Hero Cultivation

Chapter 115 - Grandmaster

"Grandmaster, why did you call this meeting so suddenly?" a person asked as they sat in a room which was an auditorium which contained every single guild master in the world. In the middle of the stage was the guild master who had turned off her whit white glow to reveal who she really was.

The guild master was a tall woman with skin smoother than anything perceived by a human in the history of all of humanity. It even looked like it gleamed in the room which was enough to blind someone. All her sharp features continued to enhance her beauty as there could not be a single flaw in her body. Her white silky hair which resembled the show was the icing on top.

The grandmaster wore a white robe the colour of her hair with blade high heels as she began to speak of the plan she had set out even though all of the other guild masters were distracted by her beauty.

"Wow, I didn't know the grandmaster looked like this. I mean we have never even seen her face let alone her actual body," one of the guild masters whispered to another as they were mesmerizes by her body.

"I always thought the grandmaster was an old guy, I'm pretty sure that wasn't just me either. I think that was what everyone expected her to be since she ways communicated using a microphone," the one beside the first guild master who whispered replied.

"Will you two stop talking!" the guild master yelled at them.

"I think I want her to yell at me again," said one of the ones who got yelled at as they both began to feel lightheaded from being blessed with her attention.

"Anyway, like I was saying, I have summoned you here because we'll be going to war," the grandmaster said which made the whole room gasp before talking amongst themselves.

"Who are we going to be fighting?! Who would dare to challenge us and our guilds to a war?!" one of them yelled as they asked their question.

"I'm afraid you don't understand, the war will not include your guilds. It'll only be us against the 9 kingdoms and everyone else who uses cultivation through battle. It's a war between us and the rest of the world," the grandmaster announced which just began to worry the other guild masters.

"How are we supposed to win?"

"It's a hopeless fight!"

"We're all going to die-"

With a sudden stop, everyone in the large room began to laugh their hearts out. Not a single person seemed to be worried about the war which would take place in 3 years. They all looked like they were enjoying themselves.

"So it's time?" one of the the guild masters asked.

"Yes, it is time indeed," the grandmaster replied before smiling.

<<Secret Art: Mass Teleportation>>

"Welcome to your real home," said the grandmaster as all of the guild masters exited the building which used to be know as the "council of the strong".

"So this is the greater sky!" one of the guild masters said as he looked around at the new place they were in.

"Yup, this is it. The island which floats above the sky. No one except for us know of this place," said the grandmaster as he showed everyone around the large village which they had been teleported in.

"Like I said once before, this is the creator sky, a place which the doomsday plan had been being stored all this time. On the occasion that a war such as this starts, I have made all the preparations to defeat our enemy.

The island which the guild masters had been teleported to was a relatively small one and compared to the size of a small kingdom. It had only small homes and no large structures such as castles or large guild buildings. All expect one which was a large slim white tower which the guild master would expose with true use later.

"To go over what this place actually does once again, I built this place to raise people who would only cultivate through meditation and learn how to use secret art scrolls so that when a war eventually took place, we would have an army of our own," the grandmaster explained.

"So if you already have the army ready, why don't we just attack them right now?" one of the guild masters asked as if the grandmaster was being stupid.

"I wouldn't take such reckless measures. There is a reason why I brought you all here. It is so that you can train. Although you are strong in your own right, you can all use some training. Remember, you'll have to face every single member of your guild on the battle field, no matter how weak or strong they are. All their forces will be combined and you'll be responsible for taking them out," the guild master informed them.

"So what is it that you're proposing that we do here? It's not like we have access to the library of the limitless anymore. It'll probably be shut down until the war ends," Ozel finally spoke.

"Don't worry about that. You see, there's a dark truth to secret art scrolls. However that is a story for another day. Right now, do you all see that large tower?" The grandmaster asked as she pointed towards the large tall slim tower which stood out throughout the entire tower.

"Yes?…" the guild masters replied in a confused tone.

"That tower has access to many different secret art scrolls which even the library of the limitless doesn't have. They're all extremely powerful which is why I brought you all here. You along with the civilians which have been raised here shall learn most of not all of the secret art which are stored in that tower. With their power, we'll be able to finally take over the world and will no longer have to hide in the shadows like we're some evil force," the grandmaster explained which got everyone to cheer for her.

"Let the learning begin."

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