuality is paramount, being strong itself is a manifestation of power.

If Father Eight Million himself is the financial power of the chaebol, then All Might symbolizes the military power of the warlord.

"I don't know if you two came to visit me in person this time. What's the matter?"

Eight Million Mother personally served the black tea and asked with a smile.

"I wonder where Wu An, who lives here, has gone?"

Territorial Naomasa asked.

"Wujun? He went out with his daughter early in the morning."

Eight Million's father did not expect Naozheng Yuuchi to suddenly ask Wu An a question, but he replied immediately.

"With Miss Eight Million?"

Yu Naozheng frowned subconsciously.


Ba Bai Bai's mother nodded, "In the past few months, Anjun has been teaching Ba Bai Bai training, and the child has made a lot of progress."

"Oh? I really want to see the Wu'an boy's training methods."

All Might showed his big white teeth and asked with a smile, "I wonder what kind of training it is?"

All Might seems to exude a kind of natural charm that can attract people, making it difficult for people to resist. Say; EUR from! Group, stay! Stay*9: 8 # 0\u003e2!0;5\u00268/56 solve his problem.

"This... we don't know, and Babaibai never told us."

Eight million mothers looked helpless.

"Do I need to call them back?"

asked the father of eight million.

"No, we can wait."

Naomasa raised his hand to stop him, trying to avoid revealing the purpose of his visit.

Kanagawa, a chaotic area.

Wu An leaned against the wall on the street.

Not far away, Eight Million Hundred faced four gangsters who surrounded him.

He used his right hand to create a long stick, which flexibly blocked the blade of one of them.

It used to take at least four to five seconds to create this kind of weapon, but now it only takes one second. In less than a moment, Eight Million Hundreds twists his wrist and knocks down the opponent's dagger.

There was a muffled sound, and a stick hit the opponent's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain and kneel on the ground. The other three people saw this and rushed over quickly.

If Eight Million Hundred had seen this scene a few months ago, he would have panicked.

But this time he acted extremely calmly.

First, he half-turned around, threw the long stick in his hand, and hit one person on the ankle.

In great pain, he was thrown to the ground.

The next second, Eight Million Hundreds lowered his waist and sidestepped between the other two people.

He crossed his hands on both sides of his waist.

A faint pink light flashed, and small ladies-only pistols on both sides flashed in the palm of the hand.

Turning around suddenly, the remaining two gangsters felt a hard iron object pressing against the back of their heads. It was obvious that it was a pistol made by Eight Million Creations.

The time taken before and after is seven seconds.

"Well, um, eldest brother, we have finished practicing with your woman, can you, can you let us go?"

With the muzzle of the gun pressed against their heads, the two gangsters felt chills in their hearts and asked Wu An, who was standing by the street, in a trembling voice.

Eight Million Hundred's face, which was originally calm, suddenly turned red.

Wu An waved his hand gently, indicating that they could get out.

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