Hero Cultivation

Chapter 129 - 3 Birds With One Stone

"What do you mean grandmaster? What do you mean no one will know about this?" Mr. Green asked in a concerned tone.

"It's exactly as it sounds, you're going to die here today Mr. Green. Don't feel bad though, it's not your fault. Things like this always happen. I just let some information out by accident and now you have to die. No hard feelings," the grandmaster replied with a smile.

"You witch! I hope you die a horrible death!" said Mr. Green.

"Come on, don't be like that. Don't you want to go out while I still think of you as a good subordinate?" the grandmaster asked with a fake smile as she prepares to embrace Mr. Green before killing him.

"Go to hell you monster! I hope all your plans fail! I hope Julius comes after you and kills you!" Mr. green yelled at the grandmaster as he began to move away from her even though they were in a small space being in the tower where she kept all of her scrolls.

"What a shame, it would have been a pleasure to grant you any wish but unfortunately, that one isn't possible. Remember, I can't die since I have the feather of eternity. You're going to die here and no one will be able to avenge you," said the grandmaster as she continued to walk towards Mr. Green who realized that there was no hope for him.

"Okay then, you win. But before you kill me, tell me why you're doing this? Why do you insist of killing the father that loved you so much?" Mr. Green asked which made the grandmaster clearly angry.

"You really wanna know why?! Because he decided to have another daughter! In fact, this whole war wasn't to protect my pride, I just needed a reason to kill Mary! And while I'm at it, I can kill two birds with one stone by also killing Jun!" the grandmaster replied.

"You see, I always thought that Jun loved me. I thought he spoiled me with love and affection. However that was never the truth. In fact, he never even saw me once until the day I was given the title of the new grandmaster. The one who raised me was just his clone who he made up to mold me into the perfect grandmaster. I was just a tool to him! Worst of all, I forgave him. I understood that he needed to take care of this island so that if there was ever a war between the two cultivation methods, we would always win. I really did forgive him," said the grandmaster as tears came out of her eyes.

"But after so many years of me being the grandmaster, I came to learn that he had another daughter. A daughter which he raised with actual love instead of creating a machine. He didn't make a clone raise her but instead raised her himself. He allowed her to pick her cultivation method and even taught her both of the methods. He didn't rush her to become a great cultivator, he raised her to only be his daughter. I seriously hate her which is why I want to kill the queen of the kingdom of bidents, queen Mary!" the grandmaster announced.

"When I first found out about her existence, I wanted to destroy everything. I wanted to kill the both of them right then and there. However it wouldn't have been enough, it wouldn't have satisfied me. So first, I separated the two of them. It was really easy, all I had to do was kill Jun's wife who was Mary's mother. All I had to do after that was wait as Jun continued to get more strict on his students after losing the love of his life. Although he raised them to be monsters, he never once considered the emotional scars he left on them," the grandmaster continued to explain.

"But even after that, Mary stayed with him. She never once gave up on Jun. Unfortunately for her, I wouldn't give up on my goal as well. I used every mind control secret art possible to make her hate Jun until she would finally leave him and start a life of her own. It was actually fun to watch as Jun's life began to crumble. Everything he had in his new life, I kept taking away. That was his breaking point. Not many people know this but people have died training under Jun. However those who survived became the people who dominate this world in the form of the great kings and queens. That's why they wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he got in their way. Just like how he was a monster with them, they would act like monsters towards him," said the grandmaster.

"Everything was going well and I watched from afar as Jun's life went to hell. However one day, a new student showed up. It was the son of the great Henry, Julius Henry. He looked pretty weak and was basically trash compared to all the other students, I pitied him because I knew he would die from Jun's training. However that wasn't what had happened. Instead, Julius surpassed all of Jun's expectations, he was the perfect student. He never failed his teacher no matter how challenging the task was. Jun had found a new light. He could finally live in peace," the grandmaster continued.

"But I would be dammed if I was going to let that happen. I planned to kill Julius on my own but after some research, I found out about the never ending dungeon. So guess what I did? I made Wilson's sister appear in the same area as Julius. After Wilson and Julius fought, I planted the never ending dungeon quest in the guild which he was in. While he was gone, Wilson would come back to get revenge for getting beaten and would confront Ozel which is where I would make my entry. I would start a war between our two sides and make it so that it starts right when Julius returns. In the mean time, I would get Jun to come to this island and weaken his brain until he could be placed into an illusion and kill his own student! You see Mr. Green, I planned it all, every second of it was part of my plan!" the grandmaster yelled out as she revealed her massive plan.

"I win!"

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