Hero Cultivation

Chapter 199 - Thee Prodigy

"Although from what u said previously, the family which Henry comes from isn't entirely bad. The first member from their family to ever take power did it by force meaning that he killed off the entire royal family and also became unquestionably the strongest in the kingdom which meant that no one could argue with him as he was now the real king. Although you might have been expecting something amazing to happen, nothing special after that took place. After taking power, that man who took the title of king by force simply lived a peaceful life before getting married and having children of his own which they themselves had children of their own as well," Duke-Drake spoke which seemed to have caused a shift in Julius' emotions as his face seemed rather bored and no longer interested.

"Nothing interesting happened for quite a while actually. The cycle of kingship continued to be passed on throughout the family until something happened. A single child was born 14 years before the Great War. That child was also part of the ruling family that controlled one of the 10 kingdoms at that time. That child was believed to be a prodigy. Not just a prodigy but instead, thee prodigy. He was assumed to be perfection itself. A single flaw could never be found on him. If the word perfect was in the dictionary with an image beside it, the image would depict that child," Duke-Drake continued to speak again which now seemed to have grasped Julius' attention once more.

"You see, that child was thought to be the person that would bring peace to the world. He was a perfect child that had good manners, talented and did as he was told. He was a machine that would bring peace automatically to the world. However those who thought of that child as that couldn't be more wrong," said Duke-Drake.

"The day in which that child turned 14, he killed his mother, father, siblings, royal guards and everyone who tried to get in his way. The child didn't have anything off about him as if he was getting controlled by an evil spirit or anything. In fact, he couldn't look more natural. It was as if the mask had been lifted off his face. Next, that child went on to declare that he was the new king of that kingdom. Within just a few days, he forced the other 8 kingdoms, all except the 10th kingdom or the first kingdom as it was known at that time. Although that child wanted to take control over the first kingdom, he couldn't as their forces were nearly double that of the combined forces of the 9 other kingdoms. However that 14 year old child was not the type to simply give up so easily. As such, the child declared war upon the first kingdom and unleashed his full wrath into the people of that kingdom. With the combined forces of the 8 other kingdoms as well as his own kingdom, the 14 year old prodigy managed to somehow come out victorious in that battle. In the final moments of the war, the child lifted the head of the leader of the first kingdom high in the air for all the people to see. With that, the battle was brought to an end. However unlike what most people believe, the people who somehow managed to survive the war from the first kingdom's side ended up being assimilated with the 9 other kingdoms," Duke-Drake explained.

"However the prodigy couldn't leave his mark in history being that he killed so many all for the purpose of feeling powerful. As such, he rewrote history in which the 10th kingdom would be considered evil and magic would be rebranded as secret arts. It's quite the tale. However the people of the original first kingdom were not happy with how the battle ended and ended up resenting the world due to the outcome of the battle. One of those people being a predecessor of the old man who gave you that pill. If you remember before, I told you that there were those who saw the war coming and decided to train right? The predecessor of the old man who gave you that pill was one of those people. In fact, he was one of the people that participated inside the war and was a huge factor of it due to him being such a powerhouse. However after the defeat of his kingdom, he cursed the prodigy child every day. However he knew that he would be no match for him, as such, he formulated a plan to get back at the child," Duke-Drake said which with each world caused Julius' eyes to widen as the story was reaching its climax.

"Due to the predecessor being under watch nearly all the time, he wouldn't be able to train as it would risk the possibility of him getting too strong and being able to defeat the prodigy. As such, he decided to focus on another type of magic that would not be seen as harmful in the least. That being observation magic. A type of magic that was really only useful for long ranged attacks since vision wasn't really that important in battle as long as the attack landed with minimal vision would have allowed for that. However that was not the goal of the predecessor. What he sought was for the ability to see into the future. It was quite the stretch to believe that a magical ability that increased one's vision would allow them to tap into the future however it was worth a shot as the predecessor had nothing to lose.

Seeing as that he wasn't training his body to master a particularly dangerous magical spell, the guards allowed him to do as he pleased which was a fatal mistake as the predecessor would in fact receive exactly what he was looking for. That being the ability to see into the future.. The reason why he wanted to do this was so that he could bend the fate of things in the universe so that the prodigy would face quite the painful death however what the predecessor would find out was much worst than he could ever imagine," Duke-Drake said which simply killed Julius with suspense.

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