Hero Cultivation

Chapter 161 - Tomorrow

"Why does my head hurt so much. I feel like it's going to burst out of my head," Julius said as he woke up from his deep slumber from having to experience such pain.

When he had woken up from his slumber, he realized that he was in his comfortable bed meaning that he was back at the kingdom which his father ruled over. When Julius turned to his side, his vision was a bit blurry but he could see a figure sitting on the chair which Liz usually sat on to read him stories.

"Oh I see that there's someone in that seat. Going by the events which happened last time and now that the figure looks like Liz, it must be Jun! My eyes must be playing tricks on me!" Julius thought to himself as he thought that he was a genius to figure something like that out so quickly after waking up.

"Hi there Jun," Julius said in a calm and collected voice while expecting to be congratulated for figuring out who was sitting on the chair. However instead of Jun speaking to reply to Julius, a familiar gentle lady voice was the one that replied.

"Sorry prince Julius but Jun isn't in this room right now. It's only me that's here. I apologize if that disappoints you," said Liz in a formal tone.

"Plus you shouldn't think of girls you like to resemble old men," Liz said in a whisper just so that Julius could hear her.

"Uh- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that the last time I thought it was you who was sitting on the chair, it was my master Jun. Please don't take offence by what I said, I was just trying to seem smart," Julius said quickly as he lifted his body off the bed so that he could apologize properly to Liz, only for him to go back down as he couldn't bear the pain any longer. Hearing Julius words made Liz giggle as she couldn't believe what he was saying as it was nothing like the fabled demon or one man army he was known to be. 

"You must think I'm pretty pathetic. Laying on a bed, not even able to move for a small second. I'm sorry couldn't present myself in a better way to you," Julius apologized to Liz to which she began to get serious.

"You know Julius, before you reached the age of 14 and began your training, you used to be so much more elegant in the way you did everything. You were the definition of perfect. There was nothing that was out of your grasp. I think that was why I was so hesitant about accepting your confession. It was because to someone like me, that version of you was unattainable. You didn't seem real," Liz began to speak.

"Even now, you're still far away from me, if not farther than you used to be before. However there is one clear difference between the you 4 years ago and the you that's here now. The difference is that you get injured. You have weaknesses. You're not afraid to admit your mistakes. Julius, even if you're still unattainable for me, at least I have something to grasp at," said Liz with a smile before heading out of the room so that Julius could rest.

"Man her speeches are amazing. I wish I could come up with something like that. If I could, I would have her head over heels in love with me. I guess I can't have everything this world has to offer," said Julius as he went back to sleep since he felt accomplished with himself. He could finally take a little break.

"What's up Julius, I heard that you woke up from your slumber. Wanna go to a kingdom with me? Apparently they're having a cool celebration there," said Jun as he barged into the room with a casual tone and without a care in the world right after Liz and Julius had their conversation and Julius was about to go back to sleep.

"Life isn't fair," Julius thought to himself as he began to cry from feeling sorry for himself.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are your injuries from your battle still hurting you? You must be pretty weak," said Jun in a casual tone.

"Oh you're right. I forgot that you were the strongest creature on this entire planet. I wonder why you didn't bother to help me fight all those monsters even though you were clearly near by," said Julius in an irritated tone while mocking Jun.

"If I had came into the battle, it would have been over too quickly. I mean I would steal all the spot light and you would never get to enjoy being the hero for once. I've already been seen as the saviour of the world too many times, I've gotten tired of the title so I'll just pass it on to you. Of course you'll never be as good as me but you'll have to take what you can get," said Jun with a sharp reply to Julius' mockery. Although both of them knew that what Jun had said was false, it was a pretty good come back to Julius' insults.

"Anyway, how are you doing? Are you almost completely recovered?" Jun asked his student in a casual tone.

"Why are you so obsessed with me getting better so soon? It's only been a day. It's not like it's my birthday tomorrow. I still have plenty of time to do whatever I want," Julius said to Jun with a casual reply.

"Oh so you must not know then. It truly is a shame. You still believe that you've only been asleep for only a single day. How amazing it must feel for you to be go ignorant," said Jun with pity in his eyes.

"Just get to the point already, I'm tired of waiting in suspense," Julius said in an angry tone while speaking to Jun.

"Julius, you've been asleep for a lot more than just a single day. Your birthday is in fact tomorrow," Jun broke the news to the prince.

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