"Let's go."

Looking around, except for the navy brought by Saint Rozwald, there was nothing left.

Wu An always felt that someone was staring at them in the dark. This feeling of being spied on made people very uncomfortable. Looking back, he found nothing.

"You go back first and check the tree hole first to see if it's surrounded or not."

Wu An told them that Doflamingo was still here. If it weren't for Doflamingo, he wouldn't be so worried. He was struggling to get into the World Government, even if he was stripped of his skin, as long as it went smoothly Once inside, these are nothing.

If it weren't for Luo's news, they wouldn't have come back so soon. Wu An felt that Luo was hiding from a bear.

Otherwise it would be impossible, there would be no news at all for such a long time.

Wu An put his hands behind his back and wandered around randomly to see who was following them. This aura was not strong and had no offensive power, it was more like confirming who they were.

Wu An stood there without moving, holding his breath and feeling the breath behind him. The breath behind him was getting closer and closer. He could not cover his ears with the force of stealing the bell, and quickly grabbed the back of his neck. No matter how hard the person in his hands struggled, he was still Unable to struggle.

"let me go."

When Wu An heard this voice, he felt a little familiar. Who exactly it was was a little vague and he couldn't figure out who it was.

This should be the backbone of destiny. When the person in his hand was turned around, Wu An was really shocked. What was going on with such an unusual person.

"Who are you?"

Wu An looked at this indistinguishable face and couldn't tell who it was.

"It's me." Luo pointed at himself excitedly, finally waiting for Wu An. Do you know how miserable he has been these past few days? He was almost abducted by human traffickers.

The corners of Wu An's mouth twitched hard, who knows who he is.

When Wu An wanted to throw him out, Luo spoke.

"I am Trafalgar Law." At this time, Luo announced his name. Wu An was stunned. Dressed like this, it turned out to be Luo who had the fruit of the operation.

Doflamingo probably doesn't recognize him anymore. This is really an exaggeration.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's not all here. Not only are there my enemies, but there are also so many traffickers."

?0Please give me flowers.....

Luo cried and said, Wu An held his forehead, the security here was not good, didn't he know?

"Come with me." Wu An took this guy back to the tree hole. Xiong in the dark breathed a sigh of relief. It took a lot of effort to rescue him in the past few days. Now Wu An finally came back, and he also You can go back and rest with confidence.

Regarding Wu An, Xiong's attitude is supportive, especially with their recent reward order, and since they have been away for so many days, they must have done something extraordinary and something that is unspeakable for the world government.

The three Hancock sisters looked at the tree hole curiously. Like everyone else, they thought the tree hole was very small at first. It was illuminated with luminous gems and very spacious. With the cover of bubbles, if you want to It's hard to find them hiding here.

Wu An took Luo Huishudong, and there was no conversation along the way. Mr. Luo felt that he was a little cold.

"Who is this guy?" Fan Oka pointed at the exaggeratedly dressed Luo.

Wu An said his name, and the others were silent. What the hell is this? Is it really Luo?

"Go wash up."

Wu An couldn't bear to look at her, it hurt her eyes. Luo obediently went to the side. The women turned their heads. Fan Oka found a clean set of clothes for Luo.

Luo walked over feeling refreshed and said the first thing he said, "I'm hungry."

Jessica was busy preparing food, and it was a tiring journey. They were already working hard and had no extra energy, so they asked Luo what he was doing.

Let's wait until everything is eaten and drunk before questioning him again.

At the dinner table, Luo devoured his food as if he hadn't eaten in a month.

"too delicious."

Jessica twitched the corner of her mouth and made some more food, otherwise these would really not be enough.

"I come to you."

After Luo had eaten and drank enough, he watched Wu An speak seriously. After thinking deeply about this matter, Luo decided to seek refuge with him.


Wu An didn't even say a polite word, and readily agreed to him. This made Luo confused. Why don't you ask him what his abilities are?

Will he accept every incompetent crew member?

Is this still Wu An from the reward order? Why do you act so hastily?

When Luo came into contact with Wu An's half-smiling eyes, he choked in his heart and shifted his gaze.

247 Temporary haven

I always feel that Wu An knows the same as his ability. He has never told anyone about this matter. How could anyone know about it? Luo smiled and shook his head. This is his secret. How could he tell it out so easily? He will need to ask for it again in the future. Relying on this secret to enter the world government, I never want to experience the life of being suppressed by others.

For him, Wu'an was just a temporary haven. When the time came, it was time for him to leave.

Wu An kept staring at him, and he could still understand Luo's thoughts.

"What? Do you think of me as a safe haven?"

Wu An exposed him mercilessly, and Luo looked at him in horror as if he had seen a ghost.

Sabath was holding back a smile. The captain was always so surprising.

Wu An and Luo didn't let them avoid the conversation. They were all our own people, so there was nothing to avoid.

Can he read minds?

"687" "I'm not surprised that you have such thoughts. After all, you are a doctor."

Luo sat upright. He had a bad feeling about Wu An's words, and then comforted himself. What's the big deal? He didn't know his secret. He only knew that he was a doctor and it was no secret.


Wu An whetted Luo's appetite, and Luo swallowed nervously, like a prisoner, waiting for the final sentence.

"Are you thirsty?"

Wu An suddenly changed the subject nonsensically, and Luo was stunned for a moment, not understanding what this meant.

Nami rolled her big eyes in boredom, the captain really loved teasing people.

Then he shook his head.

"I'm not thirsty or hungry." Luo stopped him. He wanted to know what Wu An would say next.

"Still the owner of the fruits of the operation."

When Luo heard this, his face turned pale and he didn't react for a long time.

How did he know that he had the fruit of the operation? He had never told anyone about it. Luo wanted to escape inexplicably. He had a premonition that Wu An was really terrible. He knew such a secret thing.

Robin was secretly surprised and educated them on the results of the operation.

"So miraculous." Luo felt powerless because the surgical fruit had the ability to bring the dead back to life. He thought he had taken advantage and found a safe haven, but Wu An looked so confident that he was not surprised at all by his arrival, and even He was not surprised that he joined the pirate group and happily agreed.

"I admit it all."

Wu An smiled slightly. He welcomed his arrival from the bottom of his heart. No matter what purpose he had, he would be unable to do without them in the end. There was no doubt about it.

"Get acquainted with them." Wu An didn't say any more. Having him here would affect their communication, especially Luo, who had a sense of fear of him. In fact, there was really no need to be afraid of him as he couldn't eat people.

It's just that I know a little more, nothing else.

"Hello, this is Fan Oka." Fan Oka took the lead in greeting him, and Luo forced a smile.

"I'm Xiaoba."

"I'm Tiger."

"Jessica, Nami, Kemi, Hancock, Shabas..."

As they were introduced one by one, Luo felt that his face was about to freeze with laughter.

"You won't want to leave in the future."

Luo understood what Fan Oka meant, I hope this will happen one day.

I originally thought that Wu An only relied on brute force to solve things, but now it seems that he is smarter than anyone else and understands better than anyone else that he can no longer use Wu An as a safe haven.

Luo felt like he had fallen into a wolf's den, Wu An was the alpha wolf, and he was the prey that came to him.

This was really not a good deal, and Luo regretted it a little, but unfortunately Wu An was sure that he would not let him go easily.

Maybe he would never let him go. Luo sighed deeply. He thought that no one knew this secret, but he didn't expect that Wu An would know. His crew members were not surprised. Someone had learned about the results of the operation just now.

Luo resigned that he could only stay here, he could not go anywhere.

Wu An hummed a song in a good mood and came to Xia Qi Bar.

"Aunt Xia." Wu An called him the same name as Xiaoba, and Xia Qi rolled her eyes at him.

"If you call me that, you'll call me old."

Xia Qi said dissatisfiedly, they had disappeared for so many days, but now they are back.

"Let's have dinner with Rayleigh tonight when we are free."

Xia Qi talked about the arrangements for tonight, and Wu An nodded in agreement. He hadn't seen Lei Li for a long time.

"What have you done to get a reward issued without even stating the reason?"

Xia Qi asked curiously, and kept mixing the wine in her hands.

"you guess."

Wu An gave her a mysterious smile and asked her to guess about this matter by herself.0

"Injured the Celestial Dragon?"

Xia Qi tentatively spoke, Wu An smiled and shook his head, of course not.

"I can't guess." Xia Qi said several words in succession. Wu An shook his head and gave up completely. He couldn't guess.

What on earth is going on?

"Kill a Tianlong man, release the slaves in prison, and burn their residences." Wu An told Xia Qi calmly. The latter was shocked by his series of words. Did she really hear it right? .

"Oh yeah, they lost a lot."

Wu An added in a good mood that all the treasures were burned, which was considered a reward for bullying them for so long.

"Then are you injured?"

Xia Qi looked him up and down nervously. It would be bad if she got injured because of doing this.

"No injuries, Xiaoba was also involved and came back intact."

Wu An reassured her that since he had the courage to do it, it meant that he was confident enough and would not let them get hurt.

"That's good."

Xia Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Lei Li was so precious to Xiao Ba. If something happened to Xiao Ba, Lei Li would probably scold him and glare.

"As long as I'm here, they'll be fine."

Wu An affirmed his promise that as the captain, he would not only lead them, but also ensure their safety and not let them suffer any harm. "The minor injuries I usually receive are not my responsibility. 3.6"

Xia Qi smiled and cursed, "Of course minor injuries or whatever are not under his control as the captain, and he is not a full-time nanny."

"Let's go." Wu An came over to say hello to her, finished the glass of wine and left.

Xia Qi watched him leave, feeling like she had gotten to know Wu An and the others.

Every day life is full of mystery, Wu An can surprise her every time, and the things he does are always so satisfying.

Xia Qi left the bar and went to Lei Li excitedly, planning to share with him what Wu An had done.

At this time, Raleigh was coating.

Seeing Xia Qi coming over in a hurry, I felt a little helpless. This Xia Qi always came to see him at work.

I have been deducted many times. If I am deducted again, I will lose a penny this month and I can only get a basic salary.

It's like he's been working for nothing for a month.

248 Killing Successfully

When facing Xia Qi, he would never lose his temper and always treat her patiently.

"Looking for Rayleigh again."

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