Hero Cultivation

Chapter 17 - Jade

"Do you want to explain why you did that before I kill you or after I kill you?" said Julius as he looked at his master with his anger filled eyes.

"Just saying but you have no hope of killing me in the shape you're in right now," Jun replied.

Although Julius wanted to bring up how he could just call upon his father and the royal guards, he didn't say anything about them. While he had grown up with a snobby mindset, he had begun to change as he didn't rely on others to fight his battles. Instead, he wanted to do things on his own instead.

"I guess you're right for now old mad, but just you watch, I'll just keep getting stronger. But seriously, why did you tie me to a wooden pole then continuously beat for most of the day? I thought you were already insane but now, you're taking it too far," said Julius which was replied by Jun with a proud sigh.

"I guess you still haven't learned anything. You fool! Look at your defence status points now," said Jun with a proud grin.

[Defense: 300]

"Oh great master Jun. I shall never doubt you ever again for it is a sin upon sins. You who have graced me with your knowledge are far too kind as I am undeserving of your generosity," said Julius as he got on the ground to praise Jun.

"There's no need for that. As long as I can watch you grow at this rate, I won't be needing any thank you's from you," said Jun as he made Julius stand on his feet once again.

"Anyway, we should start going back inside now, it's getting quite late now. As for tomorrow, I have. a big surprise for you!" said Jun with an excited face.

"More training which seems like actual abuse then you reveal it was for my own good?" Julius asked sarcastically.

"Nonsense! You dare doubt me!" Jun scowled at Julius.

"Of course not. My apologies master," Julius replied before going inside.

Once inside, Julius laid down on the futon once again in preparation for his night time training. Although he had been constantly training all day and night with minimal food and no sleep, Julius looked to be in great shape other than his bruises of course.

"I guess he forgot about eating, not that there's any food here since neither he nor I went hunting today. However, don't fret my genius disciple, soon enough you'll be able to enjoy the life which you had grown so accustomed to," Jun said to himself as he watched Julius attempt to cultivate through meditation while also attempting to sleep.

Although he had been expecting Julius to fail many times, that did not happen that night. In fact, Julius had managed to accomplish the task in his first try. He neither broke concentration nor did he stop cultivating and go to sleep. However, just in case Julius would at some point during the night happen to fall asleep completely, Jun stayed up beside his student and watched over him until the sun began to rise.

Just as the sun finally completely rose, Julius got up from his slumber and woke up to the crying Jun. While it was supposed to be comforting, Julius just found it creepy and jumped back.

"Why are you crying? Did I fail that badly?" Julius asked.

"No my genius student, in fact you excelled all my expectations. You didn't even wake up once from your slumber. You cultivated all through the night without my help," said Jun as he wiped his tears.

Julius couldn't believe what he was hearing. If that was true, he would no longer have to stress about both methods of cultivation. All he would have to worry about would be just one of them since he could accomplish the other one in his sleep.

"Quickly Julius, check your information tab for cultivation through meditation," Jun demanded and just as he always did, Julius followed his master's instructions.

[Julius Henry]

[Rank: 1]

[SP: 820/1000]

Hearing how much SP Julius had gathered, Jun just stood there and stared at his student with awe. By now, Julius had gotten the gist of what everything meant and how he should perceive them. Nevertheless, his reactions were always lacklustre.

"No way, that's so cool. I'm almost rank 2," said Julius as he was still happy that he was close to a rank up.

"You imbecile! This is an accomplishment worth celebrating throughout the entire world! Try to show a little gratitude to whoever was stupid enough to bless you with such an unfair advantage over all of the rest," Jun scowled at his student.

"Whatever old man. What happened to the surprise which you said you had for me?" Julius asked impatiently.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. Follow me outside," said Jun as he walked outside towards his enormous backyard which acted as a training ground.

"I guess it's time for more training," said Julius with a disappointed watch.

"Just shut up and watch," said Jun as he began to close his eyes and faced his palms forward.

<<Secret Art: Jade Dragon>>

A gust of wind began to overwhelm Julius and was forced to grab on to whatever he could so as to not be sent flying off the mountain. In that case, it was the corner of Jun's house which he held on to for dear life as the wind continued to grow in strength.

While this went on, a glowing figure began to emerge out of Jun's palms as he continued to increase in size while going towards the sky. Once it got out of his master's palms, the wind stopped and all that was left was a giant dragon which looked to be 50 metres long which glowed green and had a golden tail.

Just looking at the massive monster brought fear into Julius's heart. It could have easily killed him if it wanted. However, the dragon instead brought itself down on the backyard even though most of its body hung off the mountain top.

"What are you waiting for? Get on already," said Jun.

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