"There is something to vaccinate you in advance."

Wu An pondered for a moment and said, this matter is neither small nor big.

Anyway, let's see how she understands it. When Hancock heard this, his heart suddenly rose. Is what he was going to say about her sister?

Or is it her sister, what happened there?

"Is it about my sisters? What happened to them? What happened?"

Hancock grabbed his arm eagerly, eager to know everything about his sister.

"Nothing happened to them."

Wu An comforted her and told her not to worry so much. Hancock was relieved to hear that nothing was wrong.


Wu An spoke next, and Hancock opened his eyes wide, afraid of hearing any bad news about her sister.

"They will be branded as slaves by the Celestial Dragons. This brand will accompany them throughout their lives and will never be removed."

Wu An told her the news, and Hancock's mood was not much better than before. This meant that they would always have the mark of being slaves, even though they were not slaves.

For a beautiful girl, this is more painful than anything else. Hancock shed tears, thinking that as long as he rescues his sister, it is better than anything else. It doesn't matter if he is branded as a slave.

At least they were free and no longer the toys of the Celestial Dragons.

Live without looking at their faces, and lose your life without using a word from them.

"It's okay, as long as they come out safely."

Hancock raised his hand and stubbornly wiped away his tears. He was not allowed to shed tears over such things. Wu An looked at her with admiration.

At a young age, she already has the demeanor of a future empress.

"Why didn't I?"

Hancock seemed to have thought of something and was a little confused. Why didn't she have the brand of slave on her body? What was going on?

"You only stayed in Marineland and didn't go to the Holy Land Mary Geoa."

Wu An explained to her that only if you go to the Holy Land, you will be branded as a slave. This can also be said to be the bad taste of the Tianlong people.

In order to satisfy themselves, they can do anything, and no one in the world can compete with them, so why not do it.

Hancock nodded. It seemed that she was relatively lucky and had not been branded as a slave. However, her two younger sisters were not so lucky.

"I'm going to help."

Hancock suddenly spoke nonsensically, and Wu An was confused. Why was she going to help?

"Jessica is cooking."

Hancock answered his confusion, and Wu An nodded. Even though Hancock wanted to stay with him, he couldn't be disturbed. Seeing that he was alone here just now, he must be thinking about something. Hancock left very considerately.

"It's time for dinner, Captain."

Wu An heard this and came to the cabin. As he approached, he smelled a strong aroma of food.

The saliva secreted in the mouth even more intensely, watching them go in and out carrying food, pinching a piece of chicken and putting it in their mouth.

"Good at cooking."

Wu Anba smacked his lips and made a few comments in a decent manner.

Jessica smiled and nodded, and Nami gave up serving the food, sat down on the chair, took the chicken legs and started to eat.

"I said Nami, how did you become like this back then."

Wu An spoke helplessly, remembering that he had just met Nami, who was a shy little girl, and now she has become so careless, not paying attention to her image at all.

"At first I thought you would be my Prince Charming, but then..."

Nami's expressions changed very well. When it came to Prince Charming, she had starry eyes and an adoring face. The expression on her face afterwards was self-evident.

"You called me Mr. Wu An back then."

Wu An defended unyieldingly, while the others ate the delicious meal and looked at them with gossipy expressions on their faces, as if they knew something big was going on.

"It was you and the cruelty that made me afraid in the beginning."

This sentence is Nami's true thoughts. She was indeed afraid of Wu An.

"Tell me why you are not afraid of the captain anymore?"

Van Oka may be late, but he will never be absent from the gossip ranks.

"Later I found out that he wasn't that scary after all."

Nami shrugged and told the truth.

"Then you stop worshiping the captain."

With a confirmed tone, Fan Oka stared at Nami closely, trying to find some uncertain factors on her face.

Unfortunately, there was nothing. Nami nodded, no longer in the mood of admiration. She became more familiar with Wu An and became more familiar.

"Okay, hurry up and eat."

Wu An interrupted the 660 gossips. Rather than letting them be afraid of him, Wu An was more accustomed to them joking with him.

Get along like friends.

Everyone has a cup in their hand. In order to prevent drinking from causing trouble, they didn’t drink. It was filled with juice.

Wu An took the lead in raising his cup, followed by the others.


Wu An wanted to say something, but in the end all that came to his lips was the word "cheers."


They finished the dinner happily. At this time, Wu An remembered a sentence. Instead of looking forward and backward, it is better to seize the present. After considering so many things, it is better to complete what needs to be done now and then think about the future.

"It's so late and we still have to patrol."

On the cliff of the red earth continent, there were two patrolling navy soldiers, complaining dissatisfiedly.

Patrolling at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night makes no one feel comfortable.

It was a good time to sleep, but the captain asked them to patrol. If anyone could climb up here, it would be to make them suffer.

"Good sleep."

The soldiers who had just complained spoke again. Wasn't it obvious that the captain was torturing them?

"What are you complaining about? This place is close to the cliff. I will sit here for a while and then go back as usual tomorrow."

The old soldier next to you, Youzi, didn't think this was a big deal. At most, it was just that he slept a little shorter.

224You are the devil of hell

"If the captain discovers this, he will definitely punish us."

The navy who complained just now was worried that if the captain got angry, they would be severely punished.

"I said, what are you worried about? Who would patrol in the middle of the night, just come here to sleep, who can climb up the Red Earth Continent with bare hands? This is a holy land, the territory of the world's nobles, which angered the Tianlong people, Isn’t that just going against the world government?”

He comforted the timid patrolling navy as much as possible. At first glance, he looked like a newcomer and didn't understand anything.

The navy was comforted by him and felt like he suddenly understood. It is right to say that no one can climb the red soil continent with bare hands. Even if they risk their lives, they will not be able to climb up.

This is why there are so few patrols. They just come here to sleep and don't seriously check to see if there is anything unusual around them.

In the Red Earth Continent, no one has been able to climb it with bare hands for thousands of years, and no one dares to offend the world's nobles, the Tianlongs.

They were usually lazy, but this time they had enough to eat and drink, and they didn't come until two or three o'clock.

"That's right. The captain won't know that we are sleeping, and no one will be able to climb up here."

After muttering these words, he lay down on the floor and fell asleep quickly.

However, at this time, a few hands suddenly appeared on the cliff. The navy, who was half asleep, turned over and suddenly saw a pair of red hands. He thought he was being dazzled, so he blinked a few times, but the red hands were still there.

"Wake up quickly."

It woke up the people next to me.

"What are you doing? You're not letting anyone sleep well."

The navy next to him said impatiently, the new navy is troublesome.


Suddenly he howled loudly and pointed at the red figure. He actually saw a ghost in the middle of the night.

"What's the matter..."

Veteran Youzi looked up angrily and found several people appearing on the Red Earth Continent.

He was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. He even pinched his thigh secretly. The strong pain told him that this was not an illusion. Someone really climbed to the Red Earth Continent.

And he wasn't alone. They didn't make a sound for a long time.

Those red hands are Tiger, he is a fish man, and his whole body is red.

Fan Oka was so tired that he collapsed on the cliff. They climbed for a day and a night, but fortunately, they climbed up before they were exhausted.

Climbing the Red Earth Continent requires no skills and can only be climbed step by step. Wu An's situation was better than theirs and he did not paralyze directly on the cliff.

Tiger turned left and looked right. No one on the Red Earth Continent has been able to successfully climb.

"Captain, how do they deal with 々V?"

Sabath calmed down for a while and felt better, looking at the frightened patrolling navy.

Wu An rubbed his chin with his fingers and could guess what they were thinking.

"Let me go and promise not to say anything."

Veteran Youzi was the first to declare that if you go against them in this situation, wouldn't that be courting death?

"Oh, is it?"

Wu An obviously didn't believe them, and veteran Youzi was about to cry. This patrol, he thought he would leave without incident like before, but who would have thought that they would show up halfway.


Veteran Youzi always felt that they were somewhat familiar. Dominated by fear, he forgot everything else and only had the idea of ​​staying alive in his mind.

"You, you... hell... the devil..."

The navy man who had been silent next to him trembled and stammered. God knows how much courage it took for him to say this.

I didn’t expect to encounter the legendary Hell Demon Lord here.

It really scared him, he had never been so scared before.

Veteran Youzi seemed to have been pressed on the pause button and could not say anything. The Demon King of Hell, such a familiar name, was being offered the highest bounty by the world government.

The person who has never been caught so far appears alive in the Red Earth Continent and appears in front of them. All of this is too coincidental. Why does the person wanted by the world government appear here?

Veteran Youzi seemed to know their purpose, his vision went dark and he fainted.

"I'm dizzy now."

Fan Oka kicked him, but there was still no other reaction. It seemed that he was really dizzy.

"I'll let you go if I don't tell the truth."

Wu An spoke lazily, killing them would take a waste of time.

The navy, who was not dizzy, shook his head and nodded.

"Too kind."

Tiger didn't agree with his approach. He personally found two vines and found a thick tree. He wrapped the two vines around the tree, and then tied the feet of the two marines to the vines. Go up and then throw them off the cliff.

There is a big tree there, so they can't die. As long as they don't struggle, they will be fine and wait until someone comes to save them.

Wu An looked at Tiger with a smile and said he was kind. Why did he do this?

Tiger looked at Wu An's eyes and coughed uncomfortably.

"o'To save time."

Tiger nodded to himself. The purpose of doing this was of course to save time.

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