Seeing Nami looking curiously at that silent man, Tiger felt uncomfortable. He didn't want Nami to be interested in men other than him. Even if Nami didn't know his thoughts yet, it didn't matter. .

"Are you okay?"

Tiger pretended to have arrived here just now and looked at the man warily.

"Why are you here?" Nami was a little surprised, thinking she and Jessica were the only ones coming out.

"Don't worry about you." Tiger frowned and said, and Nami suddenly felt that she couldn't continue. She could still open her mouth with a smile, but when she saw Tiger's worried eyes, she suddenly didn't know what to say. I feel like Tiger is a little bit strange now.

Jessica looked at Tiger suspiciously, looking at Tiger's concerned eyes on Nami, she always felt that he had feelings for Nami, and she couldn't be wrong about it.

Nami just looked at Tiger, and suddenly realized that Tiger was quite handsome, with red hair, and he looked particularly masculine, even more attractive than the captain.

"How about you two find a place alone?"

Jessica suggested, Nami suddenly reacted and shook her head quickly.

Why find a place alone? They didn't do much.

Nami didn't care about it anymore, feeling strange in her heart. Anyway, she would teach them a lesson first.

Nami clicked her fingers and walked towards them. Many traffickers saw Nami coming and couldn't help but want to escape. For them.

Nami is as scary as a demon, which is a pity.

Nami didn't (badg) give them a chance to escape, and she still wanted to escape from her? Dream on.

Nami went straight to the fight and used brute force to beat them all up.

The sounds that shook the sky were the cries and howls of human traffickers. Tiger looked at Nami like this with drowning love in his eyes.

Jessica suddenly felt a little worried that Tiger saw such an irritable Nami.

Will it leave a bad impression on him? When Jessica looked at Tiger, her face was full of doting, and she knew that he liked Nami very much.

What's more, they have been together for such a long time and lived together, how could they not know Nami's character.

"Watch you."

Jessica smiled and encouraged him, Tiger looked at her confused, and Jessica looked like she couldn't tell clearly.

"Am I being so obvious?"

Tiger asked in a low voice, it shouldn't be so obvious, why did they all know it today.

"It is clear."

Jessica nodded directly. She hadn't noticed it before, but from today, it seemed that Tiger had liked Nami for a long time.

Tiger nodded helplessly, now Nami must also know, but she just doesn't know.

How Nami would feel about him, it was impossible to be friends, it could only be his.

Tiger's eyes suddenly turned to the timid human trafficker, and he gave him a different feeling.

The quietness was too much, and Nami didn't hit him, which was a bit unnatural.

"Nami doesn't treat everyone equally."

Tiger spoke jealously, and Jessica looked at him funny. Sure enough, after she likes someone, she observes everything about her with a magnifying glass, and she becomes jealous at every turn.

I hope Nami will agree, so will she eat dog food?

Jessica thought unhappily, she didn't want to eat dog food.

"He didn't say anything."

He knew something about the situation just now. The trafficker was very quiet and didn't say anything. Nami had no reason to beat him. Is it because he was a trafficker?

Tiger sighed deeply. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He had identified a person and when she looked at other men, he felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable all over.

"It's best to respect Nami's decision." Jessica reminded worriedly, fearing that Tiger would do something to the trafficker if he persisted.

Tiger nodded, of course he wouldn't do that. He hadn't chased the person yet, so of course he wanted to leave a good impression on her.

Jessica gave him a very wise look, and Tiger scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

On the other side, Nami beat the person hard, and her peripheral vision drifted towards Tiger uncomfortably.

She always felt that Tiger was acting strange today, and she couldn't pinpoint what was strange about him.

And she is also weird herself.

301 Violent Tiger

Nami shook her head, not thinking about these strange questions, and beat them hard. These unscrupulous human traffickers had no intention of giving them such a profound lesson, but who made them so indebted that they spoke ill of them openly? , still mocking them, do you really think they are soft persimmons?

Don't you dare touch them? Isn’t it the words of Saint Roswader?

Can he still protect them? Then why is no one showing up now?

They can be so rampant with just their empty words. What if they really want to turn this Xiangbo Island Islands upside down?

Look, if you give them to the capable ones, Nami can't stand their behavior.

"You guys continue to be so arrogant, why don't you say a word?"

Nami beat them until they screamed, and they couldn't spare any time to talk. An inexplicable pain enveloped them. In addition to shouting to break their throats, they hoped to reduce the pain.

Apart from the slight physical pain, there was no thought at all in her mind, she just hoped she could stop.

Don't let them endure this inexplicable pain.

But Nami, the more she beats her, the more energetic she becomes. She won't even consider letting them go. If she wants to let them go, wait until she loses her temper.

It's a pity that Nami is not only enveloped in anger, but also has that kind of strange feeling. This feeling makes Nami want to ignore it, but she just can't ignore it.

Many traffickers kept holding their heads with their hands, hoping not to get concussed.

Tiger frowned and looked at Nami. Jessica thought he was watching Nami's violent actions and was a little disapproving of Nami's violent behavior.

"This is Nami's character, I believe you know it."

Jessica really hoped that happiness belonging to Nami would come, and hoped that Tiger would not have a bad impression of Nami.

"I know."

Tiger's tone was a little distressed. He felt sorry for Nami who was so violent, and he was even more worried about whether her hands would hurt.

"Are you worried about her hand pain?"

Jessica looked at Tiger and finally understood. It turned out that this guy was worried about Nami and hit her until her hands hurt. This was really too much.

Is it really okay to torture her like this?

"I don't care about you anymore."

Jessica said angrily, Tiger was worried like this even though they haven't gotten along yet. If they really get together, what's the point?

Tiger giggled. Anyway, he didn't want to see Nami doing such hard physical work.

Tiger frowned, a little confused. He didn't want to see Nami like this. A girl as delicate as Nami shouldn't be in this kind of beating business. He hadn't touched Nami's hand yet, why? It can make those human traffickers cheaper.

"If you're really worried, go help her."

As soon as Jessica finished speaking, Tiger rushed to Nami's side like a gust of wind. Jessica helplessly held her forehead. What is this? Do the captain and the others know?

Why did she just let her eat dog food? Jessica wanted to run away now and tell the captain and the others.

Not wanting to see Teg Nami and the two of them abusing her like this, Jessica couldn't help but look up at the sky, thinking in her mind, when would she and Wu An be like them.

Is it just a matter of thought?

Jessica suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, this sense of powerlessness towards the captain.

Jessica's mood suddenly became bad, and she felt sad and helpless. Only she could understand it, but no one else could.

Tiger came behind Nami, and Nami felt someone coming. Strangely, she felt that this person was Tiger. She didn't know what happened to her.

Today I kept thinking about Tiger, and Nami also felt why she was so interested in Tiger today.

"Nami, let me help you." Tiger tried to keep his voice calm.

"Help me." Nami was a little surprised as to what happened to Tiger today.

Tiger nodded sheepishly, and Nami didn't know what to say. She always felt that nothing was right.

The trafficker who had been beaten by Nami was beaten by Nami. At this time, Nami stopped. The trafficker was in a daze and felt the pain in his body, which was not that strong anymore.

He opened his eyes and looked at Nami in confusion, and found that her beating had stopped, but there was another person coming next.

They looked at a fish-man dressed in red and with red hair, walking towards them.

Suddenly, I had a bad feeling in my heart. I saw the fish-man coming towards me menacingly, and kept curling up.

He felt extremely regretful about why he had said such words. At this moment, the traffickers suddenly realized that even though Saint Roswader had spoken, he did not protect them.

?0Please give me flowers....

Why do they do this and obey the words of the Tianlong people? They have already offended the Wuan Pirates, so they should not rely on the power of the Tianlong people to insult the Wuan Pirates like this. It is a pity that they regret it at this moment. It's too late.

Even gods couldn't save them, but they were still beaten so badly by Nami. Only now do these human traffickers with twisted human nature understand this.

Tiger's fingers clicked. He would not be as merciful to these human traffickers as Nami.

Nami stood aside, listening to the trafficker who was punching hard and yelling helplessly, and felt a lot of anger in her heart.

Her eyes couldn't help but jump to Tiger. To Nami, the sight of Tiger at this time had already fascinated her. She felt that Tiger at this time was so handsome.

The back view alone has been deeply imprinted in Nami's heart. Nami's beautiful eyes are all focused on Tiger, and she has no free time to pay attention to others.

Jessica was still a little sad at first, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Nami, looking like a little woman, looking at Tiger with obsessed eyes, and Jessica knew that Nami was deeply attracted to her at this time.

It's just that she herself may not notice that much, but as an onlooker, she can see it very clearly.

"Do you think Tiger is particularly handsome?"

Jessica spoke teasingly, and Nami nodded subconsciously. After hearing Jessica's suppressed laughter, she realized what she had said.

"not like this."

Nami was a little anxious to explain, and Jessica waved her hand gently.

"It's okay to like someone. Isn't that what you said? You have to be bold, otherwise you won't have a chance."

Nami looked at Jessica in shock, wondering what she meant by these words.

"I say this to encourage you to chase the captain."

Nami asked a little confused, what does this mean?

"You like Tiger."

Jessica spoke very firmly, Nami pointed at herself? Jessica nodded and looked at Tiger who beat people violently. Does she like him?

"Stop joking."

Nami chuckled, Tiger with her?

How is this possible?

302 Shameless Captain

"Don't laugh, do you think Tiger is okay?"

Nami nodded seriously, there was nothing wrong with Tiger.

Jessica didn't interfere with their affairs anymore, and Nami wasn't really crazy. She had some concerns about her little daughter.

Nami looked at Jessica suspiciously, wondering, why didn't she continue?

Just to make her admit that Tiger is very good?

"Tiger is very good in all aspects. Isn't it universally acknowledged?"

Nami was a little panicked, but she didn't know why.

"It's a generally recognized thing." Jessica nodded in agreement, as if what she just said was just a simple question.

Nami wanted to say something more, but Jessica suddenly couldn't say it. She didn't know what was wrong. She was very irritable today.

Tiger on the other side kept making "seven-two-seven" moves, completely knocking them out. After Nami's preparation before, it was now very easy to knock them out.

After Tiger knocked them unconscious, he kept rubbing his hands and came to Nami's side. Jessica took two steps back very consciously, leaving them space and not disturbing them.

"Let's go back then." Nami didn't know what to say.

Tiger nodded, Nami said go back, then go back.

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