They can only transfer their anger to Doflamingo. If it weren't for his false information, how could they have died.

"Ask where Doflamingo is."

Before coming here, I specifically asked the people who had escaped by chance. They came to the Chambord Islands to arrest them, but they did not see Doflamingo and did not know where Doflamingo lived. This is enough to show that he is very cunning. Knowing where he lives makes it easy to settle accounts with him. Or he knew from the beginning that no matter how many bounty hunters came, they could not capture the Wuan Pirates. He knew early on that the Wuan Pirates belonged to the Demon King of Hell. Pirates.

"This liar."

The ferocious bounty hunter started to curse, but it was of no use. He still didn't know where Doflamingo lived, let alone where he was.

The people who went to inquire just now still found nothing. No one knew where Doflamingo was. Some even said that there was no such person at all.

"The Shampoo Islands are very large, and it's very difficult to find people here."

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, you can't find him at all.

"Are you still going to stay?" They are very afraid of the Demon Lord of Hell. If they want to stay, they may encounter the Demon Lord of Hell if they don't stay.

271The captain brainwashed them

Are they in danger?

This is all uncertain. Staying in the same place as the Demon King of Hell, I have to say that I am always on tenterhooks, worried about my life. What if I really can't save my life?


After deep thought, he decided to stay. Hell Demon Lord? What are you afraid of here?

Doflamingo must be found, he has done them a lot of harm.

"You all remember, you are not allowed to provoke any of Hell Demon Lord's crew members. No matter how high their bounty is, if you don't have your life to get it, you can only watch."

The people we brought this time must not make any mistakes. We have lost so many veteran bounty hunters. It would be false to say that we are not heartbroken. They are just begging for food and have been framed repeatedly. Is it easy?

There are also some quick-thinking bounty hunters who are blindly confident in themselves and do not take them seriously. They believe that with their own abilities, they will be able to catch the crew of the Wuan Pirates. There are hundreds of millions of bounties on their heads, as long as they get it. , you don’t have to worry about it in this life.

You can also do the career you like without having to lick blood on the tip of a knife.

"I'm warning you, don't have other thoughts than you should, otherwise I won't care if someone loses his life."

He made it very clear that people who originally had other thoughts did not put these thoughts behind, but were still very confident.

The bounty hunter entered the Chambord Islands, and Doflamingo's men here also reported to him.

"Young Master, the bounty hunter is here."

When Doflamingo heard this, he wasn't surprised, let alone panicked.

"Did they interrogate you?"

Doflamingo narrowed his eyes and looked at the person kneeling on the ground to report to him.

"Young master, no. As soon as I saw them, I ran back quickly."

He finished speaking very quickly, but he couldn't tell the young master that he was almost beaten by them.

Otherwise, given the young master’s suspicious character, he might not be sure how to deal with him.

Doflamingo's original aura subsided, as if nothing had happened. He was very cautious and did not allow those around him to make any mistakes. If he was discovered, there would be only death.

Doflamingo is extremely cruel to people, and all his men know this.

Try your best not to make any mistakes, otherwise if you offend the young master, it won't be surprising if they all die.

"Go down."

Doflamingo waved his hand, signaling for him to get down.

The subordinate who complained left here with weak legs. Doflamingo looked at him and said nothing.

You must treat your subordinates very seriously and not be soft-hearted. He is the one who controls the power. These people must listen to him. If they have other ideas, they will be killed.

I have to say that his approach is very similar to the World Government, but it is a pity that he is not a Celestial Dragon.

Wu'an held a very serious temporary meeting. Fan Oka and the others were sitting upright. They could see that the captain was not very happy today.

"I want to ask you, how do you feel about being smeared?"

Shabas was confused, how could he see such a thing.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Nami said weakly, risking offending the captain to tell her the matter.

"You all think so?"

Wu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and the others nodded inaudibly. He did think so, but he couldn't blame them.

"What we do is a matter of justice. It is to prevent them from continuing to live a life suppressed by rights. It is to save those slaves and escape from the sea of ​​suffering. Why should we let them misunderstand?"

Wu An couldn't understand it. They seemed to be used to this kind of thing.

"That doesn't explain it."

Van Oka understood what the captain meant, that what they were doing was for their own good.

"Why can't you explain it? Even if you need a forced explanation, you have to make them believe it."

The solution Wu An said was to force them. Didn't he say that he was the Demon King of Hell?

Then he would stand in front of them and let them feel the Demon Lord of Hell.

"Isn't this bad, Captain?"

Tiger was a little worried. He was already afraid of them, but now he was even more afraid of them. There was no need to be like this.

"If not, can you explain?"

Wu An asked calmly.

If no one nodded, he didn't believe it and couldn't correct them.

Then there is Wu An, how to perform the Oscar-winning actor with strength, and tell them how terrible it is to be smeared, and some people will die because of it. These are relatively common, and more serious cases will lead to direct death. Fan Oka always feels something Something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what exactly was wrong. Did he really die because of being smeared?

?0Please give me flowers.....

"I support you, Captain."

Nami was more concerned about her life. After hearing what the captain said, she immediately expressed her position that being smeared by others was really too serious and she must prevent this from happening.

They all think this kind of thing is too scary. It turns out that slandering someone can also kill people without knowing it.

Seeing that more and more of them believed his words, Wu An showed a victorious smile. He finally succeeded in brainwashing them. This was not to fool them, but this kind of thing did happen. Think about modern celebrities who were slandered by others, and later There are not many suicides caused by depression. In many cases, it is probably impossible for them. It is still possible to scare them.

"Captain, why do I feel so strange?" Tiger didn't know why it was so strange.

Wu An raised his eyebrows. He had never heard of it. Or was this something that happened when he was a slave, so he didn't know about it? Or was he too backward?

"You don't understand this is normal."

Wu An waved his hand, these are modern things, even if he has extraordinary abilities. There's no way to know.

"There's no need to be so serious." Wu An patted him on the shoulder. What's so serious about this kind of thing.

Although Tiger was curious, the captain had already said so and he was very sensible and did not ask.

"For now they are avoiding us."

Wu An realized this fact and had no choice but to wait for them to show up and brainwash them. They were not murderous demons, but the Wu An Pirates that everyone loved.

Fanoka deeply felt that it was important to change their minds.

Especially when I heard what the captain said, I felt terrible and had goose bumps.

"Seeing one changes one."

Nami directly wanted to use violence, and it was impossible to convince them. At most, she would just be soft-spoken, but she was not sure how to scold them.

"There's nothing I can do if I'm not convinced. In short, I'm going to give the words "murderous devil" to me, and all the bad words will be blamed on me." Wu An was very dissatisfied with this matter. It was time to change their attitude. Opinion, justice, kindness, these words are worthy of him.

272 Just them

"They spoke as if they saw it with their own eyes."

Fan Oka was bored a few days ago and overheard the words used to describe the captain. It was really not an exaggeration at all. The captain was almost like a killing machine.

Fortunately, the captain didn't hear this, otherwise he would be furious and want to kill them.

"They lacked serious beatings."

Xiao Ba's stern expression really startled Wu An. This child's thoughts were worrying.

"Xiaoba, we must pay attention to peace. We cannot attack innocent people. They have not committed any crime. We cannot teach them this way."

Wu An was like an old father, teaching him earnestly. Xiaoba blinked in confusion, unable to take action against them, so how to teach them?

He didn't understand something. He didn't need to solve it with violence. Why should he tell them in a pleasant manner?

"Captain and the Seventy-Three will definitely not change their minds."

Xiaoba said with certainty, how many people living here are good people, and how many of them don't solve problems with violence?

Who still listens to words? This is simply impossible.

"You are stronger than him. No matter what you say, he has to listen because he is afraid of death."

Who says that this kind of thinking cannot be instilled in them? As long as the strength can suppress them, the rest is not a problem. Even if they sleep in front of them, they have to stay honest.

Xiaoba is confused. He either doesn’t understand these things or finds them difficult to achieve.

After what the captain said, he suddenly realized that not only was power supreme here, but also strength, and strength was even more important.

Xiaoba remembers it and will use his strength to crush them in the future.

"Okay, don't stay here."

Wu An shouted out to drive people away, but Luo naturally didn't need to go. He didn't have much strength yet, he was just a doctor. If he didn't save everything, they would beat him up. Hancock and the others didn't go either, and stayed in the tree hole.

Wu An is not worried at all, Luo will go to Doflamingo. Doflamingo is like poison to him, he must not be contaminated, otherwise he will die.

Luo Wei was afraid of avoiding him, so how could he send it to his door in person?

"This tree hole is very safe. Don't walk around casually. Human traffickers are often there. Be careful."

Wu An worriedly warned them again and left them in the tree hole, worried about their safety.

"You follow me."

Wu An always had a bad premonition, and finally decided to let them go with him. Even though the tree hole was very safe, someone might find out if it was not safe, so for the sake of safety, they still left with him.

Hancock nodded happily and followed Wu An, which was exactly what she wanted.

Luo wanted to speak up and stay, but if he was left alone in the tree hole, if Doflamingo discovered him, would he still have a way to survive?

Luo thought about it again and again and felt that it would be safer to go with them.

Wu An led them to set off in a big way. On the other side, Fan Oka blocked a group of people. As soon as they came out of the tree hole, he found them whispering.

It happened three minutes ago.

A few people gathered together with nothing to do and started gossiping.

This is a place similar to a small pavilion. Under a big tree, there are several stone tables and some stone benches scattered around. Three or four people gather here. There are tea, fruits and the like on the tables.

"Have you heard? The Demon King of Hell is here."

"Everyone who has been told about it has known it for a long time."

"Your news is too late."

The man who was chewing melon seeds and the bearded man said with disdain, "How long has this happened? It has been spread long ago."

"I've been recuperating at home these days, and I haven't heard about this at all."

The person who spoke just now was drinking tea calmly and seemed not to be affected at all.

"Where do you think the Lord of Hell will live?"

Although they are afraid of the Demon King of Hell, that doesn't mean they can't gossip.

"Who knows where to hide."

The other person is not very curious. Now Wulaoxing has sent people to look for them. If they don't hide, they will be captured soon.

"It won't be long before calm returns here."

Others obviously didn't believe it. They felt that the Hell Demon Lord had been hiding for so long without being discovered, and he would definitely not be discovered this time, and the Five Old Stars still couldn't catch them.

"The Demon King of Hell is not so easy to catch."

From the tone of his voice, one could tell that this man was a true fan of the Hell Demon Lord. Due to the Tianlong people, he could not express his admiration for the Hell Demon Lord directly.

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