Hero Cultivation

Chapter 101 - Accidental Upload

Note from author: This chapter was uploaded to early due to scheduling it to release much earlier than was initially planned. Please skip this chapter and read the next one to continue the story.??

After getting everyone ready to leave on the ruby dragons which Julius had summoned, each of the 8 members of the attack force headed out on their own towards a kingdom that was programmed into the dragon's head where a member of the attack force would face a king or queen of a great kingdom.

Of course Julius matches up all of his subjects with the kings or queen that would be possible for them to defeat. That said, Julius sent himself towards the kingdom which his own father ruled over, that being the kingdom of the sword ruled by king Henry.


After travelling on the dragons for nearly 2 whole days, the first member of the attack force arrived at the castle which they would attack. That kingdom being the kingdom of the sickle ruled by king Steward. The attacker from the attack force which Julius sent out was one of the 5 subjects of Julius which had first been conquered. That said fighter was Liam.

"I see. So this is the place where my king wished to send me so I could fight in his honour. Do not worry my liege. I will not return back to you until I have the head of the enemy which you wish death upon!" Liam yelled out as the ruby dragon which he was riding on came crashing down into the castle which belonged to king Steward.

Although it had only been 2 days since the scene that Julius caused at the balcony of his own kingdom during what was supposed to be the greatest day on his life, Steward was already waiting for a challenger such as Liam to arrive inside his castle. Steward had even bother to put in his whole king golden armour which had engravings on it that gleamed the colour dark green.

"I presume that you're the fighter that prince-. No, just Julius. I assume that you're the fighter which Julius had decided to send over to attack me?" Steward asked as he prepared to spin his dual sickle blades so that he could activate his weapon's special trait right away. That clearly meant that Steward was no longer willing to sit back and hold back his strength just for the sake of toying with others. Steward fully intended of quick and merciless murder.

Even so, Liam wasn't the type of person who would allow himself to get killed by someone else just because they had determination in their eyes. Specially now that his king, Julius was depending on him.

"And what of it? Do you think you'll defeat me just because you know my identity? You're surely mistaken-" Liam began to speak before Steward basically teleported away from Liam's vision before reappearing in front of him with a golden sickle to the neck of Liam.

"I see you're underestimating me. Maybe I should teach you a thing or two about being wary of the rulers of the great kingdoms," said Steward as he prepared to finish the battle right then and there before Liam spoke as well.

"No. You've got this entire situation all wrong. You're the one who's underestimating me," Liam replied as the illusion began to clear as now instead of Liam being the one who was about to die, it was Steward this time as Liam had cast a secret art which would allow his arm to transform into a blade that would be pointed at Steward's neck.

"Nope, I refuse to die at the hands of anyone except Julius himself! Not that someone like him could ever defeat me! I'll kill you first and then I'll kill him right after," said Steward as he kicked Liam off so that he wouldn't have the advantage anymore. However surprisingly, it was much too easy for Steward to accomplish such a feat however due to him being self absorbed just like all of the other kings and queens due to their status, Steward believed that he was so strong that he barely needed to use his full power to defeat some random lackey like Liam.

"What's wrong?! What happened to all that talk huh?!" Steward asked while laughing hysterically as he pummelled Liam with an endless barrage of punches. Even so, Liam just stood there as he took every single one of those devastating attacks without saying a single word.

"You're weak! You're all weak! You're just a group of over confidant teens who gained too much power, too quickly! Did you really believe that a king such as myself would be defeated by an arrogant child?! I'll teach you to never be so argent again!" Steward continued to yell as he finally spun his sickles in the air at which their special trait finally activated.

<<Special Trait: Illusion>>

Using his special trait, Steward created a whole different image for Liam to look at while he wouldn't know what would be going on in the real world. Although the special trait had failed due to Liam's superior mental fortitude, Steward wouldn't know of this until a few moment later.

However in that moment, Steward began to mock Liam before he would kill off the subject of Julius.

"Oh how great this feels! I'll finally be able to get my revenge on that retched Julius! I'll kill his servants then anyone who he loves! I'll make sure he experiences the greatest hells of this planet!" Steward yelled out as he went in for the finishing kill as he moved at the speed of lightning as he prepared to slice Liam's head off clean using his sickle.


However instead of this taking place, Liam instantly clenched his fists to the point where blood was coming out of his hands due to his nails cutting his skin before hitting Steward as hard as he possibly could towards the ground. With just a single attack, Liam was able to make Steward go unconscious as he finally let out all the rage that was boiling up explode.

"You are nothing but an incest in the face of my king! How dare you believe that you would be able to defeat my king let alone touch him!" Liam finally spoke.

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