Hero Cultivation

Chapter 150 - War

"So if that's how you feel and I truly can't defeat these beasts, what are you saying that I should do? You know full well that we can't get out of this. You signed up for this and now unfortunately I've been dragged into it as well. I have no choice but to fight them if I want to live," said the glowing white figure.

"Yes I know that. That's why I have a better idea, how about we take them on together? After all, I'm not the same weak kid that you always protected, I'm able to stand up and fight for myself as well," said Julius with a smirk as the white glowing figure looked down to face Julius before nodding in agreement.

"Sure," the glowing white figure replied as the two of them charged towards the army of majestic beasts while the beasts did the same as they rushed to clash with Julius and the glowing white figure.

Right as the two groups clashed, Julius and his comrade got separated as they both quickly got surrounded by an uncountable amount of monsters.

Wasting no time, Julius quickly rushed to punch a dragon right on the face but the attack was barley dodged by the dragon. Before the dragon counter counter attack, a shadow monster came in between them and punched Julius from the top to which Julius put his hand up above his head to block the attack and succeeded in his goal.

"This is going to be a lot more difficult than a thought," Julius thought to himself as before he could even finish he thoughts, he was swarmed by dozens of tigers as they all attempted to bite him at the same time.

"Get off of me!" Julius yelled out as he pushed every single one of the tigers off of his body with an angry face.

Tired of getting bombarded by an endless amount of attack, Julius began to throw punches in all direction as that way, any monster which would come near him would get instantly killed. Although it was a dumb plan, it worked as those who couldn't see what Julius was doing careless leaped towards him only to be killed with a single punch.

Seeing as they couldn't take care of Julius with their bare fists or claws, the monsters began to activate their secret arts as Julius was now getting hit by long ranged attacks such as those who could control whole tsunamis, thunder storms, fire tornadoes and all sorts of varying attacks. Any attack which could be thought of was used against Julius.

"Oh so is that how you want to do things here? So be it then, say hello to your endless hell," Julius said with an angry smirk.

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

<<Secret Art: Thousand Blades>>

Julius continued to summon an uncountable amount of blades. Even when all that could be seen from the naked eyes through out all of the empty void where blades, Julius continued to summon them while yelling out each time. Even though he was starting to get a headache from all that yelling, Julius didn't stop.

"I'm tired of just being a punching back for you idiots! Just because you have the numbers you think that you can continue to attack me without consequences?! Then welcome your doom! Not a single one of you here will walk out of this alive!" Julius yelled out as he prepared to make every single one of those blades rain hell onto the beasts. However before that could happen, a certain figure stepped up.

It was a pretty small shadow figure who walked calmly even though it looked to be the end of the battle and it was about to die. Without making so much as even a single expression, the monster leaped up in the air before lightly pressing its index finger on of the uncountable number of blades.

<<Secret Art: Spreading Rust To Dust>>

Just like the name of the secret art stated, rust began to take over the first blade that the shadow monster touched before it finally consumed all of it and turned it into dust that disappeared into nothingness in the void. Next, 2 of the blades began to get consumed before turning to dust as well. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, the number of blades which were getting consumed by the rust continued to double as the speed which they rushed increased as well. Within just a few minutes, every single one of the blades which Julius had summoned turned into nothingness.

"What the hell! Why can't I get even a single win here?! They have a counter to everything I have. No matter what it is, they have it here! I guess this explained why no one expected me to go through with the plan. It's a death trap," Julius said as he fell on his knees from realizing how hopeless he was. Soon, Julius began to laugh as he was losing his mind. Even so, he began to get swarmed while the monsters tried to be the first ones to kill him.

"I guess this was too much for him to handle. It would only make sense though, he doesn't know how to use any form of real magic and can't bend it to his will. I guess this will be all left for me," said the glowing white figure as it continued to create many magic circles which caused the beasts to change shape, decrease in size, explode and things of that sort.

"So this will be the first and last time I'll lose a fight. Seriously, and right after I got Liz back. Wait a minute, I can't lose this, I just got her back, I don't have the option of getting defeated! If my secret arts won't work, I'll just make one that will!" Julius said to himself.

"Secret Art: Beat The Hell Out Of Them!"

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