"Who allowed there to be Tianlong people here?"

Xia Qi saw Wu An's disgust and spoke unscrupulously.

"A group of useless things, worse than trash, can still become the rulers of this world. It's really chilling."

What Wu An said shocked everyone present except his crew members.

183 Evil breeds

The wine in the cup in Xia Qi's hand continued to overflow after hearing Wu An's words.

The others seemed to have heard something extraordinary and left the bar in a hurry.

They were the only ones left in the huge bar. Xia Qi originally thought that those words were bold enough, but unexpectedly, his words were like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for people to guard against.

"They haven't paid yet."

Xia Qi said nonchalantly and quickly threw away the wine bottle in her hand.

"I'll compensate you later." Wu An said generously.

Xia Qi finally came to her senses. She was also a pirate before, and she didn't like the system of the Celestial Dragons, but she had no choice, because the Celestial Dragons were the most "noble" people in the world.

I have never heard anyone openly insulting Tianlong people, but it is better than some people scolding in their hearts and not daring to take any action. Wu An is very suitable for Xia Qi's taste, and he is a forthright person.

Among the people who left the bar, there were some pirates who did things regardless of their moral bottom line, but they were not bold enough to speak evil words to the 10 Celestial Dragons. If the Celestial Dragons heard this, they would definitely die in an ugly way.

There are too many ugly sides on this island. If you don't be cruel, you won't be able to survive.

"Are you openly enemies of the Tianlong people? You must know that behind them is the World Government."

Xia Qi looked at them worriedly, and Wu An nodded disapprovingly.

Xiaoba's heart was filled with turmoil. He didn't expect the captain to be so powerful. Sometimes he wanted to scold the Tianlong people, but he was too timid to curse out loud.

After all, there are still many lackeys here, and if they are heard, they might be finished at some point.

"The Tianlong people are not worthy of being world nobles. Even if there is a world government behind them, the ugly things they have done will one day be completely exposed.

Light. "

Fan Oka continued Wu An's words. In his opinion, the captain was really too courageous. Since he broke up with the world government, he wanted to completely remove the evil Celestial Dragons from the world's nobility.

Xia Qi's face was calm and calm, but the wine glass in her hand still shook uncontrollably. It seemed that the crew members who followed him had great courage and courage. Xiaoba would definitely be like them in the future.

"Do you have a plan to overthrow the world government? I can provide you with information."

Xia Qi said slowly that she couldn't do it openly against the Tianlong people, but she could still provide them with information.

"I know you have an intelligence agency here."

Wu An didn't look surprised, as if he had known it for a long time.

Xia Qi didn't ask him how he knew, and became more and more curious about him, how he knew this then.

The last worry in her heart about Xiaoba had disappeared at this time.

If Xiaoba follows him, he will definitely not be in danger in the future but will be very safe.

Fan Oka looked at this bar, wondering why there would be many people here no matter what time. It turned out that this was an intelligence agency. Whether they were drinking or eating, they were chatting in low voices. No one would have thought that they were talking about some secrets here. things.

"We came here to know why these bounties are so fearless in surrounding us."

Xia Qi raised her eyebrows. It turned out that they didn't know about this.

“Kizaru issued a message in the circle of bounty hunters, as long as anyone from the Wuan Pirates can be captured in front of him.

In addition to the bounty, there is a reward of 70 million Baileys, and a reward of 200 million for capturing Wu An. "

Xia Qi said with a smile on her lips and her voice did not fluctuate.

Wu Yasu frowned. It was indeed Kizaru. It seemed that he had burned down the navy branch, which made him unable to sit still and stay away from the incident. Are you going to openly confront him?

"I didn't expect the bounty to be so high." Fan Oka clicked his tongue.

"Xiaoba, you also have a reward this time, protect yourself."

Xia Qi looked at Xiaoba aside, and this time he failed to stay out of the matter.

Xiaoba was still very happy when he heard about the reward. This time he really integrated into them.

"What about the traffickers?"

Nami couldn't wait to ask. The bounty hunter captured them because of the reward, so what does it have to do with the human traffickers?

"As long as the traffickers auction you, excluding the auction money and auction bounty, the total will reach 80 million per person."

They are so unlucky that human traffickers can auction them off.

"Are we going to have to hide away in the future?" Nami was very angry. These people must have eaten enough.

But Wu'an had an order for them not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"There aren't many good people here, so it doesn't matter even if we go on a killing spree."

Fan Oka licked his lips, and the bloodthirsty elements continued to rage in his body, almost to the point of killing all the traffickers.

"Van Oka is right."

Wu An agreed with Fan Oka's approach. They were not the Virgin. Others had bullied them, so there was no need to do anything to them.

"Only by making them afraid of us will they not continue to cause trouble in the future like today."

Wu An always takes a long-term view. He is not afraid of any Celestial Dragons. Asking himself, he is not a good person, but he has more conscience than the Celestial Dragons and the World Government. He feels that it is fate to come to this world, and he must save these people and let them People who have been tortured by the world government, let them get real justice, 607 fairness.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he would give those extremely vicious people a hard blow so that they would not dare to take his chances in the future.

Xia Qi can feel that earth-shaking changes will take place here in the future, and the evil Tianlong people will no longer exist.

"Why not just destroy the Celestial Dragons?" Xia Qi asked a curious question. With their ability, it would not be difficult to destroy the Celestial Dragons.

"It really doesn't take much effort to kill those trash, but these systems are still here. No matter how many Tianlong people are killed, the people in this world will not be treated fairly."

In Wu An's deep eyes, there was disappointment with the world. If he wanted to completely change the world, it would not be effective just by killing those trash.

After everyone heard what Wu An said, they admired Wu An's idea, yes! As long as this system exists, there will be a steady stream of evil that breeds from this system.

Only by completely changing this system can the darkness here be greatly reduced.

Wu An cannot say that there will be no evil in the new system he formulates in the future.

Even in a civilized world that lasts for thousands of years, there will still be evil. This evil can only be reduced, but cannot be completely avoided.

Xia Qi looked carefully at the young man in front of her. He was obviously young, but he had such courage.

184Help them

There is also a name that makes people fear from the bottom of their hearts, the Demon Lord of Hell. This name is already known to everyone.

"I'm curious how you do this."

Xia Qi lit up a cigarette neatly. Looking at her skillful look, you knew she was a long-time smoker. Women smoking is very common here.

Jessica frowned when she saw her smoking. She wanted to remind her not to smoke, but they were not very familiar with each other, so she swallowed the words when they came to her lips.

"Follow your heart." Wu An replied to her with four words very mysteriously. Xia Qi smiled charmingly. Even if her true age could not be seen, the young Xia Qi often gave people the impression that she was no longer in her thirties. I feel that this kind of person has a unique charm. He has gone through a lot of things and has become ordinary. This kind of woman with a story, coupled with proper maintenance, will naturally attract people's attention when she smiles.

Wu An's eyes were clear and he didn't feel anything at all. He had seen too many beauties. He admired Xia Qi because of her ability, not because of anything else.

"Okay, don't mess around with me."

Xia Qi waved her hand nonchalantly. This perfunctory attitude was really uncomfortable.

Wu An smiled and said nothing. There was really no need to waste time on this kind of thing.

"You are famous here, and there will be bounty hunters from outside. When they come here, you must be prepared for a long battle."

The bounty hunters outside are even more willing to risk their lives for money.

"The worst case scenario is to kill them all."

Wu An's body was constantly releasing domineering energy, and he was very angry at this time. Kizaru's approach was not to catch them, but also to disgust their posture.

"Okay, this is the information you want. If nothing happens, leave as soon as possible."

Xia Qi looked at the customers who had run away before and left with uneaten food. She felt heartbroken because they didn't pay.

This was the first time someone had eaten the King's meal openly. She was helpless about this kind of thing. If someone had cheated before, she could beat him into a pig's head, but now, things happened for a reason, and she couldn't find all those people.

If she attracts the Tianlong people, her bar will really be scrapped, and Xia Qi is a little heartbroken for all her hard work.

"When you put up a notice later, you will say you were threatened々V."

Wu An said and put the bag of money in front of Xia Qi.

He knew that Xia Qi had quit working decades ago and was now providing them with information.

Also out of good intentions, he couldn't let her bar be noticed by the Tianlong people.

The soft string in Xia Qi's heart was touched. Ever since she quit, no one except Lei Li and Xiao Ba had been kind to her.

Wu An looked at Xia Qi's strange look and thought she was still worried about the bar.

"Don't worry, if there are really Tianlong people looking for trouble, we will kill them all."

Zhengchou couldn't find a way to vent his anger. If the Tianlong people really appeared, he would definitely make them regret coming to this world.

"Aunt Xia, nothing will happen to your bar."

Xiaoba also thought she was worried about the bar, so he comforted her.

Xia Qi shook her head. With these stupid kids, she was worried about the bar.

"I'm worried about you."

"Aunt Xia will be fine. Let's leave first, otherwise you will have no guests."

After Wu An and his party left, Xia Qi's eyes slowly and steadily changed. Although she could not fight side by side with them, she could provide them with the most valuable information. In this way, she could be regarded as participating in their actions.

After Wu An and his party left, Xia Qi closed the bar for the first time and came to Lei Li who was coating.

When Lei Li saw that it was Xia Qi, he put down what he was doing. Xia Qi usually wouldn't come to him during the day, which was the peak period of the bar's business.

Xia Qi came to him at this time, maybe something important had happened.

Rayleigh took her into the ship and looked at her worriedly.

"What happened to make you leave the bar?" The last sentence was obviously ridiculing.

Reilly stroked his beard with a smile. In his opinion, Xia Qi had always worked hard to earn money and was not willing to take a day off. In Xia Qi's words, money is a very important thing here and cannot be lacking for a while.

"Something very serious has happened."

Xia Qi sat there, holding her chin with her well-maintained fingers, and spoke in a muffled voice.

Lei Li looked at her in surprise. Ever since he met her, this woman had such a fearless character. He had never seen her so melancholy.

"Something serious." Rayleigh was used to seeing big storms. In his opinion, Xia Qi might be worried about the bar. For people like them who live a plain and stable life, business is the only thing they care about. There is no business. , which means that you cannot survive.

Xia Qi remained silent. When she heard Lei Li's words, she felt like a lost person who had found the exit.

Xia Qi briefly narrated the incident, and Rayleigh fell into rare silence after listening.

"O'We can't control this kind of thing."

Lei Li knew the reason why Xia Qi came to him, presumably to help them.

Xia Qi looked very unhappy after hearing this. She didn't know what Lei Li said.

"We can only help secretly, and it is not suitable to openly turn against the World Government. The Tianlong people do not provoke us, and try not to provoke them."

After hearing this, Xia Qi's bright smile returned to her face.

"I knew you were the best." Xia Qi held his arm affectionately, and Lei Li coughed uncomfortably. Xia Qi was too happy.

"Go to the place where the traffickers are." A smirk appeared on Wu An's handsome face.

Since you want to auction them off, you must have capital.

"They're finished." Fan Oka put his arm around Xiaoba's shoulders and whispered. He knew exactly what the captain looked like.

Xiaoba nodded expressionlessly, hating those human traffickers (Wang Zhao) even more in his heart.

How many innocent people have been auctioned by human traffickers. Someone should have dealt with these traffickers long ago.

Since the navy headquarters was moved, it has become darker and darker here. They arrived at No. 1. Entering here, Wu An could feel the despair of being auctioned. There was no security here, and they themselves were the essence of evil.

Wu An looked up at the sky. The bubbles were so beautiful, but the darkness hidden here was even more outrageous.

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