Hero Cultivation

Chapter 182 - Ian Vs. Astaroth

"Now, FALL!" Spike announced as his bloodied body looked up to face the clearing of the castle which had a crack on it due to Spike crash landing with the dragon that allowed him to travel to Sandra's kingdom.

"Did you hurt your head that badly? There's nothing that could possible fall-" Sandra began to speak right before getting cut off as a large blade which was several times the size of her body fell from the sky and broke into her castle which created another hole in the ceiling of her castle.

Without giving Sandra any time to react to what he had done, Spike allowed his blade to fall from the sky and land directly where Sandra was standing. Unfortunately for her, that would be her doom as there was no time for her to react and due to how powerful of a secret at the one which Spike used was, it was over for her. No matter what she did after that, it wouldn't matter as the blade would make direct contact with her body.

Spike's enormous blade fell in less time than it would take for Sandra to blink her eye. As such, it was over for her.

After the blade fell on Sandra's body, Spike simply began to walk away from the scene as he already confirmed his victory.

Spike Vs. Sandra

Spike wins.

The next member who would be going into their battle would be Ian which was headed for Astaroth as that was who Ian ended up heading towards. Of course Ian would have no idea on who he was fighting since Ian had never or spoken to Astaroth in his life.

"That's pretty odd, I guess he must use a trident as his weapon of choice," Ian thought as he stared at the seemingly uncountable amounts of flags where all had a trident symbol on all of them. Of course each of the other kingdoms had the same type of decorations to them but they weren't noticed by the other members who went to take care of the kings and queens of the great kingdoms.

"I better end this quickly and join but with Julius again so that I can be present when the real war starts," Ian told himself in a confidant tone as he directed his dragon to fly towards the castle like building in the kingdom he was sent to kill the ruler of.

Without even bothering to question if the glass or the rubble of the castle would hurt him, Ian instantly dived inside the building while crossing his hands as if he had no fear in his heart as to what happened to him. He was confident to a point where nothing seemed to bother him. Although that shouldn't be confused with arrogance as Ian was far from arrogant. He didn't think that he was going to win, Ian knew that his victory was guaranteed.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Some random soldier that just wandered in out of nowhere? You must be one of Julius' underlings. How unfortunate for you. Your leader truly thinks that a gang of kids can just wander into the nine greatest kingdoms on the face of this planet and just kill all of their rulers? Even if you are still children, you must have some common sense, or at least enough to make you understand how hopeless your cause is," Astaroth said in a calm tone as he began to belittle Julius, Ian and the other members of the main attack force that was sent out to eliminate the 9 kings and queens of the their respective kingdoms.

Astaroth himself was dressed in the same golden armour which all of the other kings and queens wore. As for him though, the engravings on both his armour and weapon where neon blue as the mimicked the ocean in broad daylight.

As for Astaroth's weapon, Ian was correct in his assumption as Astaroth's weapon of choice was really a trident which was constructed with the same gold that was used to make all of the great ruler's armour and weapons as well.

"Wow, that's a lot of talk from someone who hasn't even gotten the chance to battle me. Well, I guess actions speak louder than words. I'll just take care of this quickly," said Ian as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

<<Secret Art: Temporary Immobilization>>

"I'll just explain every single one of the secret arts that I'll use since you really can't do anything to defend yourself from them. I mean, like you're not on my level. This isn't meant to mock you, you're just not that guy," said Ian.

"This first secret art is meant to stop any type of movement which would happen. As such, you won't get a single change to attack me," Ian explained.

<<Secret Art: Binding Chains>>

"This next secret art is used to make it so that these chains which are currently wrapping around you hold you still for a while even if you manage to break out from the previous secret art," Ian explained his second secret art which was starting to make evident how hopeless it was for Astaroth from the start.

<<Secret Art: Divine Blade>>

"Lastly, this is the final secret art that I'll need during this battle. You should just give up on all your hopes and dreams. You now have no way of escape. I've sealed you in here and you'll soon die. It was truly unfortunate for you that you had to come into contact with me, maybe if only you met one of the others, you would have had more fun before you died. Although things like this happen and the best thing to do right now is just accept it," said Ian before turning back around to face his dragon so that he could leave the kingdom and head towards Julius and help him when it comes time to face the armies of the great kingdoms.

"You're funny kid, I have to commend you for your seemingly unbeatable attack sequence. However it has a major flaw," said Astaroth with a smile.

"Special trait:-"

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