Hero Cultivation

Chapter 152 - Smoke

"Is this what hell feels like? No matter how strong any one of us is, they just keep getting taken down by him! Is there really no hope for us to defeat him?" one of the monsters asked as they watched Julius tear apart their comrades before he made his way to the one who had stated those words.

"You seem to be quite talkative, maybe you would like to talk with your friends once you see them in your next life!" Julius said as he took another life like it was nothing.

The battle of Julius and the glowing white figure against all of the secret art scroll monsters that were stored inside the library of the limitless went on for what seemed like ages as neither side was willing to give up. Not that they had the option of giving up in the first place.

However after going on for so long Julius had once again began to slow down as each punch was taking more out of him than he wanted. Instead of being flawless in his dodging, Julius was now getting hit a couple of times before he killed another monster.

"You see! We were right, he'll eventually run out of energy! He can't keep up with our numbers. Charge a him with everything you've got!" a large dragon told the other scroll beasts.

"Damn, even after the speech I gave and with all that bragging, I still couldn't defeat them. Am I really this weak? Even after clearing the endless dungeon and gaining countless monster cores, I'm still useless. Wait! Monster cores! How could I forget about something so important?!" Julius said as he unveiled the last thing he had in his arsenal. The final weapon which would decide his fate of if he would die or live.

<<Special Trait: Raining Arrows>>

Just as the name of the special trait trait stated, it allows Julius to summon an endless number of arrows which fell from over the heads of the monsters as they pieced them.

<<Special Trait: Forest Bloom>>

Using this special trait, Julius was able to create a forest much larger than any he had ever seen before. One which had trees and bushes which moved to Julius' will as they turned and twisted while straggling his enemies before finally killing them.

<<Special Trait: Smoke Screen>>

Julius took a deep breath before exhaling. However unlike a normal exhale, this time when Julius did it, a large patch of smoke began to merge with the crowd of monsters which caused them to run into each other while causing havoc since they were looking for Julius but they couldn't catch him due to them not being able to see anything in the smoke.

"It's time! You've all fell for it, you're going to burn in hell!" Julius yelled out to the crowd which was still in confusion.

<<Special Trait: Bite The Dust>>

Julius unexpectedly literally took a bit of the smoke, however this caused a deadly affect. With the sound of his teeth clicking and making a sound, a large explosion took place as the smoke screen which Julius had set up exploded. Due to its large range, Julius was miraculously able to change the tides of the battle once again as he wiped out an outrageous amount of monster all in one attack.

"Nice one Julius! Don't give in! We're almost there," said the glowing white figure as he cheered Julius on through the battle while he himself wasn't having any difficulties at all.

"Got it, I've got this under control," said Julius as he prepared to use the same special trait combo once again.

<<Special Trait: Smoke->>

Julius had began to speak but was cut off as a skinny shadow monster leaped out of no where and kicked Julius on the chin, causing him to lose focus.

Before Julius could even process what had happened, let alone counter attack, the shadow monster disappeared and once again kicked Julius but now so that he would get pushed to the side. However that wouldn't be enough as the shadow monster disappeared once again before kicking Julius on the head, causing the prince to fall face first onto the ground of the empty void.

This exchange of attacks went on for a few more seconds before Julius grew exhausted of being a punching bag and decided to fight back.

Julius finally caught a kicked before it landed on his face and held on to the shadow monster's foot for dear life. There was no way Julius was going to let an opportunity of a life time pass him.

"You seem to be pretty quick on your feet, how about we fix that?" the bloodied Julius asked as he snapped the foot of the monster which he was holding on to. For a couple seconds, all that could be heard was a loud screeching sound of the shadow monster's yell of agony.

"Oh it seems you didn't like that very much. It's too bad it's about to happen again," Julius said with a smirk as he grabbed the other foot of the shadow monster before shattering the bone of it without a moment of hesitation.

The shadow monster continued to cry out in pain and suffering with no one coming to answer is call for help as it was a war where everyone would fight for themselves.

However there seemed to be at least one monster that was willing to have a heart as it thought about helping the shadow monster. It was a monkey that was very hesitant about the decision. However after debating with itself for a while, it decided to step up to help the weak shadow monster.

"You must think that you're pretty strong if you believe that you're enough to save him," said Julius as he teleported past the crowd of monsters as he appeared in front of the monkey which took a single step.. In the moment, the monkey's soul basically jumped out of its soul as without a second wasted, Julius grabbed it by its shoulder using his left palm and punched the monster's head with his right hand, in turn instantly decapitating the monster and allowing the dead body to fall into the empty void.

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