Hero Cultivation

Chapter 144 - Compromise

"So this is it huh? I'm going to die here. Well, I'm good to have served you king Henry. I loved a fulfilling life thanks to you," said Roger as he closed his eyes as he prepared himself to be killed.

"Why is everyone in this world so obsessed with dying? Anyway, I'm not here to kill you Roger. That wasn't even why I came here. Although I do feel much better after letting out all that steam thanks to beating you guys up," said Julius with a happy smile.

"So what did you come here for?" Roger asked as he put enfaces on the "did".

"Oh that's right," said Julius as he turned to face his real father, Henry.

"Why did you let Liz marry the vice captain of the royal guards even though you knew about his reputation?" Julius asked which confused both Roger and Henry but Jun just stood in the back as he listened to their conversation.

"Huh? Are you talking about the servant you used to spend a lot of time with? Why would you care about her, she's a nobody," Henry asked with a confused tone.

"Just answer the question. Why did you let her marry someone like the vice captain. Even if you didn't have any more options, why not give her to the captain of the royal guards instead?" Julius asked in a desperate tone.

"Since you seem to be so interested in this topic, I'll just give you the answers. First of all, the vice captain of the royal guards is a pretty important figure in this kingdom. He's the 6th most important person in this kingdom after me, Roger, your mother, you, the captain of the royal guards, then it's him in that respective order," Henry began to speak.

"Of course if that servant was to be given to someone, she would have to go through the hierarchy. That said, I don't want her. Roger wouldn't have her either since he is proclaimed to be married to your mother. That goes both ways with your mother. Next is you which is impossible in every way you think of it. I mean a kid like you being with a fully grown adult which has taken care of you for most of your life? You see what I mean? Anyway, the last person she would have to go through would be the captain of the royal guards, if you don't know by now or just forgot, the captains of the royal guards are forbidden from getting married as it is their responsibility to become the acting king once the prince takes over as king and has a child of his own," Henry explained to his son.

"Of course with all that out of the way, the vice captain can take any woman he wished. In this case, that was your servant. I mean, I don't understand why you're so interested in her. Is it that you still want her to read you bed time stories even though you're almost a full adult now? I just don't get it," said Henry and when he looked at Julius he realized that it might be something else as Julius looked to be hurt by Henry's words. Especially the part about how Julius and Liz would never work out.

"Wait Julius, you don't mean that you like that servant?! It's not possible at all but it seems like it," said Henry and exactly when he said those words Julius made a slight reaction which exposed his intentions.

"You moron! Why didn't you just say so! If you want her, she's all yours. All you had to do was ask. Did you somehow forget who you are?! You're my son! The prince of the greatest kingdom in the world. If all you wanted was a mere servant of our kingdom, you could've asked years ago and it would have been fulfilled," Henry began to get angry and happy at the same time. Once Julius had heard Henry's words, he clearly looked to be hooked on the idea which he was being presented.

"So I see that your interest has been peaked. I see then. Well, not all the words I said were true. In the past, if you had asked for her, I would have refused it as just like any prince should, you would only marry someone who is of equal or slightly less of a status than you such as the children of the other great kings or queens. This allows for more political influence as well as control over greater land mass. However, seeing as you, on your own are a threat to our entire forces, I'm willing to make a deal with you Julius," said Henry with a slight sinister smile.

"Of course all you have to do is join me Julius. Join our side and help us take down the meditation army. If you agree to do that, Liz will be all yours. There's no need for you to stress anymore. The vice captain can be executed if you want for the sin of laying his hands on your future wife. You can even have your own small kingdom to rule over with Liz until I retire and you'll be able to live as the rulers of this beautiful kingdom on your own. You'll have the best life you could have asked for. You wouldn't have to worry about a single thing. Along with that, Liz will never have to work a day in her life as well. You'll be her knight in shining armour," said Henry as he did everything in his power to make Julius join. Even for Julius, it was a good deal. He wouldn't lose anything as he was the one who controlled the meditation army. If he agreed to join up with the battling cultivators, that would mean that the meditation army would have to do the same. As such there would be no enemy, hence there would never be a need for war.

"You've got yourself a deal, Henry," said Julius with a smile as he shook his father's hand.

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