Hero Cultivation

Chapter 175 - Intellectual Battlefield

"Yes I am prepared to make the move. I've been gathering power over the past 4 years in preparation for the event that's going to take place soon. I hope you all are ready as well," Julius stated to everyone in the room who just gave a simple one strong nod in agreement that they were fully committed to giving everything they had to help Julius with his plan.

"Then let us head out!" Julius said as he planned to take charge and lead his men and woman into the battlefield to conquer the world.

"But I have to take a break first," said Julius before going back to sit on one of the couches that was in the room.

"Uh- are you sure you have the time to be relaxing king Julius? It would be best to strike our enemies while they're still not prepared for battle. We would have the clear advantage as we have been prepared for multiple years already. We can just head out right now and crush all of them before they know it," said Liam as he advised his king.

"It's alright. There's no need to panic. After all I'm the strongest," said Julius with a smirk.

"That doesn't even make any sense! You're just saying that to you with us! We need to attack soon or we'll lose the battle before we even know it! It doesn't matter how strong of person someone is. If there are the right amount of numbers, they could take that person out without a hitch," Liam replied with a panicked expression as the king which he had met while Julius was in his calm and collected state which he put up as a facade had turned into a lazy sloth who liked to move everything last minute.

"Okay then, answer this. Who would win in a fight, a trillion lions or the sun?" Julius asked. Even though it was a stupid analogy, it could be applied to the situation they were in.

"Huh? What does that have to do with what we're talking about now?!" Liam asked.

"It has everything to do with what we're talking about right now! You said that with just enough numbers, a group can defeat a single strong person right? So answer this, who would win in a fight between a trillion lions or the sun?" Julius asked once more after explaining in depth what he meant by the question he had asked just a moment ago.

"I see but it's still a stupid analogy. Anyway, in this case the sun would win as even if the lions covered the sun, they would just die instantly after making contact with the sun," Liam replied with a quite a sensible answer however the other subjects also had their own thoughts to add.

"What about the blood that gets released while the lions are getting killed by the sun? Wouldn't that just cause the sun to cool down and die out much quicker?" Spike asked which was a reasonable thought.

"No, I think you're both wrong. The lions would never even reach the sun in the first place. Before they could make contact, they would just either combust or burn to death from the heat. Since they would die from a distance, the blood cooling down the sun wouldn't be a valid idea either," Rosie added to the conversation before turning towards Julius and blushing. Seeing this reminded Julius of the short time he had spent with Rosie and caused his face to turn a bit red as well.

"Well let's say for the sake of the argument, the lions were able to make contact with the sun. They would be able to cool it down with their blood eventually right?" Steph asked before he turned to face Julius. In that moment, Steph as well blushed just like Rosie.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT?!" Julius asked in a yell after remembering that Steph who looked more feminine than even Rosie was a male.

"But we have to also account for how realistic the situation would be. As such, wouldn't it make more sense for the lions to start off the battle from a far off distance since they wouldn't be able to magically teleport towards the sun and attack it all at once?" Dae added on.

"If that's the case then the lions would also need to wear space protective gear. That would at least give them a little more defensive capability so that they could approach the sun even more. We also have to account for the possibility that they might use each other as meat shields to protect the rest of the group from the sun, that way, they would definitely be able to reach the sun and attack with full force," Knight added to what his brother had said.

"Well I think you're all going about this the wrong way. There's a much simpler answer to this question. How much pee could the lions produce? If they all peed on the sun all at once, they could probably extinguish it without a single casualty. That would get ride of the problem of them being too close to the sun after all," said Stevan with the smirk.

"I see that you've all been left speechless by my amazing idea. You're probably asking yourselves why you hadn't thought of that idea on your own. Now you'll be left to regret your stupidity for the rest of your lives," Stevan continued to brag.

"Should we tell him?" Rosie asked as she whispered to Spike.

"No. Let's leave him be for the time being. Let him soak up all the stupidity that just escaped from his mouth. Maybe that will teach him a lesson or two," said Spike as he stared at Stevan who was laughing arrogantly.

"I think you're all mistaken. This entire question is meaningless unless you create a ratio to where our king would be the sun and the enemy would equate to the lions. Since we can't do that, we're just answering a pointless question.. In the end, all that matters is that we believe in our king," Ian finally spoke as he brought an end to the debate.

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