Hero Cultivation

Chapter 146 - Remembering Goals

After having his conversation with Henry and seeing Jun leave, Julius finally began to settle back into his home which he hadn't seen in nearly 4 whole years.

"Woah! This is my room, I haven't been in here for so long and yet it looks exactly the same. Although I can tell that someone had been keeping it clean for me," said Julius as he walked into his room before leaping on to his bed face first and he remembered all the good times he had while he lived in the castle.

"I don't want to ever leave this place again! My bed is so comfortable, I regret going off from this place! I mean I had to sleep on the ground of a dungeon for 3 whole years, I can't believe that I've been missing out on this!" Julius said as he remembered something.

"No-. It really is true! A good bathroom really exists!" Julius yelled out as from happiness as he went inside the bathroom right beside his room which was designated to be his own.

"Please forgive me my body, you can enjoy this luxurious life once again. You won't have to worry about a single thing from now on," Julius said as he apologized to his body for treating it so harshly for the past almost 4 years.

"FOOD!" Julius yelled out from pure joy as he looked at the large table which was overflowing with many different kinds of sophisticated meals prepared for Julius.

"I thought that since you have returned to us, we would have a feast to celebrate this momentous occasion. Although I doubt that the 3 of us can finish even a little part of it let alone the whole thing," Henry stated as Roger, Julius and himself were only present in the dining room at that time.

Without even saying a  single word, Julius began to get started in his work as he finished one meal after another within a matter of seconds. It was as if his stomach was boundless. After just a few minutes, the entire table was completely cleaned up and not even a single bone was left there. Julius quickly cleaned his face with a napkin before sitting back down like a true gentleman.

As for Henry and Roger who didn't even get to eat anything as they were too amused at the speed Julius was eating at, the both of them just laughed at how comedic Julius' appetite was.

"Would you like seconds?" Henry asked his son.

"No thank you. But, will there be dessert?" Julius asked replied back with a question which just made Henry laugh some more.

"Alight my liege and his two guests, I have come to throw away the excess food-" the server began to walk towards the table in a calm manner before looking at the dinning table only to be left with an open mouth and a confused face.

"I know right! That's how we reacted too. Anyway, he would like some dessert as well so make it quick," Henry told the server which made the server who was attending to the needs of the royal members snap back into reality.

"But of course sire," said the server as he called his team to clean up the table and bring a full batch of desserts for Julius to enjoy. Just like will the meal, Julius ate everything there within a matter of minutes as Henry and Roger just watched in amazement.

"Oh man, I'm pretty sleepy, I'm going to call it a night for now. Sorry for eating everything. That was my first meal in 3 years. You guys should probably get some food for yourselves as well," said Julius as he began to head towards his room to enjoy his good night's rest in his king bed.

As for Roger and Henry, they continued to laugh about Julius before getting some food like Julius suggested as they talked about what Julius had said.

"Wait, he said that was his first meal in 3 years. That's a lie right? That couldn't actually be done by a human being," said Roger as he began to eat once his meal was presented to him.

"Although it's unlikely, there is a small chance that might be true though. Of course he would have to be a meditation cultivator which he isn't so he's probably lying," Henry replied.

"Wait! Now that I think about it, the two of them had come by riding a red dragon instead of Jun's green dragon. Who would lend them something like that?" Henry began to question some things.

"I mean when you think about it, Julius was born with really high status points for the aspects which would allow him to learn the secret arts. You don't think that…" Henry began to speak.

"Julius is a double cultivator?" both Henry and Roger said at the same time.

"But that's crazy, how would that be possible? If anyone tired to do that, they would be pretty weak since they would need to balance their time for both methods of cultivation. It's not possible at all," said Roger.

"But time and time again, Julius had managed to show us that for him, nothing is impossible. If what he said was true and he didn't eat for 3 years, that would mean that a child who has been starving and fought against a whole army on his own before taking over it just defeated the both of us like nothing. Not to mention that just a couple days ago, he managed to defeat me as well. That child is on a league of his own," said Henry.

As for Julius himself, he was sleeping in his comfortable bed as he was able to sleep instantaneously due to him overworking himself along with having just ate so much after 3 whole years. Of course just like always, Julius cultivated in his sleep as he didn't have that privilege in the dungeon since it was set on rapid mode. However instead of simply sleeping and cultivating, Julius was taken back to a familiar place while he slept. The empty void.

"Is this what you wanted to achieve?"

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