Hero Cultivation

Chapter 120 - Unnecessary Anger

After flying at extreme speeds for what seemed like only an hour due to Julius' flight tolerance increasing with his strength over the past 3 years, Julius arrived at the mountain top which Jun lived on as he stood on top of the ruby dragon with his arm crossed.

"No…" Julius said as he looked at the burned house which used to be that of Jun's. There was nothing which remained of it other than the black wood which made up his house.

"Please no, not like this, I can't lose him. Anyone but Jun," Julius said as he leaped off the Jade dragon to look through the rubble of the burned house. However after looking around for 5 minutes, Julius couldn't find a single trace on Jun.

"Hey you! What do you think you're doing here?! Don't you know there is a restricted area?!" A guard yelled at Julius.

"Where's Jun?!" Julius asked he turned around with his pitch black eyes.

"I don't have to give you any answers! Now get on the ground before I attack!" the guard yelled at Julius which just made the prince more angry.

"Why? Why would you kill him of all people?" Julius asked as he reached for his sheathed blade but realized that he had placed it into his inventory which was his ring.

"I WILL MAKE YOU ALL PAY!" Julius yelled out as he reached into his pocket to pulled out the dagger which was given to him by Zo before plunging it into the wet grass on the mountain top.

<<Special Trait: Purgatory>>

A wild and uncontrollable fire began to emerge out of the ground as it spread from a single point being where Julius placed placed the dagger all the way to the other mountains in the mountain range. The fire covered such a large area that people from far and wide could see it. The blade not only spread outwards but also outwards as Julius had created a large pillar of fire which was the size of the the entire mountain range. Even the devil would pale in comparison to the fear which Julius had placed into the hearts of all the people who saw the great pillar.

"Is this what hell looks like?" the guards who had been stationed in the area asked themselves before getting burned to ashes.

"Queen Sandra! It's an emergency! The great mountain range which is near the kingdom of swords had been set on fire, please come outside, it should be visible from the very end of the dark district.

Hearing those words, the real Sandra quickly stood up from her throne before sprinting towards the end of the dark district where people were already gathered.

"What is that?" Sandra asked as even she was frightened by the sight.

"…Hell," one of the peasants from the dark districts replied to her subconsciously as the continued to watch the fire dance.

"Who would be capable of something like this? It should be impossible to exert this much fire power no matter if the person is used a monster core nor a secret art. It just isn't possible," Sandra said as she remembered something.

"No… it's him. The devil has returned," Sandra said as she remembered Julius who had attacked in the middle of the night.

"Please don't tell me he's going to join the battle," Sandra said as she feared that whoever had him fighting for them, they would easily win the war. It was the absolute worst time for him to show up as well since everything seemed to be going well with the preparation for the war.

"Jun, why did you have to die Jun!" Julius continued to yell in agony.

"Can you stop with all that yelling?!" a familiar voice yelled at Julius in an angry tone.

"I didn't die you moron. After all I still have a promise to fulfil," said Jun as he walked out from the fire as he greeted Julius who was in a small inner circle which didn't have fire on it.

"B-But the house," Julius said as tears still flowed from his eyes from both sadness and being overjoyed.

"Of course the house got burned down. Don't tell me you haven't heard about the war which is coming up," Jun replied.

"They wanted to find you to make sure you were safe when the war would start but since you were off in the dungeon, I had no other choice but to run. After all, I still had to continue living so I could finally meet you once again when you grew up and I'm glad I made that choice," said Jun as Julius hugged him.

"You look a lot different that what I remember you to be. I guess time really does fly," said Jun.

"This isn't actually my real look, remember you cast the illusion on me? That thing is still on so even I don't know what I really look like," said Julius.

"Oh, I should've mention this to you before but I deactivated it a lot time ago. After I made sure that you went into the continuous dungeon which had trapped Steven, I deactivated the secret art since you would look unrecognizable once you left the dungeon on you own," Jun explained to Julius.

"Oh… so this is what I actually look like?" Julius asked in a confused tone.

"Yup." Jun replied as if there was nothing wrong with what he said.

"You moron! I wouldn't have fought with my father if I knew this was my real body! Now I need to create a fake body once again so that my father doesn't know that this me and his son are the same person," Julius yelled at Jun which made Jun laugh as the fire began to disappear.

"You seriously already fought with your father? How long has it even been since you left the dungeon?" Jun asked as he continued to laugh.

"A couple of days…" Julius replied in an embarrassed tone.

"Man, you've only been out of the dungeon for only a couple days and you managed to start a fight with our greatest enemy," Jun said as he continued to laugh.

"What do you mean by 'our enemy'?" Julius asked.

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