Hero Cultivation

Chapter 180 - Rosie Vs. Wilson

While Liam was in his battle with Steward. The next member of Julius' attack force had arrived at their destination. That being the kingdom of war hammer that was ruled by king Wilson. The fight which would be fighting Wilson was no other than Rosie herself.

"I see that the great kingdoms have evolved and changed so much over the past 200 years. It's a shame I wasn't able to watch it grow. However now I can watch their destruction before my king rebuilds them from scratch," said Rosie as the ruby dragon which she was riding on top of also crashed into the castle that Wilson lived in.

Just like Steward and the other 6 rulers, Wilson was already wearing his golden armour which gleamed the colour orange as the buff man carried his large war-hammer and began to approach Rosie.

"So you must be the king of his kingdom. I'll be the one who's going to take you on in battle!" Rosie announced with confidence only for all of that to be shut down by Wilson's following words.

"Please leave this kingdom. I refuse to battle against a female, no matter who they are or who they work for. I just can't battle a female warrior as I fear that I might cause too much damage to them," said Wilson as he did a quick bow of apology so that Rosie would leave him alone.

"Huh? You've got some nerve underestimating a subject of king Julius! I'll make you regret those words!" Rosie yelled at Wilson with a clearly angry tone as she prepared to cast a secret art.

"I feared that this would be your decision. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do. Don't worry though, I'll make it quick," said Wilson as he activated the special trait of his weapon.

"This should be easy! How dare he mock me and call me weak just because of my gender?! I'm going to make him pay-" Rosie began to say in her head however all of he thought were brought to an abrupt stop as the special trait of Wilson's weapon had managed to make direct contact with Rosie's body. In turn causing the same incident which happened with Julius when he had underestimated the power of Wilson but on a worse level due to Rosie not having the defensive capabilities which Julius had.

Rosie's entire left arm along with the left side of her rib cage had been completely broken.

"What the hell was that?!" Rosie asked in a desperate voice as she couldn't comprehend how a man like Wilson was able to inflict so much damage on Rosie.

"Please forgive me, I really didn't want to do this to you. I even hoped to kill you in a single attack but that didn't work. I apologize for what I'm about to do but I'll make sure to end this battle right now," said Wilson in a sad tone as if he really didn't want to hurt Rosie. Wilson's attitude for never striking a woman was passed on to him by his own sister who made sure to engrave that ideology upon Wilson's head.

"Oh hell no! I'm not about to get hit by an attack like that again! I rather die than have to experience that hell once again," said Rosie as she moved her right hand forward which hadn't been broken before casting a secret art as quickly as she could as it was the only way she would survive, let alone defeat Wilson in the state she was in.

<<Secret Art: Thunder Flash>>

With no weapon in hand, Rosie began to move around the room which Wilson and her were in as if she was a fly that couldn't be caught by a mere child.

"So you've chosen the path of running away? I'm afraid I cannot let you escape after what you've done. I'll have to take your life today-" Wilson began to speak but was stopped as what seemed like a knife was pointed at his neck. However upon closer inspection, it was no blade but was the hand of Rosie that looked capable of easily decapitating Wilson.

"Give it up. You've lost," said Rosie as she began to breathe heavily from having broken so many bones and lost so much blood as she felt herself get weaker by the second.

Luckily for Wilson, he noticed the slight weakness that Rosie was showing and took full advantage of that as he quickly pushed Rose far away from his body before slamming his war hammer into the floor of the room his was in. In turn causing the entire floor of the castle to crumble down to the next floor.

In doing this, Rosie lost her balance and fell to the ground of the second floor as she laid face first on the rubble.

"It's over for you. The first attack I managed to land decided your fate. There's no way you can come back from such a disadvantage. I'm sorry to tell you this but you'll be dying here today," said Wilson as he lifted his hammer over his head and prepared to slam it onto the body of Rosie.

"Dammit! Why did I have to be so arrogant?! Now I'm going to die here as the only person who probably failed their mission! Why am I so weak! I won't be able to even look king Julius one last time… king, Julius!" Rosie yelled out as she instantly moved away from Wilson's hammer with his left side of his body still being broken. Even so, Rosie's eyes were opened wide as if she had just woken up from a wonderful dream.

"I need to win this! I need to win this so I can look at my king once again!" Rosie yelled out as she leaped towards Wilson with what seemed like to be an upcoming headbutt.

"I still have my golden armour, with this, even if she lands an attack, she's be the one suffering more damage," said Wilson with a grin.. However right before Rosie's attack landed, she vanished from Wilson's sight.

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