Hero Cultivation

Chapter 124 - Funeral

"He'a no human. He ate… a monster core," said Caesar as he began to cry in fear.

"No! That's can't be! It shouldn't be possible! There's so much toxic material inside of that that the last person who hate one died by just taking a single bite. There's no way this kid managed to eat a core and managed to gain its powers as well. He actually hate the heart of a monster. Wouldn't that make him… A monster?" Albert asked he continued to back away.

Once Julius was finished inhaling, the glow in his chest began to dim down before quickly returning back to how it was as Julius began to exhale and released a whole tornado out of his mouth.

"No way, how are we supposed to face something that big?" the members of the 10th division asked themselves as they stared at the large tornado in front of them which easily towered the building where the grandmaster kept her scrolls.

"What the hell is this?! I didn't sign up for this. This was supposed to be easy! Who set us up with a battle against the devil?!" Caesar asked as he yelled out.

"No Caesar, this is far from the capabilities of my powers. I always thought that this special trait was a bit bland. You think so too right? It could use a few changes," said Julius with a grin as he pulled out the dagger which Zo gave him from his pocket.

"Activate!" Julius yelled out as he pointed his dagger at the tornado he just created. In doing so, the fire from the dagger quickly spread all throughout the tornado until all that was left was a spinning fiery hell.

"Who exactly is this man?! Why does he have so much power?!" Albert complained as he got on his knees now that he accepted his death while everyone ran away to save themselves.

"It was good working with you…partner," said Caesar as he turned towards Albert while Julius directed his flames towards the 10th division and watched as all of them began absorbed in the fire tornado.

"You asked who I am… I am king," Julius replied as he released the concentrated flames before they could touch anyone.

"But why? Just kill us all while we have the slightest bit of pride left in us," said Caesar.

"No!" Julius replied with a shout.

"Why not! We're your enemy! We played dirty and wanted to kill you and next we were going to kill your beloved teacher! We were going to wipe everyone you loved off the face of this planet!" Caesar yelled at Julius.

"Because, from now on, the 10th division is under the rule of Julius. It belongs to me and me alone!" Julius replied which shocked everyone and left them with gaping mouths.

"So what do you say? Want to join me?" Julius asked as he placed both his hand forward towards Albert and Caesar so he could help them get off their knees.

The two quickly looked each other in the eyes before taking Julius' hand and getting back in their knees which made Julius smile.

"As a symbol of us joining your side, let us show you our loyalty to you," said Caesar and Albert as they took off their leather jackets and ripped them which declared that they had no longer affiliated themselves with the 10th division nor meditation army. Seeing this, the rest of the people began to walk towards Julius as they wanted to join his side as well as they had nowhere to go.

"Not a single one of you is going to join his side!"a loud male voice yelled.

"Have you forgotten who we have at our side?! The grand master and all of the other division captains! Even if those two idiots decide to leave like traitors, they'll just be replaced! Stay on our side, the winning side!" the male voice yelled as the speaker stepped up to meet Julius' gaze.

"Igor?!" Caesar yelled out.

"Be careful Julius, he's a heartless drone which only listens to the grandmaster. The worst part is that he's pretty strong too. Don't worry, we'll take care of him," said Caesar as he stepped up in front of Julius with Albert following suit.

"This reminds me of the time Jun protected me from Mary. Back then, I didn't have the power I needed so I was always getting protected. But now, things have changed. I have the power to be the one protecting others," Julius thought to himself as he grabbed Albert and Caesar by the shoulder.

"It's okay, let me be the one to protect you," said Julius as he pulled the two of them back and he stepped up to face Igor.

"Men! Let's prepare to end what our failures of captains started. This is for everyone we love and cherish!" Igor yelled out which got the army back to being arrogant in their powers.

"Failures? Don't kid yourselves. Just because you lack the brain power to realize that this battle will lead to your deaths doesn't make you smart. What do you think would have happened if those two didn't join me? They would have been killed along with all of you! They just made the smarter choice which makes you angry because it wasn't you who decided to do it first!" Julius yelled back.

"Shut up already you arrogant kid! I'll make sure to kill you!" Igor yelled as he began to say a chant so he could activate a secret art with everyone else following him.

"No Igor, this isn't a battle which I will lose. Not because I hate you or because I want to gain something from this battle. No, it's none of those things. I simply can't lose, that isn't an option for me anymore," Julius replied and without saying a chant, Julius activated his secret art.

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

On his own, Julius summoned exactly one hundred thousand blades.

"This is your funeral, Igor!"

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