Hero Cultivation

Chapter 204 - Eyes

Julius' eyes opened wide once again as he finally awoke from his state of slumber only to find that he was completely surrounded by not only Henry's group but also his own comrades which gave him a somewhat distasteful look as if he was a disgusting pig. 

"I hope you enjoyed your little nap because from this point forward, we'll make you experience true hell," said Henry as he looked down at his son which was still laying on the ground with the most bored and blank expression.

"So you think this will be easy huh? Okay then, just lay down there and lets see if this battle will be as easy as you believe it will be," said Henry with an angry smirk as he wanted to be taken seriously but he also knew that after Julius experienced some of the attack power which his own comrades would throw at him, he would quickly change his mind about being so arrogant.

"Go, kill him," Henry commanded. Of course he didn't want them to kill Julius and only wanted them to injure him to the point where he wouldn't be able to resist. Due to the way in which Henry's secret art worked, that message would be conveyed to his new subjects even though it wasn't said by him and was only intended. 

The first person to rush towards Julius was Steven which was already in the mood for battle. However due to being under Henry's secret art, he decided to use that ambition on Julius instead of for Julius.

"Oh, I guess this should be fun. Although I should probably take extra precautionary measures," said Julius who in reality was Duke-Drake operating the body of Julius.

Instantly, Julius' hair turned white as it once again pointed towards the sky. His eyes turned sad while their colour changed to the same as Julius' hair. A white jumpsuit that gleamed began to cover Julius as if he was wearing a superhero suit.

"I should technically be taking this seriously, however Julius has gone through far too much. Maybe it's time I take care of him for once. I'll allow him to rest for a bit. Just until he can gather his thoughts and be in condition to take over once again. As for now, I should have some fun," Duke-Drake said to himself as he looked at Steven who was still charging towards him.

"Oh no, how unfortunate. I would have loved to kill you right here and wipe that arrogant look off your face but under Julius' rules, I am not allowed to do that. So be grateful as you will leave this place alive. Although I can't guarantee that you'll be great shape after I'm done with you," said Julius with a smirk before moving towards Steven. With both of them approaching each other, they would meet sooner than expected.

Steven reached his arm forward as he prepared to punch Julius' jaw but that came to an abrupt stop as Julius simply brought a single finger, that being his index finger, forward before lightly tapping Steven's hand. 

In what could only be described as a literal instant, Steven's body stopped moving completely as the time warping effects of the white form which Julius took on was activated so that it would only affect Steven.

"What now? Where did all that confidence go? You can't attack me anymore. How does it feel to be nothing more than an object that's at the mercy of their opponent? Must be feeling pretty pathetic," Julius mocked Steven before spitting on his head and moving forward towards Henry.

Seeing what Julius had just done which should have been nearly impossible. Henry began to lose his cool as he couldn't think of a single way to defeat an opponent which had complete control over the way in which time operated.

"Please just calm down Julius, there's no need for you to go that far. Let's just sit down and have a talk for a moment," Henry offered as he could sense that if Julius laid his hand on him for even one second, Henry's life would be ended in a mere instant.

"Don't worry Henry, let me take care of this," said Jun as he stepped up in front of Henry to take on their common enemy. That being Julius.

<<Secret Art: Jun's Judgement-

Jun began to cast his own heaven tier secret art however before he could finish, he was brought to an instant stop.

Seeing as Jun was attempting to cast a secret art, Julius gave a serious look before leaped towards him at insane speeding before landing a devastating punch right to Jun's jaw. Although Jun was such an old man, Duke-Drake didn't even care for half a second as he had the intention to murder him before Jun could even say his final words.

"I see, so it's come to this. I know who you are," Jun said to Julius as he stared deep into his eyes as he realized that the person who he was facing was not Julius but instead another entity.

"You're not Julius. You're the other entity which resides in his body. Julius would never have the guts to kill me. I taught him everything he knows. He learned everything from me or learned it because of me. I am his real father figure. After all that was how everything was planned. The only person whom I work for is Henry. Yet, even though he knows that, he doesn't have the will power needed to kill me," said Jun as he let out a sinister laugh. However this was not taken in a negative way by Duke-Drake.

In fact Duke-Drake himself began to laugh even louder than Jun as he had some news to inform Jun about. When Jun would eventually learn about that information, Duke-Drake knew that it would leave him speechless.

While laughing, Julius quickly moved towards Jun and punched him in the jaw once again so that he would be knocked down onto the floor.

"You've got it all wrong all man. I'm not doing this because I want to. It is because Julius himself ordered me to do so," said Duke-Drake as he allowed his sinister grin to appear.

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