Hero Cultivation

Chapter 148 - Revisit

"Hey Jun, is it true that secret arts come from magic?" Julius asked his master.

"So I see that Vivian has told you about it. Yes they do. But why are you asking me this now of all times?" Jun replied with a confused expression as the two rode on the ruby dragon.

"If that's the case, why not just teach me how to create those scrolls?" Julius asked to which Jun replied back to him with a simple answer.

"Sure I guess I can teach you it some other time. But how about you focus on learning the secret arts which have already been created right now then after you learn those and you still have an idea as to a secret art you would like to create, I'll teach you how to make it," Jun replied.

"Oh right, I forgot I already asked this to Vivi then stopped," Julius remembered that the white glowing figure forbade him from learning any type of magic from anyone other than him.

"Actually master Jun, forget what I said. I don't need you to teach me magic or how to create secret art scrolls," Julius replied with an awkward smile.

"Huh? Are you sure? Suit yourself I guess, it's your loss," Jun replied before going silent as the two continued to fly towards the library of the limitless.

Once arriving at the place which Julius had spent 5 while months increasing his intelligence aspect in, the two of them entered the place which looked to already have some visitors. Even though it was a place admired by many people, only the most influential figures of the world could go inside it.

"Hello there Jun. I can see that you like to only visit this place when you need my help," said the librarian as she looked over to see Julius standing beside Jun which made Jun let out an awkward laugh.

"Anyway, what do you want?" the librarian asked Jun in a tone which made it seem like she didn't want to waste much time.

"Sorry to ask but I think we might need to use the entire library once again. Would it be too much to ask you to get everyone out of here for us?" Jun pleaded.

"Have you lost your mind?! We had to face an outrageous number of backlash the last time we had to close this place down for 5 whole months and you made all my staff work their hearts out. You've got to think that I'm insane if I would allow something like that to take place once again," the librarian yelled at Jun.

"Don't forget that this place is a library. You should mind the volume you raise your voice to," Jun said to librarian which made her even more angry but she manages to keep herself quiet as she didn't want to embarrass herself.

"Anyway, like I said, I won't be able to do something like that for you anymore. I'm done dealing with you and your outrageous requests," the librarian said in an angry yet quiet tone.

"Come on now, don't be like that. We just need a week at best," Jun pleaded.

"No way! I won't even allow it for a single day! Anyway, why are you even here, you know that you're a wanted criminal for kidnapping the son of Henry. War is going to take place soon so you better get out of here before someone notices who you are," said the librarian as she warned Jun.

"Oh right, I guess it would make sense that you didn't hear yet. Anyway, the war has been called off. Julius here managed to take control of the meditation army and managed to come to compromise with Henry. So the war won't take place anymore. However don't worry, Julius' birthday will still take place so you can come as I guest I've invited," said Jun which just left the librarian baffled but she managed to keep her composure.

"Wait first of all is that prince Julius?! I thought you just brought over a new student and wanted to redo what we did the last time. Secondly, is what you say actually true? Is the war really called off?" the librarian asked Jun.

"Yes, have I been the type of person who would lie?" Jun asked the librarian confidently.

"Yes you have lied before but you don't do it very often so I guess I'll believe you. Anyway, the best I can do is only a week. Any more than that could cause riots. Unlike normal riots, these would be from the most powerful people in the world, I don't think this library could handle such a force," the librarian explained as he got up before speaking to her employees.

One by one, all of the employees began to walk to anyone who was in the library and informed them that they needed to leave the place immediately as it would be closing for a week. Even though many of the customers weren't too pleased with the news, the listened and left the place without too much of a problem.

"Okay now that they're gone, which book are you looking for?" the librarian asked Jun.

"Actually, Julius and I aren't here to read some books, I'm here because Julius would like to learn all of the secret arts this place has to offer," Jun replied.

"I'm convinced now, you've los every single brain cell you've ever had! A secret art takes at least a whole month to learn. How do you expect him to learn thousands of them in just a week?!" the librarian yelled at Jun properly since no one expect them were there.

"Oh that's right, I hadn't thought of it that far. Even if Julius were to consume each one in 5 minutes, he would only learn 12 an hour. That would mean, in a day he would only learn about 144 secret arts. Which would only allow him to learn only about a thousand secret arts by the end of the week," Jun said.

"You're acting like that's something small," the librarian replied with an annoyed expression.

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