Hero Cultivation

Chapter 126 - Humour

"What the hell happened to me?" Charley asked as he struggled to breathe.

"Did you just see that? Just like a flash of light, Julius disappeared and knocked the 9th division's vice captain down the the ground. That's one hell of a beast!" the members of the 10th division who were currently under the command of Julius said.

"Now now, Charley don't you go off losing?" said a deep voice as a figure fell from the air and landed in the ground right on top of the already injured Charley.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Charley yelled out in pain and agony.

"Don't sweat it, you'll be fine," said the figure as they got up off of Charley.

"No way, they're all here already! That's the captain of the 9th division, Kento! That just mean the entire 9th division is here as well," said Albert as they all heard marching towards them.

"That's right, you traitors are going to pay!" said the figure who had came from the sky said.

"But first, I'll have to take care of you, Julius," said the figure who was also known as Kento said as he turned his attention towards Julius as he went in for a punch.

"Do you have a death wish?" Julius asked as blocked the punch and clenched his fist before handing a devastating blow to Kento's right cheek.

"Haha, that was good but-" before Kento could even get a full sentence out, Julius went in for another punch.

"I'm done listening. This isn't talking match, this is a real fight," Julius said as he bombarded Kento with an endless fury of punches.

"What the hell is this guy made out of? Why can't a block a single punch?" Kento asked himself as he felt himself getting weaker and more sleepy.

"Are you done yet? You know you can't beat me like this," said Julius as he looked down at Kento who was gasping for air.

"You're right, I'm not meant for hand to hand battle," said Kento as he back away as looked at his 9th decision who were on the other side of the 10th division. Due to this, Julius was at the front of the 10th division with the Albert and Caesar in front of him. Seeing as he enemy was on the other side now, Julius walked forward to be in front of Albert and Caesar along with the rest of the 10th division.

"Listen up everyone! Stay back and watch. I will make you all believe in me as your new leader. I'll make you believe that the world which I dream of is possible!" Julius yelled out which got him the encouraging cheer from his newly acquired 10th division.

"Huh? So a one man army. You've got to be pretty stupid if you think that we're as weak as those guys. The 9th division is on a whole other league," said Kento.

"While it may look like I'm fighting this battle alone, that's the furthest from the truth. All of these guys behind me as gonna fight just as hard. Their encouragement will allow me to wipe the floor with you!" Julius yelled back at Kento.

"Is everyone ready?! Let's show em what the 9th division is made of!" Kento yelled out as he helped Charley get back on his feet even though his nose was leaking blood like a tap letting out water.

"YEAH! LET'S HIT EM WITH ALL WE'VE GOT!" the members of the 9th division yelled out as they began to chant different secret arts depending on the area they were in.

<<Secret Art: Falling Giant Blade>>

Multiple giant blades began to fall towards Julius who simply caught them and dropped them to the ground as if they were just toys.

<<Secret Art: Shooting Canon Balls>>

A seemingly uncountable amount of canon balls began to head towards Julius at top speeds before finally making contact with him. Even though each of them packed a devastating attack output, Julius kept letting them explode on him as they didn't really affect him in the least.

"What's the deal with him?! He seems unfazed by all our attacks! Is he even human?" the members of the 9th division asked.

"Don't worry, I think I figured out what his weakness is. I don't know how I didn't realize this yet but Julius is just an overgrown baby with the dream of becoming some fantasy hero," said Kento as he began to laugh.

"Don't you all get it? All we have to do is attack his precious 10th division, there are far too many of them for him to protect so as long as he keeps trying to save everyone, he'll tire himself out!" Kento continued.

"So everyone, get ready, we're going to be killing some traitors!" Kento said with an evil smile.

"I-can't-breathe," said Kento as he began to lose his breathe.

"Who… is doing this?" a guild master from the 9th division asked as he also began to lose his breathe.

"This battle is between you and me, I swear that if any of you are to touch my precious 10th division, I'll kill you all right here," said Julius as his menacing aura which appeared ever so often became more prominent. It began to suck the life out of each member from the 10th division.

"Please… someone… help us," said Kento who was on the ground as he tried to get air into his lungs some how yet he couldn't do anything about it.

"That's enough," said a gentle voice as a familiar hand grasped Julius' shoulder in a calming way. Without even turning around, Julius knew who it was and stopped suffocating everyone.

"Jun! You're still alive! I'm so happy!" Julius yelled out as he got distracted. Due to that, what he thought to be Jun punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"I'll kill you! You're going to pay for everything you did! I'll make sure to end your life right here!" Jun yelled at Julius.

"But how did you manage to do this grandmaster?! A shadow figure asked as it stood beside the grandmaster who was watching from her tower where she placed all of her of her scrolls.

"Illusion is a funny thing," the grandmaster replied.

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