Wu An pinched his chin and smiled: "Then you have already met him."

Melissa was stunned, although she admitted that Wu An was indeed terrifyingly strong, at least for his peers.

But such a straightforward admission really caught people off guard for the moment.

But unlike Easterners who are reserved, Westerners admire confidence and even arrogance.

Therefore, Melissa was quite satisfied with Wu An's attitude and said with a smile: "Well, I hope that one day I can provide support for An."

"Want to take a walk?"

Wu An stood up and invited.

Melissa glanced at the time on her watch and nodded generously, "Yeah, it doesn't matter. There's still a while before the meeting time agreed with dad."

The two were walking on the beach in Hawaii. Wu An suddenly remembered what Melissa said just now and asked: "Just now, you said you have no personality?"

Melissa paused, kicked the sea water with her white feet, and replied with a smile: "Yeah? What's wrong?"

Speaking of "no personality", Wu An couldn't help but think of a certain green algae head in his class.

The two men couldn't be more different when it comes to this topic.

"It's nothing, it's just the first time I've seen someone admit that he has no personality so openly."

Wu An smiled.

Melissa's eyes flashed with sadness for a moment, then she immediately smiled, "Actually, when I was a child, I complained a lot about why I had no personality, but seeing that my father, as a person without personality, lacked the ability to help All Might. After becoming a hero like Te, I will no longer have the thought of complaining."

"What does Ann think of heroes?"

Melissa walked in front, turned around to face Wu An, lowered her head slightly, and asked playfully.

In the center of the coat, the gap between the breasts in a bikini is revealed, which is more eye-catching than the one directly exposed on the beach.

"A profession that was born because of criminals, or in other words, people who specialize in dealing with enemies with unique personalities."

Wu An gave his heartfelt opinion.

If there is no crime, there is no hero.

The "police" thing will suffice.

In fact, although many people look down on police officers because they are mostly weak or characterless.

But in fact, the authority of the police is higher than that of heroes, and police officers with higher status can even issue sentences against heroes without fear.

?0Please give me flowers.....

The more powerful the hero, the more restrictions there are.

This is why Wu An doesn't want to be a hero.

To be honest, he prefers a world like "One Piece".

Do whatever you want and be strong.

You think you are just, but if you don't like me, just come and arrest me.

Melissa thought for a while and said, "Aren't An and Uncle All Might very different?"

"Oh wow? Oh wow~ Damn it!"

Just when Wu An and Melissa passed by a sea rock.

Behind the rock wall, an imaginative moan suddenly came from behind.

Wu An, who has been out of business for a long time, said with a smile: "Is this the so-called American custom?"

Melissa's face was flushed, and she subconsciously quickened her pace and whispered: "I, I, I... let's go quickly."

When the two of them came to an outdoor cafe, they ate two ice creams in a row. The blush on Melissa's face faded a little, but she was still very embarrassed, unlike before, where she could talk freely.


Wu An didn't mention it again, but pushed Buffy in front of him in front of her.

"No, no, that's enough."

Melissa pursed her lips, smiled awkwardly, and tried to return to the topic, "An, at the sports festival, your opponent in the finals said that your timeout was about 1 to 2 seconds. Is that true?

Hearing this, Wu An was silent for a few seconds.

Melissa quickly waved her hand and said, "No, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything else. I just want to help you see if there is any way to strengthen your personality. This is how dad helped All Might before."


Wu An tapped the center of his eyebrows with his right index finger, "If I have to say, the only way is to fight a stronger opponent."

Melissa frowned slightly, then suddenly showed her face and suggested: "Did An Jun bring his combat uniform? If possible, I can help you improve the combat uniform." Wan.

85 Two-day romance (Part 2)

Unfortunately, Xiongying stipulates that students cannot travel in combat uniforms unless there are special circumstances.

Wuyasu's own combat uniform has nothing special. It just combines the costumes of Dior and Jotaro Kujo, and then adds a sword to the waist.

After hearing Wu An say that his combat uniform was not with him, Melissa's eyes flashed dimly.

"Would you like a drink?"

The two walked and played for a while. In an open-air bar, Wu An sat in front of the bar and invited Melissa next to him.

"Oh, I've never drank."

Melissa was a little embarrassed, but there was still curiosity in her eyes.

"Oh, beautiful lady, at your age you should have learned to drink. Boys will like it more."

The bartender on the other side of the bar assisted.

"Then, let me try,"

"Four, five, three," Melissa curiously took the cocktail. After taking two sips, a light blush appeared on her fair skin.


Melissa rubbed her temples with the jade fingers of her right hand and said, "I have... eyes that are a bit flowery..."

"You must be too drunk."

Wu An shook his head, pulled Melissa up and took her away.

"Hey, I'm sorry..."

Melissa smiled stupidly.

Just as the two took two steps, more than a dozen people suddenly came up.

Surrounding the two people in the center, a white man in the lead had a bundle of bandages on his nose and shouted coldly: "Brothers, this is the guy!

Seeing the group of fierce-looking men around her, Melissa suddenly woke up from the wine and said in horror: "You, you are..."

Four of them were the same ones who had pestered Melissa in the morning and were beaten away by Wu An.

"Are you annoyed..."

Wu An also felt a burst of impatience in his heart.

"It's this yellow-skinned boy who made us like this. Brothers, please lend a hand and deal with this boy! (English"

Another white-skinned man who was missing a front tooth and spoke softly cursed.


call out!

call out!

call out!

call out!

There was a harsh sound of breaking wind, and the dozen white-skinned gangsters who surrounded Wu An and Melissa suddenly felt a sharp pain and chill in their calves.

Looking down, I saw an ice pick the size of a beer bottle was inserted into their calf meat, penetrating the entire leg.

The ice pick was stained red with blood and dripped onto the beach.

"Uh, uh...ahhhhh!!!"

"Legs! My legs!!!"

"Help, help, it hurts, it hurts!!!"

More than a dozen people collapsed to the ground in an instant, holding an ice pick stuck in their thighs and screaming in pain.

Melissa and many of the spectators around her were dumbfounded and subconsciously turned their heads to look around.

Where did the attack originate?


Wu An, who has rich experience, knows that after this happens, the police will come immediately.

He didn't want to get into unnecessary trouble, so he took Melissa's hand and left quickly.

Petsha, who was hovering over the beach, also left.

After changing her clothes, Wu An sent Melissa on her way to her company's Hawaii branch.

"Hmm~~ Today is really a unique experience."

On the way, Melissa raised her hands in the air, stretched and smiled.

I have to say, if you look good, you will look good no matter what you do.

"How dare you say that for a person without personality, if it weren't for me, you would have been forcibly taken away by those idiots this morning."

Wu An walked on the other side.

"But didn't you save me? Thank you,"

Melissa smiled.

"no more chance,"

When he came to the Hilde branch company, even Wu An, who lived in eight million households and had already met the upper class, couldn't help but feel a flash of surprise after seeing this company.

This is exaggerated enough, the size of this company.


Wu An turned around and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, Melissa, who had already walked to the door of the company, waved and shouted: "An, today is really interesting! Can we play together tomorrow?"

Anyway, I’m here for vacation these two days, and with a gorgeous Western beauty accompanying me, Wu An naturally didn’t refuse, saying: “Send EUR from! Group, stay!” Dai*9:8 # 0\u003e2!0;5\u00268/56 Absolutely necessary, he waved his hand and agreed.

The next day, Melissa arrived as scheduled.

Sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby, she attracted a lot of extra attention from men.

Fortunately, he was taken away by Wu An before he was accosted.

As a native of the United States, Melissa enthusiastically served as a tour guide for Wu An today.

It is claimed that because of All Might, the crime rate in Japan is less than half that of the United States.0

For this reason, the United States does not restrict the use of individuality like Japan does.

If a personality crime occurs on the street, you can use your personality to stop it first.

After a subsequent investigation, if it is found that the personality was indeed used for legitimate defense, no liability will be pursued.

The content of Xiongying's teaching is "how to deal with the enemy without using personality as much as possible."

Although the United States is not as free as the world of "One Piece", compared to Japan, it is indeed more to my liking.

However, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if Melissa has some attributes like a crow’s mouth.

As soon as she finished speaking, the Walmart building above her exploded.

An American man who transformed into black wings and had a personality quite similar to Japan's No. 3 hero Hawks rushed out of the broken hole, with a large number of banknotes in his pockets hooked in his two bird claws.

Countless pieces of broken wall rock fell down, and Melissa looked up with a look of shock.


At the critical moment, Melissa only heard Wu An shout these words.

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